Last game you finished, tell us about it


Making a review for IGN? :p

You missed the "completely" and the stuff in brackets, I didn't explore all of the base game map either for the records.

For precision, there was two side quests left: one was investigating a missing person for a woman and the other related to the bandit camps.
Oct 13, 2007
Finished Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

I'm not going to write a full review, as others have already done so here. I'll just say that I liked it better than Wolfenstein: TNO. It reminded me of Return to Castle Wolfenstein which is a good thing. It uses the same crap save system as TNO, but I didn't have any complaints otherwise.

It still wasn't as good as RtCW was for its time, but it's a worthwhile game if you like the genre.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Finished Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

I'm not going to write a full review, as others have already done so here. I'll just say that I liked it better than Wolfenstein: TNO. It reminded me of Return to Castle Wolfenstein which is a good thing. It uses the same crap save system as TNO, but I didn't have any complaints otherwise.

It still wasn't as good as RtCW was for its time, but it's a worthwhile game if you like the genre.

I've been meaning to play it - but I need to get through TNO first.
I just finished Star Wars The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire.
Well, or at least the new story line that is made up of nine chapters. There is more to the add-on than that like an entire additional story arc and a new quest hub that you will arrive at after the completion of the story.

The nine new story chapters were so-so. The story actually wasn't that bad and some of the new characters were interesting, too, but everything else sucked. There was no challenge at all. This was below easy difficulty. You don't want to play this if you're sleepy already because this will push you over. On the pro side if you suffer from insomnia play this expansion and you'll be snoozing in no time ;) .

You also get no loot worth mentioning or new equipment or anything. You just go from level 60 to the new level cap of 65 in three hours and the other four/five hours of the expansion are completely uneventful except for the pretty cutscenes.

The additional story arc (i.e. the one you arrive at after the nine chapters and that is called Star Fortress) looks like it might be more meaty in terms of progression. I finished the first solo flashpoint of that arc (flashpoint is like a solo "dungeon" raid) and that's when you finally start getting new gear etc.

There are also new companions, significant changes to the crafting system and the background of the expansion requires you to use your imagination quite a bit because the galaxy is supposed to lie in ruins…. except it doesn't.

Oh well, I guess it's OK for a "free" (minus the subscription fee) expansion and it's definitely much better than the last mini expansion (Ziost).
I'm not sure how long I will last. Probably until I have finished the Star Fortress stuff and until my Jedi Sage is in full 208 and maybe some 216 rated gear (I went into the expansion with mostly 192 rated and some old 186 rated stuff which is typical level 60 gear).
I'm not planning on a long stay, that's for sure. My backlog is way too long for any kind of serious grinding in a MMO and Dragon Age 2 is calling (about half-way through that one now).
Oct 18, 2006
dammit Moriendor, you had us all hyped for your DA2 thoughts and then you sneak in this... this... this run-of-the-mill fare. :lol:
Nov 1, 2014
I just finished The Witcher 2 on Dark Mode. And it's even better than I remembered it. Mostly because I was now aware of every person they made reference to. And they made a lot of references, even to characters that were never shown in the games. For ex I don't think I ever saw Assire, the Nilfgardian sorcerers.

Hmm, I just did a quick youtube search and found this video. I don't think I ever saw that video, of Triss being decompressed. Granted, I played with Iorveth some years ago, but I can't for the life of me remember seeing that. Did any play that scene? Was it cut from the Enhanced edition?

Anyways, great game overall. I loved the story. But reading the novels is mandatory in order to appreciate it all.
Jul 31, 2007
I finished Life is Strange on Tuesday. I'm still mulling what exactly it was about and how it affected me. Deeply, that much is certain.

I really ought to start a thread to discuss it here (lacking anyone else on hand to share).
Oct 18, 2006
I finished Life is Strange on Tuesday. I'm still mulling what exactly it was about and how it affected me. Deeply, that much is certain.

I really ought to start a thread to discuss it here (lacking anyone else on hand to share).

Funny you mention this, I started playing it a few hours ago (was waiting for all episodes to be out).
So far, as an adventure game it's been extremely light (Just finished episode 1). Feels more like a 'choose your own adventure' book really. I also don't care much about not being able to have several saves (that I can see). Other than that, it's been enjoyable.
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Sep 23, 2008
You can sort of have up to three saves, but the game is not quite straightforward about it - you can restart from any scene in a separate save.
Oct 18, 2006
I just finished Legend of Ixtona for Android.

The game was quite fun. It's basically a Final Fantasy Tactics-lite type of game, with tactical, turn-based squad combat. The strategy is a little light, but there is a nice amount of customization in the way of classes, advanced classes, abilities and equipment. It's not Tactics Ogre, but it was a fun little game that told a cool story and entertained me for the 13 hours it took to beat it. The best part of the game had to be the colorful cast of characters that you grow to like as the game progressed. The writing and overall game were decently polished for a mobile game as well.

You can still pick it up in the Humble Mobile Bundle if you want. I'd recommend checking it out if you want something a bit different.
Finally finished BG1:EE.

My opinion on this game hasn't changed much - it is fun exploring wildness but gets boring once you get to the city of BG, and much inferior to it's sequel. But still, it's a decent game, had good fun.
I just finished playing Reverse Crawl.

It's a game made by one person apparently and while relatively simplistic, it offers turn based battles, lots of unit types and surprisingly very polished.

It contains turn based battles, a la legends of Eisenwald.

It's all about the battles and picking the right units for the right fight.

There's a bit of luck involved but tactics play a big role.

Game is quite easy though ... But fun
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Just finished TW3 Hearts of Stone expansion.

I really really enjoyed it. Great writing, great characters, great playing with folk lore.
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May 6, 2013
Wasteland 2 DC…about 100 hours

  • Side quests are good
  • Level ups and char planning
  • Perks
  • Forced to manage limited ammo and health packs
  • Nice sounds (I like the weapon sounds…for example when you have a suppressor on your sniper rifle)
  • Writing is good
  • Some nice battles
  • Modding weapons is good

  • Reuse of portraits
  • Voice acting not great at times
  • Main quest a little dull
  • Felt a little long overall
  • Felt like too many battles
  • Memory leak on W10

Overall 6/10
Sep 4, 2014
Finished Fallout4.
Went for "full" experience and two opposing factions with different endings.
I think I got everything what can be got from the game and after 223 hours…
Just will say that endings suck. All are evil and not in a positive way. Whatever you choose
you'll end up a childkiller.

In any case, FO4 is a musthave and mustplay. It might not be the best game of this year, but it's definetly among top 5 best games.
Said it before and others mentioned, the game is rich with content, you won't be bored nor annoyed and while there are plenty of fetch quests inside, there is enough side stuff to cover for that.
The game has it's fair share of bugs, but it's not just one, but two steps forward from Bethesda. Unlike previous games where every minute a new bug would emerge on your screen, I could number bugs experienced in FO4 on my fingers - seems they finally went into some betatesting prior to release.

Buy now.

As promised, my next game is RC:EE.
The rumor is that it's a bad performance bugfest. Have to check if rumors came from people that actually played it, or it'll happen, just like with the original release that I finished apparently unfinishable game - twice.
But well, I'm not trustworthy like IGN, am I?
Apr 12, 2009
I know it's a late answer but...
Granted, I played with Iorveth some years ago, but I can't for the life of me remember seeing that. Did any play that scene? Was it cut from the Enhanced edition?
No, it wasn't cut. I saw it when I played the game and got a screenshot or two.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
In any case, FO4 is a musthave and mustplay. It might not be the best game of this year, but it's definetly among top 5 best games.
That might as well be the case, but there is not one game I feel more dread thinking about it. For some reason I have enough of the bethesda formula atm.

Giana Sisters: Twisted dreams, one of the two mystery games I got from the last gog sale. At first it was a bit bland for a platformer - no upgrades, no items to find, no dialogue, etc. only (optional) diamonds to collect but the platforming mechanics are just excellent and it is addictive as hell. Combined with some interesting levels and a bit of a challenge (there is plenty of checkpoints) I'd give it a solid 7/10

The other mystery game I got is Gabriel Knight Anniversary edition, but I started my tomb raider goty playthrough first (from the humble bundle). Lara's adventure started off on the wrong foot with a game-breaking bug in the first optional tomb (dlc) which left me unable to complete it (the optional part) so I had to restart. Luckily I wasn't far and now it is going great.
Jun 5, 2009
I just finished Undertale ("normal" ending + "true pacifist" ending):
I don't get why some people say that it's the best game ever made, but it's surely a very good little game!

It has some problems (e.g. the beginning is a bit boring, at some point I was completely stuck and had to cheat online to know what to do, the backtracking is somewhat painful even though there are shortcuts), but the overall experience was really pleasant, and I really enjoyed the storytelling and characters writing.

I don't want to tell too much about it, because I think that one major positive point about the game is its ability to surprise you (either with jokes, or with plot twists). So my advice is : if you like (funny) story driven RPG, give it a try (and try avoid spoilers while you're playing it).
Sep 26, 2015
Dark Souls II...took me months, but finally got it done.
They've expanded game play quite a bit, added some improvements, but retains the same fundamental flaws as DS I, which drag down the experience.
Overall solid enough game, with some improvements, but less original and polished than the previous one.
Jun 5, 2015
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