The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

Can I please have a map for the ship? :) Are you sure it's not related to the Tardis; the inside sure seems larger than the outside!! :D
Actually, I think that it is related to the Tardis ... ;)

I had started to make a map when we realized how much stuff was broken, but will see if I can't get it done, at least for the areas that we're likely to visit (bar, bank, crafting areas, etc.).
May 22, 2008
I'm assuming we're running our level 21 Friday toons tonight? If we're not, what is the alternate plan? Lowbies or take some epics through epic 3 barrel cove? Killing pirate ships is kind of fun, if somewhat frantic.
May 22, 2008
If everyone shows:
Hound/Vision (order TBD), then Litany on the 21s (doing the raids first so nobody ends up waiting for the other half)

If we're missing anyone:
level 6s- finish STK, take lvl7, then TBD
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
A short guide to the new ship

For Corwin, a guide to the new ship, which covers all the places you'll need to use. Stay off 2nd lower deck, as we had to put the "Danger" room back to get the trapper buffs.

1. Load onto ship, head to west door straight ahead of you, and select 1st lower deck.
2. Arrive on 1st lower deck (you'll be facing south, with exit ladder behind you).
3. Go forward & turn left (east) & enter Crafting area (normally Cannith).
4. Go to left and into hall to west.
5. When it dead ends, you can go left to bank, auctioneer, and mail box; or right to tavern which also has all the hireling vendors.

6. Once you're done with that area, head back to the crafting area and keep going south to the other side of the ship. At end, on your right (west), you will find the farshifter (don't need to use him here, captain has all his functions), but there is a teleporter behind him that will take you to all the teleporter locations, including House C, IQ, & Hall of Heroes, which you cannot get from captain.

7. Go bac to crafting area, head east (right) to the Proving Grounds, which has 4 training dummies, the House D vendor, & a general ammo vendor. It also has the secondary buff bar, which is directly in front of you as you come in from the west (the only one that currently works with pets). If you keep going east, you will end up at the end of the ship which has a second exit (ladder).

At this point you can take the ladder to the cargo hold which contains all the legacy buffs from our old ship. You can:

8. Regenerate & change spells at old tavern, since the new tavern isn't working right yet.
9. Use training dummy in front of bar & regenerate while you're at it.
10. Get legacy resist buffs (which stack with new ones)
11. Use XP shrine.
12. Access the guild chest.

12. Take ladder to top deck, have your toon use the buff bar there (one on 1st lower deck doesn't give all the buffs).

You're done. Go questing. :)
May 22, 2008
He was lost as soon as you told him to make that first was downhill after that. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
I can't take 7 till I finish the 4's!! :(
Aug 31, 2006
Keep in mind that, with this loosely-bound group, there's no requirement to complete every quest nor stay in lockstep with anyone. Since you've already qualified for lvl7, we didn't figure there'd be a problem. If you'd like to finish off the level 4 content for your own benefit, you're welcome to do so. I believe the only stuff you've got "hanging out" is the end of STK (which the rest of us have not yhet run, actually) and the Depths chain. The Depths chain is easily solo'd if you choose to do so.

The guildelines for the Friday lowbies is that we will not leave anyone behind on levels without specific permission. Everyone will have qualified for the next level before we take it. We will run or not run content by general agreement and if people wish to run additional on their own, more power to them. As long as nobody takes a level until all of us qualify for it, we're good. Beyond that, it will be very open, by intent.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Update Done, World Up

Update is complete, doesn't take too long to download. Bags & Crafting supposedly fixed. TBD.

Update: Crafting appears to be fixed, but bags are not fixed.
Last edited:
May 22, 2008
Yes, crafting for cannith and green steel seems to work. We charged cells but did not craft any items for GS. Bags still won't gather a second time but the Bank Bag is back and seems to be functioning. Not putting a lot in those yet myself.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
If we get a full group we could first get a hard Hound of Xoriat up and invite people in for the last 4 slots. Then we could hit Litany as we have wanted for a long time.

IQ1 and Amrath quests are also on our list before we hit the epic quests.

Did we do Riddle and Murder by Night in Eveningstar? They are level 19 I think. If not then they are ahead of the King's Forest quests. That will be some time in the future.

Master Artificer and Lord of Blades are quests we are looking into doing as well (probably epic normal).
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
If we don't get a full group we can finish off Shan Ta Kor and look for level 5 quests on our lowbies. Maybe heroic 3-barrel cove for a change?
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
If we get a full group we could first get a hard Hound of Xoriat up and invite people in for the last 4 slots. Then we could hit Litany as we have wanted for a long time.

IQ1 and Amrath quests are also on our list before we hit the epic quests.

Did we do Riddle and Murder by Night in Eveningstar? They are level 19 I think. If not then they are ahead of the King's Forest quests. That will be some time in the future.

Master Artificer and Lord of Blades are quests we are looking into doing as well (probably epic normal).
I'm largely indifferent to another swing at Hound, but I've got no problem doing it if the group wants to salvage our collective manhood.

We should take our swing at Litany soon. Tonight's as good a night as any, me thinks.

We've done nothing in Eveningstar with the Friday toons. I would think we'd run everything we can find for PDK favor sooner or later.

I've got to work tomorrow, so I'll be bailing after 3-4 hours tonight. I'm out next week as I'll have the parental units visiting.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
As mentioned above, I'm out this week. In anticipation of y'all running the 7's (Friday lowbies), I gave RhoGu some exercise yesterday. Y'all should plan on finishing STK (I didn't…bwahaha), then running the House K stuff (2@lvl5, 2@lvl6, yes we'll be under level but they're easy), then running Searing Heights exploders and rares.

I'll probably be a little behind y'all XP-wise since I am not finishing STK, but I'll deal with that in some manner or another. I'm sitting at 395k XP, so approaching 3rd rank of 7. Our next mission for those toons will be heroic 3Barrel, but I'd prefer if y'all didn't start that without me. You'll only have 1 trap monkey, so it might be more hassle than it's worth to run those without me anyway. I don't think we'll need Carnival to make level, but anyone that wants to run that chain for favor, loot, or fun is welcome to do so—just remember that you'll end up holding a level for a while due to the extra XP, potentially long enough to hit the wall.

Hopefully, that will make for a decent session. I figure you'll need about 27 hours to death march your way thru STK. Then an hour for the 4 House K quests. Then another hour for Searing Heights. If you finish up quickly or play late, perhaps you pivot to your epics and putz around in epic 3BC. With the Old Man on crappy dial-up this week, at least one group won't be setting any land speed records.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Poor Dte, I vote we wait on STK just so he can run it. I know he is heartbroken at missing that one. ;)

I have a few lowbies now that might hit level to help you play catch up with. So do a few of us actually.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
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