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The Witcher 3


Original Sin Donor
October 13, 2007
In this thread. The first post as quite a few info, but this one has more.

Include 2 new screenshots and a few gameplay information.

I'm somewhat skeptic about there being 25 villages in No's Man Land though, that's a lot…and my Geralt is going to have a very long beard by the end of the game. No way I'm wasting money at the barber.
Oct 13, 2007
Sounds very impressive - can't wait! I just hope they have a decent Mouse+KB interface - saw the comment about controller being 'much better'. I thought I read ages ago that they would give full consideration to regular PC controls too? Hope so.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
It seems the GUI immediately changes if you move the mouse. So a good combo is combat with pad, the rest with mouse.

The Gamestar editor also mentioned that CDP made huge progress in optimising the game. They found quite a lot of performance. The i7 system mentioned in the Gamestar article ran the game @Ultra settings @ 1080p with nearly constant 60 frames.
Aug 30, 2006
I'm sure M&K controls are fine. Why wouldn't they be? CDPR hasn't failed me yet.

I've never played a third person action game that I was better at with a controller.
That would be very stupid on their part. To come this far, and screw up at something as basic as PC controls. Very stupid. And I have hopes that their not as stupid, and maybe it's just a misunderstanding or something the journalist didn't like/get.

EDIT: I guess I missed this:

translatedFromGamestarInfo said:
gamepad controls are apparently much better than mouse/keyboard according to the journalist (m/k on TW2 level)

Which sounds good. I had no problems with the m&k support in Tw2. What sucked in the witcher 2 was the UI, but the UI was changed. So I've no reason to worry I guess.
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Jul 31, 2007
Why on Earth would you believe some random journalist when it comes to how it feels to control?

I know "serious" gamers who claim that controllers are better for shooters on consoles, you know :)

The question isn't what feels better to the individual, but if it controls WELL with whatever you prefer to use. That's all that matters, really - and it's not a competition.

Trust yourself and calm down a bit, perhaps? ;)

Personally, I consider The Witcher a game that's perfectly suited for play on a controller, so I wouldn't have a problem using a gamepad. I prefer M/K in games where precision and coordination matters a lot, and that's mostly first person games or tactical games. Games like Dark Souls, Risen or The Witcher work very well with controllers, I find.
Personally, I consider The Witcher a game that's perfectly suited for play on a controller, so I wouldn't have a problem using a gamepad. I prefer M/K in games where precision and coordination matters a lot, and that's mostly first person games or tactical games. Games like Dark Souls, Risen or The Witcher work very well with controllers, I find.

I agree when it comes to most action/adventure games. But games that have grid-inventory systems or where you have to go through every item on the UI (sort of hitting Tab until you get to the control you want) I find infuriating. Also games that have a character doll on which you place your items. Diablo is just too difficult for that.
Jul 31, 2007
I agree when it comes to most action/adventure games. But games that have grid-inventory systems or where you have to go through every item on the UI (sort of hitting Tab until you get to the control you want) I find infuriating. Also games that have a character doll on which you place your items. Diablo is just too difficult for that.

It really depends on the implementation - and I don't think The Witcher 3 is the kind of game they would release with crappy inventory controls for gamepads.

After all, it's a huge budget and they're going out of their way to market it on the new consoles.

I guess I just can't see a reason to worry about this.

But we'll see in a couple of months :)
I vastly prefer M+K for anything that uses a 1st or 3rd person view. I'm not sure why, but I just find it more immersive than using a gamepad. The only exceptions are certain console ports, like Dark Souls, that seem to control better with a gamepad for whatever reason.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I vastly prefer M+K for anything that uses a 1st or 3rd person view. I'm not sure why, but I just find it more immersive than using a gamepad. The only exceptions are certain console ports, like Dark Souls, that seem to control better with a gamepad for whatever reason.

I usually prefer M+K. The main reason is the speed and freedom of simply looking around. I find that more immersive than steering the view around with a joystick. The flipside is that combat often feels better to me with a gamepad.
Nov 8, 2014
The first Fable had hair and beard growing, no? So it's not even a "new" thing.
Oct 13, 2007
To each his own, but I think controls will be an issue most of us can get past because of the rest of the game.

TW2 controls weren't perfect, certainly, but they were pretty comfortable with both M/K and gamepad, but I concede the inventory was awkward. TW1 was much worse in both ways with unresponsive controls and a rigid inventory, though, so I expect this one to be better still.

Well, ok, I don't know - but I have a really good feeling about this one.

I think they're going all out - giving everything they have with it. Let's see what that's worth :)
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