Risen 3 Impressions after completing Risen 3

I think it's a problem in Skyrim too. Unmodded Skyrim doesn't have enough variety, especially for the size of the game. Too many draugr and too many minions :) I'd also like a 2nd tactic in Risen to go along with rushing and interrupting your attack. Maybe long distance shots from rifles, a mage spell that travels more than 5 feet, etc. I was happy to finally finish a PB game though. I could see myself replaying this game at some point in time too, though not in the near future.
Oct 18, 2006
I'd also like a 2nd tactic in Risen to go along with rushing and interrupting your attack. Maybe long distance shots from rifles, a mage spell that travels more than 5 feet, etc.

Yeah, I agree that there wasn't enough variety in enemy tactics. Oddly enough, that's one aspect that was actaully better in Risen 2.

For instance, your "Bulletproof" stat actually mattered in Risen 2. In Risen 3, there were only 2 or 3 times in the entire game that I recall facing an enemy that used firearms.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm not really into combat unless it is turn-based and tactical, so I like it to go quick. However, it was really boring that every enemy just rushed the main character and only noticed other characters if they got hit. Most companions also waited for the main to attack to even participate in combat, so that could use a patch. All companions should have an AI switch that says wheter to engage or not and from what distance. I would have liked taking multiple companions too.
Oct 18, 2006
The only good and funny combat was of a Guardian path… the water, fire, air - bending… Risen meets Avatar the last airbender :p
Jan 19, 2013
I have not played very long because I am disappointed in it. I loved Risen 2 and thought that it got almost every RPG aspect down, except in the case of settlements, which were tiny. I've played it numerous times and loved it.

Risen 3 started out as an incredibly long, tedious dungeon crawl where you're picking up golden loot from every corner with almost no dialogs to flavour things up. In Risen 2, on the other hand, you start the game surrounded with talkative NPCs. You then start off with not even a shirt, go around conversing with the Inquisition and the pirates and slowly develop your character.

After getting the option to choose my destination, I didn't want to deal with another dungeon, so decided to sale to Antigua. Of course, the town was under attack, but that was irrelevant seeing as it was massively scaled down compared to Risen 2, where it actually felt like a settlement. I then sailed to Tacarigua and of course the pirates were wiped out and there were twice as less NPCs as in Risen 2 on the whole island.

I guess the game picks up and I'll try to play ahead. I just want to play an RPG that doesn't revolve around loot and dungeon crawling.
May 7, 2008
You have just visited the two least interesting islands in the game (bar the tutorial island) that are very much there to show the destruction that has occurred hence less npcs. It's not as if life is going on as normal there a la Risen 2. Keep going it gets much better.
Aug 12, 2013
Dublin, Ireland
Since Bones and Alvaredo or whatever his name was tells you to visit the mages on Taranis, the druid and demon hunters on Calador, or the voodoo natives on Kila, you chose the islands that have been mostly overrun instead. Go to any of the three above and you'll get lots of peeps to talk to, as Brian said, you've been on the most boring 3 of the game :)
Oct 18, 2006
So I've finally finished it as well.

For me it's a solid 7/10. Exploration was ok and Iliked the visuals.
Combat on normal dificulty was a little too easy from early midgame on. I only changed to easy difficulty during one of the sea battles and in the final boss fight. I don't like that kind of combat.
I didn't like the still quite stong pirate setting and the companions. I mainly played with Patty as it seemed the logical choice for the hero to take his sister with him.
And I didn't like the low population density… the world just doesn't seem consistent with only a hand ful of people on every island.

So it's finally time for D:OS now. :)
May 6, 2013
Thanks for your replies. I've played on and did have an enjoyable time on the other islands. However, since the tutorial I have been bashing the same creatures over and over again. I've been accumulating experience and loot and I'm saving it up for once I join a faction, but at this stage there's just too much easy gold and combat.

I definitely remember Risen 2 to have better character progression, XP management and loot. Maybe I'll play Risen 3 later. I've almost finished Gothic 2 6 years ago without the expansion, so I'll return to it instead.
May 7, 2008
After Risen 3 I'm killing some time playing Might & Magic 6 before I dig into Wasteland 2.

I found this curious intersection of fact in MM6 and Risen 3. In the MM6 air guild (you get the flying spell here), the magic man is surrounded by birds. Of note: One Blue Parrot and one Red Parrot.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
I keep seeing Daijer is playing MM6 in my messages on Steam. I guess you see nut is playing Lords of Xulima when you start up :) Since I have about 6 people as friends in Steam, I notice whenever anybody plays. Soon ours will both read Wasteland 2 probably. I'm about done messing with Xulima till it comes out in October.
Oct 18, 2006
I was wondering about Lords Of X when I say your steam message. I thought I missed something.

I thought I was playing the GOG version of MM6 but the steam commercials kept popping up after an MM6 play session. I checked my steam library and found I had the game in both places but put a Might and Magic desktop icon that went to steam.

In any event, I am interested in where PB goes from here. A pirate RPG was a good idea but I don't feel they had full buy in. Where was the looting and plundering? The escaping from the King or Queen's navy? The pirate Hub town that looked like the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. The kidnapping of civilians to man your crew? Where was the MUTINY? You don't ignore a castle, a knight or orc/goblins in a fantasy RPG. Why were so many pirate tropes ignored in this Pirate RPG?

Don't get me wrong, I liked the game and had fun with it. But when I have the most fun with stuff in real life, I always go with this cliché - In for a penny, in for a pound.

Risen 2 & 3 should have continued the plot line from 1. The idea of fighting the Gods was a good one, Risen 1 just had a crappy end boss.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
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