how old are you? and how often do you play?


January 14, 2011
I'm almost 40, and besides lack of time to play(family,work etc) my appetite for games has significantly diminished.

so it could be an age thing, or that its normal because i have way more important priorities in life, but I'm interested in knowing how it is for you guys(or girls, if any)?

I can usually play a few hours per week, once or twice per session.

but in divinity:OS i've invested alot more time, so it could be the quality of the game as well.

i guess my question is- how old are you, how often do you play a week, and how was it before you've become "elderly".

also, it could be i'm a minority here. in that case, ignore and i'll get the hint.
Jan 14, 2011
I'm 50, no kids, not much family, lots of work and I play a couple hours a night and a lot more on the weekends. It goes in phases though. I might skip a month because I'm in "book" mode instead of crpg mode.
Oct 18, 2006
38 (for a few more weeks). I have a 3yo and a 1 month old. Wife isn't a big fan of my gaming, but she's come to accept it. Sadly, I am lucky to get half an hour of time to myself at the end of the night and its been going on like that for about 3 years, so I don't game as much as I used to.

HOWEVER, I've been wanted a tablet for a long time and nearly broke down and got an iPad last year. With games like BGEE and Avadon being released on it, seemed like a good compromise despite my hatred for all things Apple. Was saved by the MS Surface Pro though. Got a 1st gen on sale right at new years for less than an iPad. With the stylus, I can do just about anything most games require that have a modern interface. So now, during my commute, I game while on the subway (about half an hour each way).

So I'm getting a solid 5 hours or so each week now. Not as much as I'd like, but as much as I can expect until my kids get old enough to no longer care about my existence! :) (I'm told that the older one will be there in a couple years, which makes me sad)
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
I'm 68 and retired. Can't tell you about before becoming "old" since I didn't start playing games until I was over 50. Anyway, I play 2-3 hours a day consistently and have for the last 15 years.
Oct 18, 2006
by the sea
Age: 45
Family: No
Work-time: too much (8 hours/day)
Play-time: way too much 1-3 hours/day (for the last 32 years)
Other Free-time (nothing to do with games): 1-3 hours/day
Oct 18, 2006
I'm now 40 with no family.
My work days are 7 hours with a non paid lunch hour.
My playtime varies from 0 to 5 hours a day depending on how I feel.
I can be weeks without playing too.

PS : There is a thread somewhere here that is close to this one.
It's called something like Talk to us about yourself. It might be stickied.

PPS : Here it is. It's not stickied after all.
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Oct 31, 2006
Icewind Dale.
42 with wife and two children.

Work regularly up to 12 hours a day, and play mainly in weekends for about 10 hours (when the children go to sleep).

I also play on ad hoc basis for 1-2 hours when I get tired from staring at the computer screen after many hours during the week.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
29, married, no kids.

College student so I have a fair amount of free time though it hasn't been invested in gaming too much of the last month which is unusual. I can usually tear through I game that really grabs me over several days (assuming it's 40 or more hours).
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
Well I will be 50 next month and I play more now then my 20-40 years. Primarily because I was younger and more active - was off doing things outside, with people, working long hours, etc.

But can't lift anymore which freed up a lot of time as I don't spend as much time at the gym and stay up later at night.

On the other hand I can't pull all-nighters like I sometimes did when younger playing MMO's. My eyes and hands/wrists can't handle it.

Game time is very heavy on the game. When I am playing a game I like then maybe 1-2 hours during work week at night and 3-4 each weekend day, maybe more if a really good game.

Also depends if MMO or if a game like Skyrim which has external connections. For example I can spend 16 hours easy on a weekend working on Skyrim related stuff - writing stories, ENB coding, modding, and playing. Right now I probably average 20-24 hours a week on Skyrim related stuff.

When I played DAO I played about 10-15 hours a week, maybe a bit more. MMO's would depend on how much I was into it.

Work, Dog, Chores and some exercise come first - whatever is left is for game or game related activity. I also try to fit in reading at least one book each month.
Jun 4, 2008
Im 45 with a wife, a 20yr old daughter, and a 17 yr old son. Full time 40+ hour job as a database manager. I play just about every day when we arent away from the house, mostly at night for a few hours. However, I have noticed that most of my play time has switched from CRPG's to strategy games, where in the past I was almost exclusively a CRPG and Sports Sim player

I started dating my wife when we were 17 so she knew what she was getting into :) She will sit on the bed going through Pintrest or reading a book while Im conquering the world in Civilization or clearing another dungeon
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Oct 21, 2006
The Hudson Valley, NY
I'm 29, no wife, no job, no responsibilities.. :D

I go through phases where I game heavily, sometimes all day if I'm really engrossed in something, but then it kind of wanes after a few weeks or a month or two and I slow down, eventually getting to the point where I don't touch a game for awhile and find another hobby to keep me busy.

Then, after I've recharged my batteries, it's back to RPG gaming .. :)
I'm surprised most people are much older than I thought, though I guess those types of players would be overrepresented in a thread like this.

I'm in my early thirties, with a wife, and two very young children, a 21 months old son, and a 6 months old daughter.

My interest in games is indeed diminishing, but I think it's because I'm becoming more discerning with what I do of my time. I feel like I don't want to deal with mediocrity anymore. If I'm not grabbed very quickly I stop playing. I still have a lot of interest in the medium.

I play relatively regularly, though part of it might be due to my having no interest in TV whatsoever.

I used to play on consoles but I bought both the PS4 and Xbox One and they are more or less collecting dust, unplayed for months. I might play some Japanese handheld titles though.

I refuse to get any kind of tablet and especially not for my children even when they are older. I want to raise them with proper taste in PC games.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
26, not married or in serious relationship.
I work around 6-7 hours per day.
I spend around 2-3 hours per day playing games and around 2 hours reading.
Also I either play basketball or drive bicycle ,if I friends I play basketball with are busy, regularly.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
I'm surprised most people are much older than I thought, though I guess those types of players would be overrepresented in a thread like this.

It's a RPG forum after all, i'm not the least surprised.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I'm 28, not married, but in a serious relationship.
I've also got a 40 hour workweek as a software developer, but I constantly feel bad about not spending more time doing development in my free time. I constantly feel the need to improve, keep up with things, so I do my best to use all my spare moments reading development books/blogs/articles. I think this article rings very true with me.

But lately, I've not been able to do this, as I always get home too tired to do anything like that. So, I game to relax, but lately I've had quite a hard time finding games that really capture my attention like they did when I was a teenager. So I jump around from game to game, to watching movies, to basically just wasting time sometimes. Sometimes I'll lay around just playing some casual game on my tablet, with Friends/Seinfeld running in the background.

But sometimes I do get a burst of appetite for gaming, like I did with The Last of Us. My gaming backlog is huge, but I'm starting to think I'll never get around to finishing most of them. Maybe when I retire, and will have plenty of extra time.
Jul 31, 2007
I'm 48, with hubby and son (10). I used to game a lot back in the days, but not anymore. Most of my gaming time (usually about 8 hours per week) is gobbled up by casual games, or I'm recruited by sonny to help with Minecraft. I've never been much of a cRPGer to start with ... found iso3D games horrible, mostly. ME3 and FO3 are still in their boxes on my shelf, untouched. They must be the last cRPGs I bought, and there are more untouched games there, like DNF.

On weekends I do some MMORPGing, andt hen there's the occasional week when a new game comes out I'm actually interested in, like Thief ... then I game a lot more. Back in the stone age I spent most of my week playing 1st person shooters, and I often return to those for a quick fix.
Aug 31, 2006
nice, didn't expect that much answers, but as said, the genre speaks for itself.

my question to you all, does it bother you that your gaming time diminished, or that your appetite is also less?

I guess everyone here would like to have more time to play games, but I remember when i was jobless and had *too* much time to play(MMO, replaying RPGs) it didn't help me feel happy. I guess I'm saying that i think my "appetite" is more narcotic in nature than real fun.
Jan 14, 2011
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