King's Bounty - Demo and Release Date

In light of the fact that I posted earlier in this thread the Demo is protected with a newer version of Star-Force it's only proper I clarify the situation for the Retail release.

It has been brought to my attention that neither the North American or European retail release of King's Bounty the Legend will use Star-Force Copy Protection.
This information is also now posted on the Official 1C Forums
No Star-Force for Retail Release

There is no mention of what will be used if anything in its place.

Hmm I might just have to rig up with one of the spare machines to check out the Demo :)

Oct 18, 2006
You can remove it w/ the tool provided on this page

i wonder if Starforce is still supposedly as deadly as it previously was, i mean, they had to have responded to all this flak by now and done somthing about it. One would think, anyway. I had a cd drive mysteriously go out years ago around the time i had it on my system. Coincidence? I mean, drives go bad, there's no telling.

Id personally rather err on the side of caution of course, but I'd also hate to miss out on a good game due to paranoia. Right now, ive got starforce games going on my rig prior to a HD switch, then afterward making it a point not to put anything w/ it on. It's only been on for a couple weeks, and thus far I'm not seeing any issues.

justified concern or groupthink paranoia? Any resident experts on the subject?
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
To keep the number of available unprotected .exes == 0.

I see it now.

Sadly seem the days gone of demos = freeware, some sort of.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I've finished the demo, it was much easier on the impossible rather than normal setting due to selecting a mage character.

Gained wife types attributes are added to the hero's although in the demo only one wife is possible. The wife attributes armour/artifacts/rings/ etc' are added to the hero's - after the cursed ring suppression i consumated the agreement and was informed children are due but they could be little zombies! (this would be a bad strategy as differing character denominations within the troops lowers morale). I did read that multi-wife situations are possible and i suspect they would be needed to populate the gained castles?

You cannot cheat these turn based combat sequences, button mashing doesn't work, only skill and ability will get you through.

I've thoroughly enjoyed this gem of a demo and will buy the game on release.

(The demo and all it's attributes have been safely removed from the pc)

Cheers. :thumbsup:
Oct 18, 2006
North-West England
When I met with 1C at the Games Convention they also mentioned you could divorce your wife. Although she does take half of your belongings with her if you do.
Aug 30, 2006
Yes indeed, i believe each wife can have several children which somehow fit to her game slots....and yes, you can get divorced but she takes all the kids with her and X% of your gold. I've believe also there is a certain female in the game of insurmountable beauty and is supposedly unavailable for marriage - a certain mage-ress on an icy throne. I would attempt at 'trying my hand' - a man has to try these things !!
Oct 18, 2006
North-West England
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