Help looking for a new game


July 1, 2010
I just found this forum and its giving me plenty of good reading.

I played nwn online quite a few years ago and tried nwn2 for a while but now they seem to have died off quite a bit and im having trouble running nwn2 on Win7.

Im wondering if anyone has some good ideas of any online rpgs that i could get my teeth into? Ive played all the big mmo's, EQ2, AoC, WoW, Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, DDO, HellGate London (which i would still play if the servers hadnt gone down) and LoTRO, but i need something different and more like nwn.

Ive been thinking about Ultima online, but im not sure if its still running.
There is a new mmo called Mortal but that seems very hit and miss at the moment.
Ill give anything ago, even if the graphics are rubbish as long as its fun.
Jul 1, 2010
You might look into Minions of Mirth. It's a one-time fee Online game with less than stellar graphics. I had fun with it for several months before Oblivion came out and took my gaming life with it. I'm not an online player but I played online on this game because the community was so cool. This was several years ago, but the game still exists as far as I know.
Oct 18, 2006
Forums seems to be dead over there, ill give it ago anyway.
Jul 1, 2010
Unfortunately, DDO is probably the closest thing you'll find to NWN. My regular NWN online group switched to DDO a few months ago and while it is different, we're all enjoying ourselves with it.
Aug 31, 2006
sorry about the forums, bushmins. I was at work when I suggested the game and didn't have time to see if the game is still relevant. It probably isn't. Maybe you can join Corwin and his cronies over at DDO :D
Oct 18, 2006
Hmmm, something odd is going on. Neverwinter Nights 2 should run just fine under Windows 7. Or are you talking about some online version of that??

As for online RPGs, I've got to point to City of Heroes. They really know how to put a game together. I played the behoovies out of that game for five years and I'm still playing off and on. The sidekick system is an absolute joy - no more worrying about levelling past your friends or falling behind and getting stuck in some stupid grind to try and catch up. The battles are fairly fast without being a click-fest and the graphics are still pretty good, even after all these years.

You can snag a free trial here:
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Its the normal nwn2, i got some errors with direct x which then mucked up my graphics drivers, i found some fixes on the net but all seemed a bit long winded. There just isnt enough online to make me want to sort it.

Makes me sad when i think of how good Dragon Age or Drakensang could have been online like nwn. It odd, there was such a massive nwn following online and they let them all go!
Jul 1, 2010
Only online games or offline also ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Im after something online, got plenty of sigle player games.

I was enjoying Ultima Online last night but its a bit too dated, gives me a bit of a head ache with the graphics.
Jul 1, 2010
Okay, then I can't help you, due to my lack of experience with Online-RPGs.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
sorry about the forums, bushmins. I was at work when I suggested the game and didn't have time to see if the game is still relevant. It probably isn't. Maybe you can join Corwin and his cronies over at DDO :D
They pretty much died when the founders left to work on the Torque Engine for Garage Games and sold Prairie Games to the guy who owns it now...

Expansion seems to have died as well when they left as there hasn't been any real news since then...

MoM's alot like the original Everquest as it was intended to be.

As to MMO's, you might want to try Guild Wars instead which is also a one time fee, unless you want some of their microtransaction things(not much useful IMO), but they don't seem to be necessary to me. I have it and play it now and again finishing off quests here and there, and there seems to still be a decent player pop, but be warned it's really a PvP oriented MMO as the max level is 20 and is fairly easily attainable leaving hunting for loot like an ARPG.

Beyond that, dunno, never really got into MP with either NWN1 or 2. Actually never really got hooked on 2 at all as the camera drove me nuts and the official campaigns weren't all that exciting. Still haven't bother to get Zehir, and it already looks to be dead from a premium module standpoint as IIRC only one was ever released...

Just a thought, you could try Drakensang, but it's SP only yet did remind me alot of NWN2 but with better camera and it uses The Dark Eye ruleset(German PnP RPG).
Oct 26, 2006
I loved Drakensang, took a while to get it working but it was a breath of fresh air. Cant wait for the next one to get translated.

Ive played Guild Wars and tried it again but decided to wait for Guild Wars 2 before i go back in.

Ive decided to try DDO again, im using the free version and hopefully ill have a good time.

I had a look at nwn1 and 2 online and found there are many many more people playing the first one, which doesnt surprise me in the least.
Jul 1, 2010
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