Fallout 3 Mike and I and Fallout 3


October 18, 2006
Boston MA
OK Mike here you go.

Mike and I have had a fallout over Fallout. I'm here to officially set the record strait and offer a bit of an apology. First off, I never intended my comments (made in two different Fallout 3 threads) to create such angst. I didn't give a lot of consideration about how active Mike is in the community and how he might take my comments to heart. Sorry for that. I should have read Mike's 5 page Fallout 3 review as he requested before making the second reference to Mike's Urination on Tradition comment. After reading the expansive review I can see Mike isn't a AAA production bigot and is about as "fair and balanced" as you are going to find in a game reviewer. As an aside, I will say the review spends remarkably little time talking about any of the games strengths but he clearly indicated the game has strengths. The review is more of a commentary on the existing overly positive critical reviews and how Bethesda has made flawed but obvious improvements over Oblivion. I don't agree with many of the critiques but yes it is certainly, undeniably fair.

So why did I make said objectionable comments in the first place? Not because of Mike I can assure you. I just happened to run across his colorful statement and I latched on to it like a dog on a sock. What I was really bitching about is that I'm tired of all the AAA bash sessions. These games are multi-million dollar productions that have to cater to multiple platforms and a larger user base to guarantee a return on investment. If an RPG game is going to have a big budget you are going to get compromises from the hardcore RPG perspective. Why waste so much energy complaining about them over and over? What about the game's strengths? Rich story telling, immersive graphics, sounds, gameplay blah blah blah. That's what I'm getting out of FO3 and the Mass Effect games. Too bad more reviews don't take a balanced approach and talk about the good stuff.

So there you are. I have officially apologized to Mike and I have attempted to set the record strait. Mike is not guilty of being a biased reviewer, lost in the past of glory gold box rpg gaming. He is only guilty of liking Dungeon Lords. Peace brother!
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
As someone who read many of Mike's posts on the official DL forums, trust me, he was scathing about the initial release!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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