Grimoire - Wishlist Drive for Version 2


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Grimoire will get an update:


The second release of Grimoire at the one year anniversary of the game's release is progressing well! Brand new inventory workshop (see and sort all items, now apply all special crafts for classes) is done and extremely helpful during gameplay, almost changes the whole experience! In addition to new regions, new NPCs, new story lines, new enhancements to gameplay and two new title screens!

Many players have complained about the high initial price of Grimoire compared to other roleplaying games on Steam. We are considering a major price discount at the release of V2 and you can help decide what it will be!

Before we release V2, we will set the sale price according to the wishlist volume on Steam according to the figures below!

Permanent & Sale price reductions at launch of V2 :

  • 10K Wishlist = $29.95, Sale Price $24.95
  • 25K Wishlist = $24.95, Sale Price $19.95
  • 50K Wishlist = $19.95, Sale Price $9.95
  • 100K Wishlist = $9.95, Permanent & Sale Price
-> WISHLIST COUNT as of 25/08/2018 : 36224

If you want lower the price permanently on the Steam store both for V2 and any future updates, you can help by getting your friends to wishlist the game and encouraging other Steam users to wishlist it. This is a chance to make the game affordable permanently for diehard fans of turn-based old skool roleplaying games!

Keep watching this page for further updates on our progress on V2, it is going to be even more awesome than the first release of Grimoire - if that can be imagined !!!
Thanks henriquejr!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
I have it wishlisted it when it came to Steam. Although, atm it still seems to be too buggy and not documented well enough to jump in.
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
I understand the presumption but i wonder at the wisdom. My guess is they presume that most wishlist will be converted into purchases and so it is safe to reduce the price due to volume sales. My question as someone interested in data is how many wishlist normally get converted into sales vs how many wishlisters due to these contests actually result in sales.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
"Grimoire manual is coming next friday!" (August 15, 2017)
Cleve the Troll king, lvl 38. I wouldn't be surprised he keeps posting fake news just to get a kick from reading the comments section.
Jul 31, 2017
I usually buy my wishlisted games. Around 90% I would say. I even placed Grimoire on my wishlist, for the years of entertainment talking about this game, gave me. Not sure I would buy it, but if the price was right, I may.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
On 24th July, 2017 Cleve announced on Steam:

"I have decided it is just a nice thing to do for people who have been waiting years to play my game if I offered a 10% discount on the game during it's first week. After this ends, I want to assure anyone waiting for the game that Grimoire will never, ever sell at a discount at any time it is on the Steam store ever again. I won't permit it to be sold below it's retail value for any reason. I am too proud of my finished product to permit it to be turned into simply another commodity in a Steam sale. If Valve ever decides that sales of the product no longer justify it having a page then I will move it to another venue - but as the author I will never offer my game at a discount again anywhere (…)"

Note: the underlined parts are on me.

As I said to HiddenX yesterday, when I sent him the link, I knew Cleve's announcement that "the game will not get any further discounts ever" wouldn't sustain. Of course it wouldn't. Every game gets discounted sooner or later. It was so obvious he couldn't sustain such "promise" that I haven't bought the game, only to prove him (and myself) that I would get it legally and discounted down the road. Yes, I have it wishlisted now, after he announced this wishlist program (by the way similar to Bard's Tale IV Barrows Deep one).

And Cleve, I will buy the game only when it reaches 100K Wishlisters, aka $9.95. As they say when playing poker, "All In !! "
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Nov 15, 2013
I don't quite get all this wish list stuff, when I want a game I simply go buy it or wait for a sale, but I'm reminded that this one is due another play through, I quite enjoyed the first romp.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Grimoire 2.0. Not much longer now, guys.
Nov 8, 2014
I bought this when it went on sale at Christmas, and have found the first 10 hours pretty enjoyable for a Wizardry 7 clones, I know its supposed to be more unpolished as one goes, so we'll see how much I like it midgame. If anyone has any questions, shoot.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
How accessible is it? Are the systems self-explanatory?

Have you played Wizardry 7 or Eliminage? If so that's a good start. I'd still say there are a lot things not self explanatory. Many systems become evident when your characters first reach level 2. When you level up you can put points in attributes and skills and get a tooltip that explains how they work. Before that you are just wandering around trying stuff out. For example you can cast the detect secrets spell, and also character who have scouting can find a secret. I noticed messages that my characters noticed something, but missed that the detect secret symbol (an eye) was winking at me when it found a secret, and so I missed a secret door early on this way. How spells work is somewhat different that Wizardry, which for me was confusing to start. There are a number of guides on Steam for character creation and starting tips, and since there is no proper manual, which were very helpful for me. There is also no tutorial. The first recruitable NPC you run into is very powerful, and I think the developer put her in there for "beginners," to help with pretty much anything.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
I don't quite get all this wish list stuff, when I want a game I simply go buy it or wait for a sale, but I'm reminded that this one is due another play through, I quite enjoyed the first romp.

The main reason I wish list games is I get an email that tells me when they are on sale. Games that I don't buy right away and am on the fence about get wish listed. Also, some games that need patching I will wish list so I don't forget about them.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
"Grimoire manual is coming next friday!" (August 15, 2017)
Cleve the Troll king, lvl 38. I wouldn't be surprised he keeps posting fake news just to get a kick from reading the comments section.

We have been working hard on the game's current rating because of this!!

WISHLISTED for the very same reason. :D
Mar 21, 2013
Like many others, I wishlisted Grimoire just to follow the drama surrounding the game, which was in abundance. I've played other Wizardry-like games though I just can't see myself getting into Grimoire. Something about the interface and graphics just turns me off. =/

I normally wishlist games for the release and sale notifications or just to keep track of games I have some interest in to see how they progress.
Mar 11, 2018
I'll wishlist it. I'm not sure I'd like to try the game for more than $10. Not sure I'd pull the trigger at that price, either. :p
Sep 16, 2010
Since he never finished the promised manuals, doesn't that mean he still owes his crowd sourcing backers printed manuals and other materials? Seems to me that should be his priority.
Nov 12, 2010
Since he never finished the promised manuals, doesn't that mean he still owes his crowd sourcing backers printed manuals and other materials? Seems to me that should be his priority.

That's just Cleve being Cleve. I'm honestly surprised the game came out at all after so many years.
Mar 11, 2018
First version wasn't quite what it should have been, I gather. I'm not even talking about "The Incline!" - but about just being a really good Wizardry clone - which it apparently only succeeded at partially.

That said, according to some people who completed it - it came reasonably close. So, I suppose this is worth keeping an eye on.

Now we just have to see if it's out before Star Citizen ;)
Since he never finished the promised manuals, doesn't that mean he still owes his crowd sourcing backers printed manuals and other materials? Seems to me that should be his priority.

According to his last Steam post on the subject, the manual (if it ever surfaces) is supposed to be digital and integrated directly into Grimoire, sort of like the help function in many computer programs.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
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