Game Informer - 10 Signs That You May Be A Neurotic RPG Player


December 3, 2008
I'm probably guilty of at least a few of the 10 mentioned points and I have the feeling I'm not alone with that here on the Watch.

Every active quest in your journal nags at your soul
Most quests fall into two categories: The ones that you’ve completed, and the ones that stare at you, piteously, taunting you with your inability to complete them. ...

You will not rest until every inch of the map has been uncovered
Once I finally make it out of town, things don’t get much better. Actually, they get worse. When I pull up my map, I look at it like a larger version of the town map. It’s some kind of fractal nightmare. If there’s a fog of war-style haze obscuring my vision, I’ll methodically walk in a pattern like I’m mowing the lawn, in the event that I’d miss something. I rarely do. Ugh.
Actually, scratch that - I'm guilty of all the points. I guess it's time to create the RPGaholics Anonymous.

More information.
Dec 3, 2008
Every active quest in your journal nags at your soul

For this reason, I absolutely hate it when quests are automatically entered into my log after a conversation or discovery without my actively accepting them.

Every time I kill an elf in Skyrim now, I get a little dialogue box saying "harvest their blood for dark magic??" No! I'm not going to harvest people's blood for dark magic! I don't do that kind of thing!

I'm also constantly being reminded to meet the Dark Brotherhood's recruiter guy somewhere.

I would never do these things. And yet as my quest log would have it, these wildly out-of-character quests are just unfinished business that I haven't yet gotten around to. Extremely irritating.
Jan 30, 2012
San Francisco
I escaped the following:

You will replay a boss encounter over and over again at the prospect of getting marginally better loot

I don't bother with this ever really.

Autosaves are a foe as vile as any demon lord

I like autosaves personally.
Oct 13, 2007
Yep, I'm guilty of about half of these. I don't care about my house, except for looting it of every item that has value :), love autosave, and don't really care what my character looks like...if I'm playing a male. The rest of the points I'm quite guilty of, especially restarting over and over.
Oct 18, 2006
"I can’t help but feel ripped off when my [waterfall] exploration leaves me empty-handed."

Pah, how often does that happen? 1 in 20 times?? It was even less than that before Skyrim came out. (Too many waterfalls to populate in that game!)

"Autosaves are a foe as vile as any demon lord"

I'm pretty certain he's talking about games that JUST have auto-saves, which I also despise.

"You’ll talk everyone’s ears off – multiple times – for fear of missing out on dialogue"

One thing I really despise are RPGs where some NPCs have multiple things to say and some don't. Every time there's any change in the world you have to talk to a ton of them just in case the dialog changes for one of them, giving a vital hint! I don't care if it breaks immersion, give me SOME sort of indicator when an NPC has something new to say please.

"You’ve given more thought to decorating your in-game house than your actual living space"

Well, that's true, but mostly because I barely think about my actual living place's decorations.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Every active quest in your journal nags at your soul

Yes. But why wouldn't it? That's the whole point of the game, to do quests. If you fail a quest it's a little fail, like a softer fail-state than death, but a fail-state nonetheless. Or it represents content you have yet to explore. I must admit, I've learned to not care about trash quests though in recent years (hard to describe but an experienced player knows when they see one).

You will not rest until every inch of the map has been uncovered

Totally. But why wouldn't you? it's content, why would you ignore content? I did laugh when he said about clearing the fog is like mowing the lawn though, that's a great way of describing it for the methodical mindset :D

You can’t walk past a waterfall without first seeing what’s behind it

I have no idea what this is about, seems to be a Zelda reference, I've never played Zelda. You can normally get the gist of where a game hides loot and treat each game independently with regards to avoiding hunting-every-inch.

If an item isn’t nailed down, you’re going to take it with you – even if you’re not playing as a thief

Of course. That's what it's there for. If the game actually employs a realistic crime mechanic I likely wouldn't though, but if they did that then that loot would have to be very strictly controlled to useless for fear of making the rogue OP anyway.

No barrel, crate, or table will escape your smashing

It's funny, because in my current game there's this shit all over the place. Again, you get used to which types are likely to hold something and the crappier ones tend to get ignored more. Normally though, of course, why wouldn't you, that's what it's there for.

You have no problem losing hours of progress if you suddenly realize your created character is ugly

Nope, never. Dude must be doing something wrong.

You will replay a boss encounter over and over again at the prospect of getting marginally better loot

Not in any cRPG I've played. Diablo-clones, well, obviously, but other than that, nope.

Autosaves are a foe as vile as any demon lord

As others have said, not a problem. It's a only a problem if it's the only save option. But if it was, you'd still get used to it and play accordingly (if you chose to buy a game which had such a mechanic, of course).

You’ll talk everyone’s ears off – multiple times – for fear of missing out on dialogue

Nope. My biggest problem is I shut convos down too quickly. I can only cope with so much pointless option clicking before start losing the will to live. Some games do it better than others.

You’ve given more thought to decorating your in-game house than your actual living space

No. Way too recent a phenomenon for me to have ever had this issue. If the game offers me gold-plated window frames from an easy to click menu paid for by an excess of loot-gold, then, yeah, probably, who the F has gold-plated window frames IRL…
Nov 1, 2014
Well I guess I am....might explain the 200 plus hours on D:OS as there is a lot of things to smash and check.
Apr 2, 2011
They did forget that you will replay a game to see what the out come is if you make different choices.
Apr 2, 2011
Things like this are the reason that I'm almost seven hours into Dragon Age Inquisition and haven't left Haven yet.
Jun 9, 2009
I'm guilty of most of those. I've played Gothic 1-3 and crawl over every inch of map I can. Same with FO3 and most of FO:NV. I don't really care what my characters look like or auto save. But I do a save before every encounter or opening containers, just in case something goes wrong.
Jan 23, 2009
You’ve given more thought to decorating your in-game house than your actual living space

Going back to this one has since reminded me of the time I played Divine Divinity. You remember how, for the first chunk of the game, you were enclosed in the small hamlet and given this wooden room as living quarters - Well I hardly sold anything for the entire time I was in the dungeons. DD had this great mechanic where if you left stuff lying on the floor it stayed there indefinitely.

So each time I cam back from the dungeon with a full inventory I'd put everything on the floor that I thought I might keep and mull over - because in that game you don't specialise immediately and have lots of switching options. I clearly remember getting to the point where, upon entering the room, I had literally no floor space to walk on and if I moved even one pixel I'd pick something up.

It was at this point that I'd have a clean up. Though I can get to that point in real life sometimes, I have to say I tend to be more considerate of my real life environment than I was of my in game environment in that game :greengrin:
Nov 1, 2014
I haven't been a completionist since teenage years, tbh.

Now waterfalls... that's a guilty pleasure
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