New Star Wars movie gets 100% on Rotten Tomatoes

Here it is, and as I said, I have upped it to 4/10.

1. The major one is, so much is predictable and recycled content, I know what would happen before it even happened. Just so you get an idea. In parenthesis are what you know will happen already if you've seen previous movies.

When it starts the "new order" which is more or less exactly same as "the empire" is looking for a map. ( The empire is looking for a stolen drawing on a ship )

To avoid the new order getting the map, the brave young pilot gives it to a robot ( To avoid the empire getting the stolen drawing, Leia gives it to a robot ) I know he'd give it to the robot.

Robot escapes without any humans ( Robot escapes without humans )

The new order ( the empire ) will kill and destroy most of the population of the planet looking for the missing robot.

Robot is captured by some desert people ( Robot is captured on the planet by some desert people )

There is a young person who is very strong in the force but doesn't know it yet that finds the robots ( Person strong in the power but does not know it yet buys the robot )

some more major ones planet canon ( death star ), Han destroys shield generator with bombs ( Han destroys shield generator with bombs )

I can keep going… it just goes on and on. Do I need to say more about this part ? To me it is already -3 points off for this part.

There is almost no new lore or interesting locations. However the end location is kind of interesting where she goes up the stairs to find Luke. Still one new discovery is not enough for me in a Star Wars movie, known to introduce so many great new locations. -0.5

Interaction with different species is almost none existent, it was always a major part of the earlier star wars movies. Yes there is one scene where they talk to the some other races in a bar, and there is one scene where she gets some food tickets. But it is very limited. Here it is only Chewie and humans that has any significant part in the movie, where is the rest of the galaxy? -1

The lore always says jedi's need a lot of training to do even the basic things, Rey learns super fast and by herself without any mentor. -0.5

Even if the starwars movies had a lot of comedy moments, they always had serious villians. While Kalo Ren is like a comedian, sure you claim it is innovative, I claim it doesn't fit, in the legacy of such a iconic villain as Dath Vader or even Palpatine, this part never left room for comedy as all, the dark side isn't a bunch of none realistic comedian fools. This is subjective of course. - 0.5

The scene where Han Solo dies is just so painfully predictable and unsentimental, and you can't even see that the people is really sad about such a happening. It is also so so so predictable, you know what will happen before it even starts.

I think the acting is not good, you can't see any actor expressing true feelings, this was a very big part of the original each actor was really shining and dedicated to their role, and I thin in part this is because the characters are very unbelievable, they switch between being completely newbies who can't do anything, the next moments they are suddenly masters of what they are doing.

Major parts of plot, they are not even trying to explain with any reason, making the movie extremely unbelievable ? How did Poe escape, why did he escape without the map he was willing to die for ? How was the millenium falcon left to steal and it had been standing their for years with power on ? , how did none recognize it, how the hell did Han Solo show up and manage to beam them? Why didn't the empire catch it? Why did they leave the stormtroper they already were suspicious about alone with the very important prisoner ? How did a tie fighter manage to escape the empire ship? Why did the stormtroper general open the shield generator? I am sure she was not so afraid they would kill her so she would betray the first order completely. It just goes on and on I can add more if you want. -0.5

I can go on and write more if you think this is not enough, but it'll have to do for now.

Funny, I also rated it 4/10… I thought 5/10 was too generous.

Maybe we should list the good stuff first

- lets say they nailed the SW charm close enough
- I thought the introduction was superb in every sense. Very early plot development was promising. I was willing to give it 8/10 or 9/10 at this point (roughly 20-30 minutes in) as I considered it exceptional thus far
- There wasn't terrible miscasts (if you disregard Kylo Ren , nice voice, but why remove the mask?)
- the music was top notch, obviously
- I wont list special effects, costumes, makeup here as that constitutes the overall feel which I already acknowledged

What it doesn't have?
- Believability
- Logic
- Original substance
- Character development
- Peripeteia
- Proper denouement
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Mar 9, 2015
When you treat a movie like a documentary, and give bad ratings because something doesn't quite connect or make sense, you've removed the fun. Movies are entertainment. I could reduce movie points because having sounds and explosions in the vacuum of space is ridiculous. So is having Dragons in Game of Thrones! Dragons don't exist! And then there's the issue of reducing points because of not understanding certain points of the plot? Did anyone remember A New Hope? Clone Wars? The Counsel? No one knew what the heck that was. Seriously who cares. Enjoy the movie, quit trying to perform surgery. Thank goodness you guys aren't trying to rate the Red Dwarf series.

I agree, but there's a difference between something not quite making sense and something being jarringly out of place or sitting so uncomfortably you can't ignore it.

I'm generally quite tolerant, but lots just didn't sit right with TFA for me. Others may be able to bare with it, and fair play to them. But there were just too many incongruous and recycled aspects for me to get properly absorbed in the film alone.

And we've focussed on these aspects because those are the ones which those who liked the film have taken issue with. Personally, the things which brought the film down for me were bigger issues such as the main villain going from menacing and powerful, to wimpy and easily beat.
Nov 15, 2015
I disagree.

Also I think you may need to look up the word objective.

It's the opposite of subjective basically.

What the heck, I'll even add some content to my 'opinion' - They were narratively appalling, had stilted acting due to the over-use of green/blue screen, had no continuity, terrible miscasting, outrageous scenarios, no likeable characters, they are the very definition of a steaming pile of shit. There have been countless fan edits which have tried to make them watchable, but each one, to a man, has had the problem that "you cannot clean a shit, each layer you rub off just reveals a new layer of shit".

They were good at creating a visual spectacle, the screenshots look gorgeous. They were good at providing some fairly banal but entertaining action scenes. They were good at creating a unique look to the cast and characters (wardrobe). The music was ok. And that's pretty much it. No, I wouldn't rate them 1/10, but I honestly would struggle to give them a score above a generous 6/10.

And these are not subjective issues. Sorry about that. Lets start off with this question:

Do you think Samual L Jackson was the correct casting choice for Mace Windu and that once this casting choice was made that Mace Windu was going to be written as the most sedate character in the entire series?

Fuck it, let your imagination run wild, give me your best possible out-your-ass subjective reason why do you think Samual L Jackson was the correct casting choice for Mace Windu and that once this casting choice was made that Mace Windu was going to be written as the most sedate character in the entire series?

Not a casting expert, but to your other point, I really liked Liam neeson's character quai gon or however it's spelt as an example.
So there goes your objectivity ...

Everything you are saying is your opinion and nothing more.

The movies don't appeal to you then stop watching them ...

If you really think the ot is so original in its narrative I suggest you watch it again.

It has tons of bad acting and childish drivel but those you excuse because you think it's better.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Nov 15, 2015
Not a casting expert

Ah well, nevermind pladio, maybe next time you start a fight you'll try to make sure you understand what's being discussed, eh? I guess that ol' "it's just, like, your opinion, man" does tend to run a bit ragged when, OMG someone actually mentions facts.

You don't care about the bad casting and consequent bad writing… because you like Qui-gon jinn. Well there you have it folks… problem solved, let the bells ring out…

Do you have a miscast in your movie? Do you have no idea how to write for your actors? Then help is at hand with The Guide To Filmmaking by Pladio. Chapter 1 - IT'S OK GUYS, JUST PUT QUI-GON JINN IN YOUR MOVIE - NOTHING ELSE MATTERS THEN.

If you wish to then chide me about some kind of irrational OT bias over PT then it's customary to point out a miscast and consequent bad writing for the miscast from that original trilogy.

BUT NO! This is the Pladio book of film making! Chapter 2 - make an entirely new point that has no baring on the original point that you're attempting to avoid answering but with just enough hints at misunderstanding that people really could believe you are really that dumb enough to think a point about miscasting and consequent bad writing bares any relation whatsoever to whether a movie is either "childish" or has "bad acting".

I'm very sorry Pladio, but I'm not in the mood for your crap tonight, feel free to engage your "intellect" on subjects that are more suited to your knowledge zone, like, go and have an argument with HHR about some genuinely pointless drivel where this level of debate is routine rather than… obviously… fucking preposterous.

Edit: Now call me a few names, beat your chest a bit, bash your return key a few times and get the fuck out my face. Capiche?
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Nov 1, 2014
looks like someone forgot to take their rabies shot today.... calm down pumpkin
Mar 9, 2015
Nah, you don't get it, Pladio always does this… it's fucking tedious.

Edit: Fuck it, I'll just put him on ignore.
Nov 1, 2014
Apr 17, 2007
Well excuse me for being Anglo-Saxon… no, wait, you said cruse…? You do cruising? Ew… I hope you get yourself checked out regularly…
Nov 1, 2014
Lackblogger, you really need to bring it down. You deliver a great deal of silly and semi-coherent verbiage with a cocky unpleasantness, and it's quite embarrassing.

IMO, these sorts of contributions are having a poor effect on the site, and are not very Christmassy.
Nov 8, 2014
Well excuse me for being Anglo-Saxon… no, wait, you said cruse…? You do cruising? Ew… I hope you get yourself checked out regularly…

nope just me not spelling something incorrectly again. Curse. I have been doing it so long typing the wrong word, missing words that I thought I typed. It has gotten a lot better with age but I know I will never be able to write the way my thoughts are correctly all the time.

Wish some of my teachers would have known that years ago, but what can you do when you are dyslexia. Myself I work around it and edit post over and over again. Even sometimes the first 3 or 5 I re-read one of my post I don't pick up on my mistakes.
Apr 2, 2011
Yesterday, 03:05 Ripper
Merry Christmas to all!

I'm signing off for the foreseeable future, so I hope you all get to enjoy your toys at Christmas, and have a great 2016!

I guess our conversation was just too good for you to leave…

Yesterday 16:51 Ripper
Yeah, I wouldn't bother if I were you, guys. Lackblogger has been activated, and Mike is approaching full caps-lock.

I guess we just want to keep you here. We're nice like that.

Today, 04:06 Ripper
Lackblogger, you really need to bring it down. You deliver a great deal of silly and semi-coherent verbiage with a cocky unpleasantness, and it's quite embarrassing.

IMO, these sorts of contributions are having a poor effect on the site, and are not very Christmassy.

No, please, if you have a problem with me just say so… or there's always that ignore button… good for people who talk rubbish…
Nov 1, 2014
What is the purpose in quoting all that again? I said Merry Christmas early because I'm going away for a while, and then I had a minute to kill and looked in. What do think you've achieved by pointing that out?

I'm just telling you straight how I see things, because I think you're becoming a problem to more than just my nerves.
Nov 8, 2014
What is the purpose in quoting all that again? I said Merry Christmas early because I'm going away for a while, and then I had a minute to kill and looked in. What do think you've achieved by pointing that out?

I'm just telling you straight how I see things, because I think you're becoming a problem to more than just my nerves.

As soon as you explain what you mean by "because I think you're becoming a problem to more than just my nerves" I feel sure your post will make some form of sense...
Nov 1, 2014
As soon as you explain what you mean by "because I think you're becoming a problem to more than just my nerves" I feel sure your post will make some form of sense…

There was a discussion a while back about whether the standard of conversation had gone downhill in the community. My opinion is that most of your contributions are lowering it, and I wish you'd stop it.
Nov 8, 2014
Charming I must say...

Are you done now, are we allowed to return to the thread topic yet?
Nov 1, 2014
Personally, the things which brought the film down for me were bigger issues such as the main villain going from menacing and powerful, to wimpy and easily beat.

You mean after being emotionally smashed from killing his father, and taking a direct bowcaster hit to the chest? It seemed right on to me.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
What's the matter with you, people? Play nice! No personal attacks. Discuss the movie and your opinions of the movie, discuss other people's opinion, but do not discuss each other.
Aug 31, 2006
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