Kickstarter - Six Most Important Lessons


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Gamasutra has an editorial that covers, according to the author, the six most important lessons from Kickstarter. Here is the one on the need for a plan:
You need a clear and realistic plan -- no matter who you are. Fan love for developers can play a major role in Kickstarter successes, as we saw with Double Fine Adventure. But pedigree isn't everything, and fans are quickly becoming much more circumspect about that.

Veterans Brenda Brathwaite and Tom Hall learned this the hard way. At the beginning of the Kickstarter boom, the idea of an old-school RPG from the creators of Wizardry, Anachronox and more might have been enough to inspire fan faith, but the pair ended up surprised at how much detail and specificity fans demanded when they went live. The pair decided to halt their Kickstarter until they could come back with a stronger plan and a clearer trajectory.

Even though it's possible they could have made their goal in the end, the audience feedback and slow start to the funding was an important sign to Brathwaite and Hall about what even the most experienced developers need to know about the Kickstarter environment.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I can't be arsed to read the whole article as the first sentence is plain wrong.
Star Citizen didn't "won" a total of 6.x milions with Kickstarter as it didn't get all of "investments" through Kickstarter.
I might be wrong, but the Kickstarter record is still held by Project Eternity.

I backed both projects so perhaps I shouldn't care, but c'mon, without precise data how can someone take the article seriously.
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Apr 12, 2009
Have any failed KS projects actually come back through for a successful second round? It might be interesting to see what worked for them.

I can't be arsed to read the whole article as the first sentence is plain wrong.
Star Citizen didn't "won" a total of 6.x milions with Kickstarter as it didn't get all of "investments" through Kickstarter.
I might be wrong, but the Kickstarter record is still held by Project Eternity.

I backed both projects so perhaps I shouldn't care, but c'mon, without precise data how can someone take the article seriously.
I don't think that trivial error negates the validity of the general message. Even professional news services make much more bone-headed goofs from time to time.
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Mar 22, 2012
Perhaps surprisingly, Space-themed games seem to do very well on KS. Or at least that's been my perception lately.
Mar 22, 2012
I can't be arsed to read the whole article as the first sentence is plain wrong.
Star Citizen didn't "won" a total of 6.x milions with Kickstarter as it didn't get all of "investments" through Kickstarter.
I might be wrong, but the Kickstarter record is still held by Project Eternity.

I backed both projects so perhaps I shouldn't care, but c'mon, without precise data how can someone take the article seriously.
That's completely irrelevant and you're missing the point by a mile.
Who cares if they obtained just part of their funds through KS and the rest from another website?
They were factually behind the crowd-funded game that gathered more money so far, which is what matters for the sake of this argument.
May 24, 2009
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