Gothic 3 - Final Community Patch Released!

How and with what would I replace the font? Is the replacement available online somewhere? I have XP64 as well as Vista. I had no problem with vanila G3 once I used the dual core patch.

Why do you want to fix it if it's not broken?
Aug 30, 2006
I was assuming that if I used the new patch I might have a problem based on earlier posts. Therefore, I wished to be prepared.
Aug 31, 2006
It's great for me. I've seen one crash when I use my mousewheel on the worldmap, otherwise stable. It's not superfluid.. but it's superfluider :)

I had that same exact crash. hint to others: don't use your mousewheel on the world map. :O
Mar 8, 2009
All in all, the changelog is incredible, I can't wait to play G3 with the 1.7 patch. I'll definitely play with the AI swith activated, but I'm not too sure about the "Alternative Balancing" switch. There's a few changes in the AB that I don't agree with.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
So, with this patch, should I make G3 my next RPG? I have very limited time to play these days, so It's this, Drakensang, NWN2-MotB, or one of the many classics I still want to play, probably either Vampire: Bloodlines, or Planescape: Torment (which I played a bit with a friend but not all that much). The Gothics I and II are among my top ten games, but I held back on getting 3 after all the bad press it got. Do you feel it's up to par now?
Oct 18, 2006
By reading the changes list it's clear there's an attempt to change the fights. I doubt I'll get back fights of G2+NOTR but I'll give a try to this patch a day just to see that point. The lower story density than in G2+NOTR won't change but perhaps performance in some town will improve. Ha well, the fights have been the real point that disgusted me from G3.
Oct 14, 2007
So, with this patch, should I make G3 my next RPG? I have very limited time to play these days, so It's this, Drakensang, NWN2-MotB, or one of the many classics I still want to play, probably either Vampire: Bloodlines, or Planescape: Torment (which I played a bit with a friend but not all that much). The Gothics I and II are among my top ten games, but I held back on getting 3 after all the bad press it got. Do you feel it's up to par now?

you dont have much time? then play drakensang!

ps . planescape torment requires alot of time due to the complexity of the game.
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
Play 'Em

So, with this patch, should I make G3 my next RPG? I have very limited time to play these days, so It's this, Drakensang, NWN2-MotB, or one of the many classics I still want to play, probably either Vampire: Bloodlines, or Planescape: Torment (which I played a bit with a friend but not all that much). The Gothics I and II are among my top ten games, but I held back on getting 3 after all the bad press it got. Do you feel it's up to par now?

Wow, you have some good games to be finished. You definitely need to quit your day job matey and play some game! :D

All of them are good games, except NWN2. And all of them takes +40 hours to finish. Both Drakensang and Gothic 3 are very long games, +60 hours or so.

I had Gothic 3 on my shelf literally covered in dust for two years. Now I was truly amazed how much it has gotten better. If you like G1&2, you will like Gothic 3: Enhanced Edition (as it's called after 1.7 patch). Hardly no bugs at all, good melee combat, a huge and very authentic world and good storyline.
Mar 9, 2009
I got about an hour into it yesterday, and... hear hear. This CP has finally taken the great game that was always lurking in there somewhere and gently brought it out into the open.

I started a game. With alternative AI and alternative balancing and...

...It looks better.
...The music is more varied and adapts better.
...It performs more fluidly.
...It has real character specialization (AFAICT -- I haven't gotten far enough to actually *experience* this yet.) And best of all...

...The combat is no longer a brute-force button-mash; you have to watch what the other guy is doing and block, jab, slash, thrust, or power-attack based on that.

No, it's not Mount & Blade, but then only Mount & Blade is Mount & Blade. But it does turn melee fighting from a required chore into something that actually complements what the game is really about. I would not have believed that it's even possible without doing a complete ground-up redesign of the system, but lo and behold, it was -- and all it took was some fundamentally minor tweaks to the AI and the damage model. Now all those combat maneuvers that the game allows actually *mean* something; you need to use them to get anywhere.

In fact, they're so much more fun than they used to be that I'm considering making a classic swordsman build instead of a mage after all. Haven't decided yet, though.

I wouldn't go quite as far as to say that a new classic was just born, but this certainly makes G3 a worthy successor to the Gothic series -- which amounts to almost the same thing. It certainly puts the enhancements in The Witcher's Enhanced Edition to shame. Huge respect to the folks who made this, if they happen to be reading!
Oct 19, 2006
I've been really unlucky regarding the new CP. I'm getting constant "Where's the Guru" crashes. It's running pretty smoothly with everything on max, but for the annoying crashes. I have to save very very often in order not to loose a lot of game-time. But it's very stressful, and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm going to give it up. It's too annoying to play the game, knowing it might crash anytime. :( Damn it. :(

And I've no idea why. I'm running WinXP x64, not Vista, and my hardware is up to date. So why? :(
Jul 31, 2007
GhanBuriGhan: With the games you listed and not having much time I would recommend Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. That is a very good game that doesn't take long to finish compared to the other games on the list. You should get wesps patch since by default (how I first played it) it has some really bad bugs but those are fixed in the patch.
Oct 19, 2006
GhanBuriGhan: With the games you listed and not having much time I would recommend Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. That is a very good game that doesn't take long to finish compared to the other games on the list.

Took the words right out of my mouth. :)

@Prima Junta - Really that good huh? Damn, I'm more than 2/3 through G3, I REALLY didn't want to start over. :thinking:
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I got about an hour into it yesterday, and... hear hear. This CP has finally taken the great game that was always lurking in there somewhere and gently brought it out into the open.

I started a game. With alternative AI and alternative balancing and...

...It looks better.
...The music is more varied and adapts better.
...It performs more fluidly.
...It has real character specialization (AFAICT -- I haven't gotten far enough to actually *experience* this yet.) And best of all...

...The combat is no longer a brute-force button-mash; you have to watch what the other guy is doing and block, jab, slash, thrust, or power-attack based on that.
In one hour you learn the new fight system, you are quite more skilled than me. After more than one (less than two) hour I'm not sure what it really changes but well i need more time to learn the fighting and have a feeling.

Myself I quoted more stuff I don't like at all, like attempt 5 chest picking lock and lost 5 lockpick, I hate the new random here, solution is a boring reload.

But the worse was the new companion scheme, he get attacked by enemy camp, anwful change. The fix is worse than the original bug and for the logic I wonder why then the hero is allowed to wanderer freely anywhere.

If I remove the AB because I dislike a lot some gameplay choice I wonder what I'll get in final. Ha well, as usual I have the feeling that when it comes from fan or when it's free work then suddenly the result is marvelous and shines.
Oct 14, 2007
I find kind of a exploit from combat with a bow, though it doesn't work against animals.

Keep walking back and load your bow. As soon it's loaded (string is thight), fire an arrow towards your enemy and start loading the bow again. Now while you are walking back, enemies try to hit you with heavy-smash (hold left mousebutton attack) but they miss always because you move.

In this way, I managed to kill cave full of bandits and their leader Ortega. It worked even against multiple opponents with alternative balancing and AI on. Only opponents with long-reaching weapon like halberd managed hit me occasional.
Mar 9, 2009
@Prima Junta - Really that good huh? Damn, I'm more than 2/3 through G3, I REALLY didn't want to start over. :thinking:

Yes, really.

Version 1.6 isn't *bad* by any means, and of course 1.7 doesn't introduce any new content to speak of, but it just feels "right" in a way that G3 never did (but that G2 managed so well). It does feel like a bit of a chore to rack up enough LP's to get anywhere again, but definitely worth it.
Oct 19, 2006
In one hour you learn the new fight system, you are quite more skilled than me. After more than one (less than two) hour I'm not sure what it really changes but well i need more time to learn the fighting and have a feeling.

It's not that hard, really; you just have to watch what the other guy's doing instead of going mash-mash-mash. I'm not an invincible combat master by any means -- I do get a scratch or two in arena fights -- but yeah, I have the hang of it, more or less.

Myself I quoted more stuff I don't like at all, like attempt 5 chest picking lock and lost 5 lockpick, I hate the new random here, solution is a boring reload.

No, the solution is to improve your thief skills. I very much like this change -- it makes that skill set actually mean something too.

But the worse was the new companion scheme, he get attacked by enemy camp, anwful change. The fix is worse than the original bug and for the logic I wonder why then the hero is allowed to wanderer freely anywhere.

Awful? I thought the previous system was awful -- you could walk right into a rebel camp with an orc companion in tow, or vice versa. That just doesn't make any *sense*. Now you have to tell your companion to wait in the woods.

If I remove the AB because I dislike a lot some gameplay choice I wonder what I'll get in final. Ha well, as usual I have the feeling that when it comes from fan or when it's free work then suddenly the result is marvelous and shines.

And I get a feeling that you prefer brainless hack-em-ups to games that actually challenge you, attempt to be realistic within the constraints of the reality they create, and try to push you out of your comfort zone.
Oct 19, 2006
So, with this patch, should I make G3 my next RPG? I have very limited time to play these days, so It's this, Drakensang, NWN2-MotB, or one of the many classics I still want to play, probably either Vampire: Bloodlines, or Planescape: Torment (which I played a bit with a friend but not all that much). The Gothics I and II are among my top ten games, but I held back on getting 3 after all the bad press it got. Do you feel it's up to par now?

Mar 8, 2009
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