Sword Coast Legends - Community Pack 2 Live


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Community Pack 2 for Sword Coast Legends is available now and here is a list of its contents:

Drow [New Playable Sub-Race]: Players can now create characters using the drow elf sub-race. Players who choose to roll a drow character will also gain access to unique the drow specific racial abilities of faerie fire and darkness. Lolth the Spider Queen will also be selectable as a deity for players who don’t like to play nice.

Death Changes:Numerous options have been added to alter the impact of death and dying in SCL.

Stabilize Improvements

Stabilize will take longer to perform (about 50% longer) and will now have a visual bar to indicate progress
Stabilize will now be interrupted if the player performing the ability takes damage (This can be disabled from the options menu).

Hardcore Options Option to disallow Stabilize during combat.
Option for party wipes in Dungeon Crawl games to reset the dungeon and completely return players to the party camp (This can be enabled from the DM Board in the camp while setting up your dungeon).

Loot Changes: We’ve added individual loot as an option! Now you can pick up and keep anything you find without feeling guilty about it. Players who prefer traditional D&D shared loot can play that way too. Players will now be able to choose which type of looting that they would like in their games. The new option of individual loot means that players will only see items that they themselves can pick up and will not see the option to loot items designated for other players. In multiplayer games, players will see which looting option has been chosen by the game host in the server browser.
New Placeable Objects: Over 170 new placeable objects [full list link] have been added for Dungeon Masters to use in their modules – Some exciting new objects include: Mystic Circle
Inn Table
Scurrying Spiders
Impact Crater
Ruins (Pillar)
Large Smoke (Black)
Keg Rack (Four Kegs)
Hanging Shark
Consecrated Ground
Door Collapse

New Area (Village): Multiple versions of a large seaside village have been added for content creators to use in their modules. This village also includes multiple interiors.

New Placeable Visual Effects: Content creators will now be able to add a variety of visual effects to their modules such as fire, smoke, spiders, mist and more. You may now create your very own apocalyptic scenario!

Ambient NPC Text: Dungeon Masters now have the ability to add ambient text/dialog to NPCs. This works exactly as it does when assigning ambient text to objects.

Tile Customization: DMs should now be able to better customize their cabins, villages and cities. Another cool thing is that players can also use this to customize zones/areas. For example, if you choose “mountain A” and get a random mountainous area instead of the cabin, you can toggle over to the cabin without leaving or reloading. You can even customize small city sections by swapping entire buildings in or out, adding or removing access to interior areas.

Quest Changes: Dungeon Masters can now lock and unlock locations depending on the state of a particular quest. For instance if the player completes a quest to escape the burning village the dungeon master would have the option to remove that location from the player’s map.
And there is a list of bug changes as well.

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Arguably the biggest RPG disappointment of 2015 in terms of what was hoped for and what was released. SO glad I didn't pre purchase. The comments I read on the Steam forum pretty much indicate the game is a bad deal even on a steep discount. Completely outclassed by the old NWN 1 & 2.
Jun 29, 2013
Drow [New Playable Sub-Race]: Players can now create characters using the drow elf sub-race. Players who choose to roll a drow character will also gain access to unique the drow specific racial abilities of faerie fire and darkness. Lolth the Spider Queen will also be selectable as a deity for players who don’t like to play nice.
Haha, the selected deity has no effect at all in the game. It's not even displayed in the character sheet (same with race).

And I really wonder how they integrated playable Drow in the story campaign. Surface dwellers in Faerun aren't exactly fond of dealing with Dark Elves...
May 6, 2013
So it is still missing proper tile customization, what it says here is not that.
It is still also missing real conversations trees and being able to do all the complex stuff with it that one expects.

And of course it is missing real D&D classes, races and gameplay.
Oct 3, 2014
I pre ordered and wasn't disappointed. I assumed it would take quite awhile for this to be ready for prime time if ever.

Honestly I don't know how anyone could have had high expectations if they were following development even a little.
Haha, the selected deity has no effect at all in the game. It's not even displayed in the character sheet (same with race).

And I really wonder how they integrated playable Drow in the story campaign. Surface dwellers in Faerun aren't exactly fond of dealing with Dark Elves…

They probably didn't touch the story campaign with its addition. The sub-race was added because a lots of people wanted to play it on the official forums.
Oct 13, 2007
Arguably the biggest RPG disappointment of 2015 in terms of what was hoped for and what was released. SO glad I didn't pre purchase. The comments I read on the Steam forum pretty much indicate the game is a bad deal even on a steep discount. Completely outclassed by the old NWN 1 & 2.


This didn't ring warning bells from the very start?

I'm not sure how anyone expected so much from a brand new team...
Apr 17, 2007
Community Pack 3: December

Official introduction of mod support, including
Tile based level editor
Branching dialog editor
Adjustable game systems, ex: round timer, loot tables, etc.
Community facing development of these features to begin immediately
Option to disable monster level scaling in DM campaigns
Bug fixes and additional community feedback items as time allows

The branching dialogue was supposed to be in this month but it looks like is a patch behind like most games. Next month maybe.
Oct 18, 2006
So it is still missing proper tile customization, what it says here is not that.
I'm not really sure why you still care, and post on every news item about the game, considering how negative you've been about it since the beginning, without even actually trying it.

But anyway, the tile customization you've mentioned is planned to be introduced as an update (Community Pack 3), to be released this month.
The developers posted their plans for the game a while back here:

The developers have been providing good post-release support for the game, and reacting to customer feedback, which is always nice. I'm hoping with the next update, the community built content grows in quantity, and quality.
Jan 16, 2015
The branching dialogue was supposed to be in this month but it looks like is a patch behind like most games. Next month maybe.
Their not really behind.

If you check their website (http://swordcoast.com/content/sword-coast-legends-state-game), the Community Pack 2 was planned for the week of November 30th, and it ended up being released on time, since it was released on December 4th.

The next update, the Community Pack 3, is listed on their website as coming in December, and it will have the branching dialogue editor, and the tile based level editor, among other things, but since the beginning they estimated it to be released closer to the end of the month.
Jan 16, 2015
The next update, the Community Pack 3, is listed on their website as coming in December, and it will have the branching dialogue editor, and the tile based level editor, among other things, but since the beginning they estimated it to be released closer to the end of the month.

That's good to know- I got it on sale so I'm not too disappointed. I think they're releasing a new single player module for it soon as well. It is pretty fun in multiplayer but last time I played(about a month ago) the list of servers was shrinking. I just keep patching and waiting for the mods to come out.
Oct 18, 2006
I agree with the comments if you were paying attention you'd know what to expect when the game dropped, don't be PO'd because it's not the game you want. And they do seem to be putting in some hard yards post release which is good to see. I picked it up on sale too, wanted to give some support to NSpace. They do appear to be pretty receptive to user feedback. Not being a slavish copy of the D&D system doesn't bother me at all (probably because I knew it wasn't going to be and I've got NWN/NWN2 for that) it's still an RPG.

As always, I'm waiting to see how it pans out post release patch frenzy and community modding. Plenty of other games to play. Main thing I hope my support helps to achieve is keeping them alive long enough to produce more substantial content such as expanding the races/classes etc.

Time will tell.

Apr 9, 2015
Honestly I don't know how anyone could have had high expectations if they were following development even a little.

SO true ... I didn't order due to time constraints, but will buy if a good sale hits ... and I have no expectations :)
Oct 18, 2006
I think they're releasing a new single player module for it soon as well.
That would be good. All of the additional content at the minute seems to be for the DM tools. No problem with that, but it would be good to see them do some more SP stuff.
Apr 13, 2012
I'm not really sure why you still care, and post on every news item about the game, considering how negative you've been about it since the beginning, without even actually trying it.

But anyway, the tile customization you've mentioned is planned to be introduced as an update (Community Pack 3), to be released this month.
The developers posted their plans for the game a while back here:

The developers have been providing good post-release support for the game, and reacting to customer feedback, which is always nice. I'm hoping with the next update, the community built content grows in quantity, and quality.
I care because they are still marketing this as D&D. If they didn't would not care at all.
And if at some point they fix campaign making, DM tools but most importantly D&D rules system to be more like 5e D&D (including itemization) I still might get it .
Although there is no more chance to save the singleplayer campaign maybe at that point it might still be worth it at 50% off for possibility of good player made modules.
Oct 3, 2014
The developers are putting a lot of energy and time into this, and releasing good patches and updates.
I sorta treat this like a beta release, because in 1 years time it will probably be awesome!!
At the moment, it is still fun to play... just not as potentially awesome as it hopefully will be!
Jul 15, 2013
Queensland, Australia
That would be good. All of the additional content at the minute seems to be for the DM tools. No problem with that, but it would be good to see them do some more SP stuff.

The longevity of the game is in the DM tools, it's not too surprising they are working more on it. Once it reach an acceptable level people will be able to make their own SP stuff (there is a few out already).
Oct 13, 2007
I pre ordered and wasn't disappointed. I assumed it would take quite awhile for this to be ready for prime time if ever.

Honestly I don't know how anyone could have had high expectations if they were following development even a little.

I had said from day one it looked an okay game and from the little I have played of it, it is.

I will revisit the game once a few more patches come out.
Apr 2, 2011
I care because they are still marketing this as D&D. If they didn't would not care at all.

meh.. Look around. This is D&D. No one is making D&D games anymore. This is it. You know why they're marketing it as D&D? Cos its fucking D&D. Try and prove otherwise legally in a court of law using your own personal view of "what D&D means to me" and see if they give a shit.
Jul 10, 2007
meh.. Look around. This is D&D. No one is making D&D games anymore. This is it. You know why they're marketing it as D&D? Cos its fucking D&D. Try and prove otherwise legally in a court of law using your own personal view of "what D&D means to me" and see if they give a shit.
Lol. I don't need court of laws for myself. I don't care what WotC thinks it is, when I think it is not really D&D. And the low scores given by many agree with me.
Oct 3, 2014
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