[Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

RPGWatch is not the only voluntary job I'm working on… and of course there is this time consuming real job ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Hey, my real job is only costing me 40 hours a week at the moment, so I feel like I'm on vacation....almost.
Oct 18, 2006
Okay, here goes:

Dungeon Guardians is a RTwP game with a party of four, made of three classes.
Well 3 classes with 3 variants so far. The rogue is yet to come. For instance, you have a warrior class but it can be a man at arms, a paladin, or a protector. The two starting skills are different depending on which of these you choose.

I started the default party and it has 2 warrior types, a healer, and a mage type. I think the goal is to find the 15 escapees or their remains. It looks just like Grimrock; at least to these uninitiated eyes. I don't typically care for these types of games, but the graphics are crisp and the lighting is really good for an indie. The monster models are kinda hit and miss. Most monsters seem low-res compared to the surroundings.

There are 7 difficulties and the jump between each seems significant. I'm a wimp, so I'll play on stroller or explorer. I don't care for combat at all in these types of games, I just like to explore the maps and play with the puzzles. For those who love tough battles, you can try Crusader and then back down till you reach a level you can survive. On Crusader, the first monster killed my whole party :)

The controls are more fluid than I remember the first Grimrock's being. You have mouse-look and you can move by pressing forward and using the mouse to turn left and right. You can just use the keyboard too. Key bindings are configurable, that's a plus. I think you can use the number pad and/or wasdqe by default for movement.

There are a ton of typos all over the place, so it needs some editing still, but it is understandable enough to get by. I'd say that anyone who enjoys the Eye of Beholder/Legend of Grimrock type of dungeon crawlers should pick this up. It should be right up your alley.
Oct 18, 2006
a native English speaker will check all the texts once the Rogue will have been added.

Even in Crusader, it shouldn't be possible to lose more than 1 toon during the fight (and even 1 is not likely). You may have either :
- got only 1 toon selected and ignored the warning of the tutorial telling you to check your selected toons
- tried to circle dance around the skeleton, which is often inefficient in Dungeon Guardians

What Quality settings did you choose for the Rendering ? Normally, the monster details are about same than the environment (except for a couple of bosses).

I hope you'll get more into the game and do a full review..! :)
Oct 2, 2015
hmmm, I didn't explain that well. A wall texture is relatively simple to make look good. A skeleton, which has 105 bones all of different sizes and shapes, is much more difficult to make it look good. That is where FDG kinda fails. The skeletons look okay, but the less complex items look much better.

Back to the preview: Leveling up is pretty nice. There are several trees/class and you only get one point to spend. It is probably wise to stay mostly in one tree, especially as a melee class. You'll have a spare point to spend every so often, so you can splurge when that happens.

By trees/class I mean that even though you're playing a Paladin, you can take a man at arms skill or a warrior skill. As far as I can tell, you can't take skills from the other main classes, just your subclass. A Paladin cannot take a Rogue skill, for instance.

If there seems to be interest in this thread, I'll keep posting impressions. If nobody is playing this, it doesn't make sense to waste time talking about the game :) It seems stable and playable already and is worthy of a look. I know most folks like to wait until release and that's still a good idea. As I said earlier, there are a ton of English mistakes, but not so bad you can't figure things out.

I had a party wipe by the boss on level 1, on Explorer, so I think the difficulty could be dropped some more. I had all four people attacking but the dude was hitting for 80 damage/swing. I'm still not sure, if my skills are firing. My tank did the agro thing, but died in the 2nd round and the rest went very fast after that. Note, I suck at these things and tend to get frustrated very quickly if I die on the easy settings. There is a save anywhere feature, so I don't have to play the whole map to re-fight the battle.
Oct 18, 2006
not much people are playing the game now, but I'm sure some of the forum readers will be interested to know what you have to said about the game..! (at least, I am :p )

I confirm you can get any talent from within the same class only, not from the other classes.

For the boss, there's a special tactic to follow to kill him. One of your team members explained it to you before the fight. If you skipped the dialogue, you can read it now in the Dialogue Log ('L' shortkey). If you follow it, you'll see it'll be much easier to down the boss, and also it should make the combat more fun..! ;)
Oct 2, 2015
Yeah, I didn't understand what the dwarf meant. It sounded like they wanted me to strafe, but the dude moves the same time we do and also attacks that same round.
Oct 18, 2006
as explained in-game, you have 1st to interrupt Stunning Light, else you won't be able to move during Monumental Swipe.
Extra tip : do not step back before the boss start to cast Monumental Swipe, else he'll move after you.
Extra tip#2 : move forward right when Monumental Swipe cast is over, so the boss won't come to you and you won' be stuck against a wall later on.
Oct 2, 2015
Game will be released on Steam on November 6th !

Steam Store Page => http://store.steampowered.com/app/409450 .

The ManaGames.com version already has 2 out of 3 of the Rogue Specializations.
So now it's only missing :
- last Rogue specialization
- proofreading by a native English speaker
- French & German translations

Oct 2, 2015
Guys, I played the EA version and while I didn't get many questions about the game from this site, this game is a no brainer for anyone who enjoyed Eye of the Beholder or the Grimrock games. Very similar, but with its own strengths. This isn't even my type of game at all and I enjoyed playing it for several hours.
Oct 18, 2006
bought it directly from the website and it's a lot of fun indeed.

but... it's not derived from a turn-based system like Eye of the Beholder. If you don't like MMO-like clicky combat, you won't get a kick out of it (even though there's a pause function).
Thanks for the updates, crpgnut. I decided to take a chance on this and picked it up on steam today. Definitely sounds like my kinda thing.
Apr 13, 2012
bought it directly from the website and it's a lot of fun indeed.

but… it's not derived from a turn-based system like Eye of the Beholder. If you don't like MMO-like clicky combat, you won't get a kick out of it (even though there's a pause function).

Yeah, that is why I choose not to buy it. The conbat looked way too much MMO, I and do not care for that.
Dec 20, 2010
Yes, if it was turn based it would be a no brainer for me, but as real time... For those playing it I would like to know if combats would be interesting for anyone pausing as often as to make it as close as turn based as possible.
Aug 11, 2009
I'll try to contact GOG next week and see how it goes. It'll take a few weeks to settle everything, I guess, if it works.

I pause all the time when I play the game.
If you pause even more often than me and feel it makes the fights too long, you can easily lower the HP of the enemies in the difficulty settings to reach a more enjoyable experience.
Oct 2, 2015
I'll try to contact GOG next week and see how it goes. It'll take a few weeks to settle everything, I guess, if it works..

Awesome. I just bought another game and I need to exercise some personal restraint but I do plan on buying your game! It looks great from the screenshots. Of course screenshots can only say so much but it sounds like there's a good game here... Thank you.
Sep 8, 2009
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