South Park - Released & Review Roundup

Eh, I like south park but this doesn't look like much of a game. 10ish hours of content, low/no challenge, no real depth. $60 for an interactive extended south park episode, basically. If there really isn't much to the game one could simply just watch some south park instead.

I'll wait for a sale.

$60? Got a key for $27.. it's always a good idea to shop around and not buy directly from Steam.. There's challenge if you run on hardcore, from what i've heard. Game is getting tons of praise from everywhere, you're trolling or just dumb, especially if you like SP and Obsidian.

Edit: I also couldn't care less about length. I rather have around 10-14h quality game than a 20-30h one and 10-15h is just filler crap - like in most RPG's where add this to make it a lengthier game (which isnt the same as a better game, not in my book at least, got better things to spend time on..)
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Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
about an hour in, very much enjoying its traditional RPG elements.
Jun 30, 2011
Well sounds like something I'll enjoy but 10ish hours of content dictates a much lower price point in my book sadly. Was really hoping for something close to 30. On a side note, does the story branch at all based on who you side with or no?
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
Glad for Obsidian. But I wonder if South Park still matters enough for this to sell well?
Feb 24, 2007
Well sounds like something I'll enjoy but 10ish hours of content dictates a much lower price point in my book sadly. Was really hoping for something close to 30. On a side note, does the story branch at all based on who you side with or no?

Going by the reviews I've seen most of them put the game in the 15-20 hours range, not the 10ish one. A lot of them call the game a 15 hours episode of South Park, not sure if longer would have been better…

Also, I don't think people should base their opinion on the time it takes others to finish a game. It took some people over 120 hours to finish a single playthrough of DAO, but I do completionist runs in ~45 hours since release (in-game timer).
Oct 13, 2007
Well from the RPS review it sounds like a lot of the game draws on content previously seen on the show rather than an original story so yeah, 30 hours probably would be too much for that setup.

I my experience, I tend to finish games a lot faster than the average gamer and I'm not a completionist (couldn't care less about collectibles/achievements) so I expect my mileage to fall in the 10-13 hour range, possibly a bit lower.
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
Edit: I also couldn't care less about length. I rather have around 10-14h quality game than a 20-30h one and 10-15h is just filler crap - like in most RPG's where add this to make it a lengthier game (which isnt the same as a better game, not in my book at least, got better things to spend time on..)
OMG Vurt.
Where were you in one of my numerous posts where I hate endless respawns? :D
+1 to this!

For the game… And reasoning it's South Park so no buy some say.

I'm not South Park #1 fan. So what?
I post regularly that I want more humor in games. South Park humor might not be hilarious or funny to everyone, but it's still humor. There is no way I wouldn't buy such game. And being developed by Obsidian for me is just an additional reason to buy it, if anyone can make a totally crazy RPG, it's them.

Well from the RPS review it sounds like a lot of the game draws on content previously seen on the show rather than an original story
Good! I didn't watch all of the show and probably didn't saw the content like RPS reviewers.
Apr 12, 2009
I played it for a few hours last night. Plenty of refernces to the TV shows. Good fan service. Haven't seen a single bug. But it's not much of an RPG. Combat and character development are weak. Silly QTEs to try to inject some kind of action into the TB combat. Difficulty on normal is WAY too easy, but I'm not sure I even want to crank it up, because I don't find the mechanics interesting at all.

Visiting the City Wok, fighting Mongolians and Al Gore calling to me from a bush were kind of nice, and it made me laugh a bit a couple times. If a stroll through South Park sans real RPG mechanics appeals to you, I'd say pick it up on sale.
Sep 16, 2010
Glad it's getting good reviews, as Obsidian is a great gaming company. And I watch SP so there's a least some interest in the subject matter.

But this game needs to come down to the $20 range before I'd buy it. Perhaps I'll check on the coupon someone mentioned earlier…
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
Ok, just played for about 4 hours and man, South Park is bigger than Baldur's Gate LOL this town is huge. Still haven't visited all the locations.
Combat so far is ok. As for the QTE in combat, I suck, so I miss about half of them, but in normal difficulty that's been not a problem so far (haven't fought any boss yet so who knows).
4 classes: Fighter, Mage, Thief and Jew. Playing as thief now, you have two ways of improving your character (other than obviously, equipment). When you level you get to improve abilities or learn new ones (for thief so far I have backstab and stun). The other way is, as you gain friends, you get 'perks', there's a bunch of perks that do different things (from just adding health to things like extra damage against stunned or bleeding, etc).
Obviously your enjoyment of the game is higher if you've watched South Park, otherwise lots of the jokes will go 'whoosh'. You don't need to be a fan though, if you only watched the first season or two you should be ok.
Sep 23, 2008
What if I don't find South Park funny at all? I watched only a few episodes before stopping, it was boring and awfully drawn. It's not that I watch only fine art, but when you can find nothing interesting in the show, AND it's drawn badly...

I have no idea whether I'd be able to have any fun playing this, despite liking Obsidian. Is there a playable demo somewhere?
Jan 2, 2013
The game looks exactly like the show (same art and animations) with the same humor. Fans of the series are really happy over this which means that if you do not like South Park you will probably not like the game either.
Oct 13, 2007
I will be honest : I just cannot understand how someone would play that, yet even develop that.
This is as far away from anything I could imagine as an RPG as possible.
But, tastes are different. ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It's because some people have fantasy and creativity and can make things different from the usual staff.^^
May 3, 2008
Who didnt "roleplay" as a kid? We always did that when we had watched a movie or a TV-series that really inspired us. Sometimes divided into 2 groups with 5-10 kids in each team. Sometimes it ended with some kid getting hurt and each group ended up fighting for real, lol.

This game should be easy to relate to for everyone who has even been a kid (=all). Well, except if you didnt have a normal childhood i guess.

Obviously i'm not saying it's a very realistic representation of a persons childhood :p SP is pretty *ucked up and sometimes the fart and dildo jokes are a bit of a drag, but its easy to see past it i think, SP is great on many other leves.
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Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I hate qtes with a passion and usually never bother with anything clearly designed for a controller but this is probably the most fun game i have played in ages.
If you dont like south park you are most likely not going to like this game but for any fan of the show this is about as good as a south park game can get.
They totally nailed the animations, sound, setting and general feel of the show and it is just like playing in your very own episode.
Sep 30, 2010
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