Shroud of the Avatar - Set to Launch March 27 2018


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
@MassivelyOP Shroud of the Avatar is set to launch March 27th 2018.

If you’re a Shroud of the Avatar player, you’ve just gotten the last major update of the year. Release 49 rolled out ahead of the holidays last week as planned, but that’s far from the biggest news that came over the weekend. Indeed, Portalarium announced the game’s launch date: March 27th, 2018. That coincides with R52, for those of you keeping score at home.

So what does that mean exactly for a game that has been both persistent for over a year and been doing monthly releases for over 4 years? Well, for us it means that we are delivering the list of features, including physical goods, promised during the Kickstarter albeit with a few exceptions and/or replacements (see below). It also means that we are going to grow our community through marketing campaigns. As we have stated previously, we intend to publish quarterly schedule updates detailing our monthly releases and those monthly releases will continue.

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
I’m sad that this turned into such a steaming pile...
Mar 17, 2017
I've just realized I've missed the obvious pun. Shroud of the Avatar. As in putting the shroud over the avatar before you say goodbye.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Tried the latest build for kicks. It remains absolutely atrociously terrible - unless you pretend it's a 1-man indie game made in 6 months.

Sad part is that I still like the concept and some of the features. It COULD have been pretty cool - if handled by people who actually cared and/or had some talent.
I never played the Ultimas. I was a M&M and Wizardry fan. It saddens me still to see what happens to a great franchise. Selling golden castles for $1000's. That should make Lord British role over in his grave. He is dead to me.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
Garriott completely lost the plot long ago. Does not matter as I will always have my Ultima 1-7 memories, all I need. To be honest, I enjoyed M&M and Bard's Tale more.
May 31, 2015
Ottawa, Canada
Watch out, shitstorm incoming :)

To be honest, Shroud of the Avatar was quite terrible at first during early access, but became a LOT better these last months.
As Garriott said, it's the last 20 % dev time which makes a game good or not.

Now it's still looking really old school, the engine & interface are looking dated, and it's neither 100 % a single player RPG, nor 100 % a MMORPG.

The game will receive A LOT flak :
- from people looking for a good old single player Ultima
- from people awaiting a real MMORPG (ie : Ultima Online 2)
- ..and from all the people who can't admit digital real estate as a way to get money to invest into game dev.

... But it still has some interesting features and the storyline looks good enough to be enjoyable.

I will try it and review it, staying open minded.
If it's good, I will be glad to have backed it, and if it's bad, well... that will be the price for the Ultima fun I had in my younger days.
Aug 4, 2009
A younger, more naïve version of me backed the Kickstarter. However, after all this crap about buying in-game real estate and whatnot for real money just turned me off completely. I honestly couldn't care less about this game at this point.

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Oct 18, 2006
- ..and from all the people who can't admit digital real estate as a way to get money to invest into game dev.

errrr, yes but this could only be acceptable if the developed game lives up to the investment.
Jan 10, 2008
I couldn't care less how they fund their game as long as it's something people do of their own free will.

I would rather fans pledge their money than some fat suit with a big cigar who will later dictate how they need to compromise.

What matters is the end result - and, in this case, it's a travesty.
I'm not particularly fond of their art style. The do look to have put a lot of work into those exterior scenes, yet left them looking unfinished. It's like a weird cross between Warcraft and Skyrim.
Mar 22, 2012
I'm not particularly fond of their art style. The do look to have put a lot of work into those exterior scenes, yet left them looking unfinished. It's like a weird cross between Warcraft and Skyrim.

To me it looks like Ultima 9 Online, but with the content of a bad Ultima Online private shard hack.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Watch out, shitstorm incoming :)

To be honest, Shroud of the Avatar was quite terrible at first during early access, but became a LOT better these last months.
As Garriott said, it's the last 20 % dev time which makes a game good or not.

Now it's still looking really old school, the engine & interface are looking dated, and it's neither 100 % a single player RPG, nor 100 % a MMORPG.

The game will receive A LOT flak :
- from people looking for a good old single player Ultima
- from people awaiting a real MMORPG (ie : Ultima Online 2)
- ..and from all the people who can't admit digital real estate as a way to get money to invest into game dev.

… But it still has some interesting features and the storyline looks good enough to be enjoyable.

I will try it and review it, staying open minded.
If it's good, I will be glad to have backed it, and if it's bad, well… that will be the price for the Ultima fun I had in my younger days.

I was a pretty strong supporter of this during kickstarter and for awhile after, then I got smart. They sold one game on kickstrater then changed it to a full MMO. They have lied and double talked their way out of things and made a game entirely based on how much you spend and how much you can sell it for real world money.

You mention those looking for a single player game will not like it, when they sold this game to those people…total bait and switch.

I'm willing to bet March will come they will say it was only a release candidate but because this is such a new way of making games(it's not) that they can't categorize themselves the same.

The storyline is junk and amateurish at best.

The game should be called Scam of the Avatar.
Apr 17, 2007
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