Original Sin - Review Roundup #6

Sorting in the store screen, thank goodness! That really drove me nuts.

They made a lot of balance fixes. No more crazy resists, leach got a good nerfing, and summoned critters (which made it so easy for me) aren't the damage sponges they used to be.

Reviews are overwhelmingly positive on Steam. Critics like the game pretty well. But it still looks like few people are making it through the initial murder mystery and extremely few are actually finishing the game. I hope this doesn't go down as the game everybody wanted to like but couldn't get into and/or didn't have time for. I expect we'll find out with Pillars.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I'll wait a few years for the director's cut and I will give them my money only if they implement the day- night circle that they promised in KS campaign.

This one irritated me as well, but I was willing to give them a pass on the 24 hour cycle. I'd be quite curious to know if they'd ever consider going the kickstarter route again.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.

I know some normal people that have a lot of fun with the game, but have only time to play for one hour/day. They'll need several month to finish the game.
The Family members need their time, too.
Oct 18, 2006
The normal is to spent, 1 h max per 1 or 2 days, in average.
More is an addiction and its bad for mental health.
May 3, 2008
The normal is to spent, 1 h max per 1 or 2 days, in average.
More is an addiction and its bad for mental health.

Nah, it's an addiction and good for you… ;)

I finished the game in around 50 hours, I don't quite understand what the people who've played for 100+ hours are doing??? Unless they have several restarts in that time, that could explain the time consumtion.
Dec 20, 2010
Nah, it's an addiction and good for you… ;)

I finished the game in around 50 hours, I don't quite understand what the people who've played for 100+ hours are doing??? Unless they have several restarts in that time, that could explain the time consumtion.

In addition to my playing addiction, I have a completist syndrome, too ... :)
Oct 18, 2006
Nah, it's an addiction and good for you… ;)

I finished the game in around 50 hours, I don't quite understand what the people who've played for 100+ hours are doing??? Unless they have several restarts in that time, that could explain the time consumtion.

I spent 200 hours in total ;-) - 105 was playing through alpha/beta stages, trying lots of things. When it was released it took me 95 hours to complete (1 party playthrough), start to finish doing most side quests. I also think if you do things like crafting and experiment on that side, that can be a time sink. I certainly don't feel like I wasted a lot of time though. I don't rush though games - I move at steady pace, keeping an eye out for loot and interesting detours. etc. For me a game should be savoured (unless its crap of course).
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
In addition to my playing addiction, I have a completist syndrome, too … :)

As far as I know I had no unresolved quests and no stone unturned either, it would be kind of sad to rush trough a game like this. I didn't spend to much time on crafting though, not until I was level 20 and had crafting 5, and then it didn't take to much time to equip everyone properly. I could understand how someone would take more time than me, but twice as much? Slow motion mod? ;)
Dec 20, 2010
I played for 120 hours.

I found the white witch very late - so I wasted a lot of time in regions where I was not supposed to be yet, fighting some very difficult battles.
Some of the puzzles took me quite some time, too, because I refuse to look in internet walktroughs. I was level 21 close to 22 in the end.
Oct 18, 2006
I played for 120 hours.

I found the white witch very late - so I wasted a lot of time in regions where I was not supposed to be yet, fighting some very difficult battles.
Some of the puzzles took me quite some time, too, because I refuse to look in internet walktroughs. I was level 21 close to 22 in the end.

I completely missed her too, and got surprised by how much the difficult ramped up when I reached the spiders. When I got around to doing the quests in the elemental realm it was all piece of cake. I did look up two puzzled though, couldn't find the last button in the pirate lair nor the last button by the large compass, but I think that was it.
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Dec 20, 2010
I had troubles with the weight puzzle (took me 2 hours to get it) and to get to the Watchers was not easy, too.

Why is Moriendor a female ;)
Oct 18, 2006
I don't know how folks get through this game without hints… And I'm not talking about the puzzles— I'm talking about that 1 microscopic switch that you don't see after 2 hours of searching an area, or the fact that after passing 1,537,212 flaming torches that did absolutely nothing for the story, suddenly you now have to light them to open a door. Or move one of the 2,242 vases that are sitting in a room and place it in "spot X" to make the next thing trip, but if you move the wrong vase in the wrong order, the whole room explodes and sends you straight to hell.

There's something to be said about not leading a player from point A to point B, but this game goes a bit far in the "figure it out or go home" aspect. It reminds me a lot of pixel hunting… Remember that?
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
There's something to be said about not leading a player from point A to point B, but this game goes a bit far in the "figure it out or go home" aspect. It reminds me a lot of pixel hunting… Remember that?

Yeah, this. Puzzles are fun, pixel hunting…not so much. Maybe if I knew for certain that's what I was supposed to do (find four hidden buttons etc.) but it's kind of tiresome looking for miniature buttons when you're not even sure that's what you're supposed to do…
Dec 20, 2010
Nah, it's an addiction and good for you… ;)

I finished the game in around 50 hours, I don't quite understand what the people who've played for 100+ hours are doing??? Unless they have several restarts in that time, that could explain the time consumtion.

No restarts - same party the full game

Well, I know I put in a lot of time farming the loot. And I over obsessed about this in the early game but by mid game I was just taking what ever popped up in the chests.

But I also kept just about all my valuable loot to use as needed. Lookpick stat increase items for opening chests. Crafting stat increase inventory items for when I wanted to do that. Blacksmith items for making weapons. Barter skill items for when I was buying stuff. I manipulated my inventories to get the maximum yield for the activities I was working on.

Like HiddenX I too am a completionist. But I am also a generalist. When I build parties I go against convention and like ALL my characters to have decent stats. Now its true a mage does not need +18 strength, but they need some strength to wear decent armor and carry some stuff. That's just how I play. In this game all my characters had between 9-15 in all stats except my lead mage who had an 18 in intelligence.

Also, how could you learn about crafting in just 50 hours of game play? Once I found out that "nails to shoes" prevent immunity to slipping, I started experimenting with all kinds of stuff I collected. Also learning which stats increases were attached to what items was an adventure.

And the exploring. One time sink was to have my lead character become invisible and scout out the terrain before the party entered an area. For example, In the area in front of the Source temple gate my invisible character placed a number of barrels in front of a number of enemy NPCs. When my party returned we rained down Meteor storm and killed 2/3 of the enemy combatants. ahh good times . . .

So for me, I'm curious how someone went through the whole game in 50 hours. You say you left no stone unturned but I bet if you went to a walkthrough site, I'm guessing you would find a ton of stuff you had never encountered in the game. But if you did do the whole game, please share . . . I have hundreds of unplayed games in my Steam and GoG inventories and would love to learn a few new tricks. :cool:
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Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
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