The TV Series discussion thread

On the page 2 of this thread I've listed many sci-fi shows with a few words about each one, couldn't you just pick any you didn't watch?

I know most of those shows and they're mostly crap, sorry. You did include quality stuff like TNG and Babylon, though - so you're not entirely lost :)
edit- Which reminds me of another option. Since we're mentioning many offerings from the "X-Files tree", how about Millennium? Very solid.

I've looked at that a couple of times and I've been meaning to check it out. Thanks for the reminder.
Didn't watch Millenium as I really don't care about mass murderers and shows about those… But Fox, again, hell why it has to be everywhere… Fox is starting a new series soon called The Following:

IMO a promising trailer, but the story just ain't something that I'd give a try:
the case in which the killer has cultivated a group of dedicated imitators.

To those that don't really understand what am I saying… I'm sick of glorifying Alexander, Napoleon and similar historic figures - all of them were nothing but plain mass murderers. And I'm not interested one bit in stuff about them. Them and their bloodthirst legacy. IMO no mass murderer deserves to be called human being, every single one of them is worse than a rabid animal that should be put down and burried or burned outside of a normal graveyard.
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I'm (still) the minority so there, if you want to check it up, but keep in mind that it's being made by Fox which means 99% chance of cancellation after the first season even if it's great.

But let's return to my first sentence. I said I didn't watch Millenium which is actually false. I did watch it, just not the one you're talking about. This is the one I'm talking about:

And no, I didn't watch Hollywood remake of the first movie nor will. The original was too good and watching the unnecessary remake feels like a waste of time.
Apr 12, 2009
J.Hunter did the pilot, but it took so long for the project to get a green light he changed his mind and Shats got the lead!! The pilot was later reused in a 2 parter about Pike being severely injured.

The story goes that Jeffrey Hunter's wife stormed into Roddenberry's office and started haggling for a higher salary which is why he looked for someone else. Gene really wanted Lloyd Bridges but he turned it down because, and I paraphrase, the second your feet leave terra firma you're typecast. Of course, he went on to accept Sea Hunt. Shatner was the considered the best actor in Hollywood not working, having turned the lead of Dr Kildare and regretting his ever shrinking waistline. Hunter was later turned down for the role of Greg Brady on the Brady Bunch as "being too good loocking" before he died. He had previously been famous for playing Jesus in King of Kings.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I loved Lost and didn't mind the second season "tailies". Mr Eko was a great character but the characters Anna Lucia and Libby were fired for being out of control off-set. Also, Abrams was trying to do a reverse Red-Coat thing which the even the Lost-Encyclopedia which I was regular contributor on couldn't its head around.

The real problem with the series is it put itself on at 10pm starting the 3rd season to not have to compete with American Idol. Viewers lost touch with the series.

Overall, they did a bang up job with the "Serialized Drama" format that tends to get away from their creators which we saw in Twin Peaks and all of Lost's clones so far.
I heard good things about Jericho but I stopped watching after finding 1 or 2 episodes. Wasn't that great.

Thanks on Threshhold, I'll have a look.

Anyone ever see Nowhere Man? It was a big conspiracy driven show that I think followed the wake of X-Files clones. It was a cancelled series on UPN that came on just before Voyager. Its on Netflix now I noticed. I loved it - I think I saw almost every episode except some of the early ones.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Anyone ever see Nowhere Man? It was a big conspiracy driven show that I think followed the wake of X-Files clones. It was a cancelled series on UPN that came on just before Voyager. Its on Netflix now I noticed. I loved it - I think I saw almost every episode except some of the early ones.
If it was cancelled without making a proper ending, I'm not watchng it.
And besides, till a few days ago I had a poster of The man from nowhere as my avatar. It's not series but a movie masterpiece with a similar title and probably not a similar story, but I'm highly recommending watching it before Hollywood makes a silly remake:
Apr 12, 2009
I've been watching a few episodes of Ripper Street. So far, so good. It's actually pretty excellent.

It reminds me of the brilliant TV-movie Jack the Ripper with Michael Caine.

Great cast, solid production values, interesting plots and so on.
And I've heard from a friend it's boring so I've skipped it. Maybe I catch the rerun, but only if you say it's good after watching the whole season (so far there is only one, right?).

The same friend recommended me to go watch Bron/Broen, dunno if it's any good but I'll give it a shot and post about it when I'm done:
Apr 12, 2009
If it was cancelled without making a proper ending, I'm not watchng it.
And besides, till a few days ago I had a poster of The man from nowhere as my avatar. It's not series but a movie masterpiece with a similar title and probably not a similar story, but I'm highly recommending watching it before Hollywood makes a silly remake:

Isn't that a Clint Eastwood character?

It did have a proper ending. There was just enough episodes and time left in the season for it to reach a proper conclusion unlike, say, The Fugitive. I mean, would you watch episodes of the Fugitive knowing there was no satisfactory ending? How about reading the first two LotR books?

IMO, some of these series that know their on the chopping block tend to put a fire under them to get on with the show. They put the stories they intend to put out in a rush instead trying to come up with <technoBabble> filler to meet some artifical deadline. Firefly and Futurama were terrific IMO because they never knew if they were going to get another season.

You see this with actors being pushed out of a series too. In DS9 my favourite episde is where Keiko O'Brien get's possessed by an alien and we see Miles willing to risk the station and the beloved Federation for the safety of his wife and child. And Kess' last season on Voyager were great. Both ladies were pushed out after that and I believe their characters were developed simply out of fear that the writers knew they would be gone so they were eager to have the stories they intended in print before that happened.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Anyone in the UK watching Utopia? link

Thoroughly enjoying that so far, great mixture of humour and tension / horror. Great music too.
Feb 2, 2007
Anyone in the UK watching Utopia? link

Thoroughly enjoying that so far, great mixture of humour and tension / horror. Great music too.

That sounds compelling. Hopefully BBC America will air it, I'll have to check.

I remember a series from the UK about reality show contestants on a show like Big Brother when the zombie apocalypse strikes. Can't remember the name but I enjoyed it and was surprised by the unhappy ending IIRC. This was a around the time when The Walking Dead series started.
Jul 18, 2007
Neither BBC America nor any other USA tv station will air it. Ever.
Yes, I'm sure. 100%. USA censors will ban it because of episode 3 intro.

The new Arnold movie "flopped" in USA cinemas because of shooting on a school The bus was empty, but who cares - it was a school bus. Now just imagine what kind of turmoil would happen if episode 3 aired somewhere in USA.
And it cant be just cut out as it's an integral and very important part not just of the episode 3 but of the whole story and a few key characters.

Utopia is currently available on Channel4 in UK, dunno about other countries so check on your local TV networks.
It's 6part miniseries, so far aired are first 3 episodes and it's an outstanding piece of art. Every single episode is a masterpiece of it's own, hopefully series will keep the top quality till the end.
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Apr 12, 2009
Been enjoying Arrow thus far. Also started watching Continuum, which has some potential. But then I'm easily amused by sci-fi/fantasy action dramas. :)

Really missing Fringe at this point. The best way to watch it is continuously from Blu-ray over a weekend, with plenty of popcorn. The TV episodes were too widely spaced.

Wish BBC had kept The Fades going. I thought that series had a lot of potential as a coming-of-age horror serial.
Mar 22, 2012
Been enjoying Arrow thus far.
Nothing stellar in it, but more than plenty of action and fun. Plus every episode has a "teaser", I love it.

Also started watching Continuum, which has some potential. But then I'm easily amused by sci-fi/fantasy action dramas. :)
Skipped that one, what is it about?

Really missing Fringe at this point. The best way to watch it is continuously from Blu-ray over a weekend, with plenty of popcorn. The TV episodes were too widely spaced.
I'll partially agree as I've watched it an episode per day.

Wish BBC had kept The Fades going. I thought that series had a lot of potential as a coming-of-age horror serial.
You saying no season 2? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo :'(
Yea, the first season has it's end but still... A shame.
Apr 12, 2009
Skipped that one, what is it about?

Here's my understanding of Continuum thus far:

It's a time travel series based on the premise that a group of ruthless terrorists plus a law enforcement officer (the female protagonist) are accidentally(?) sent back to our time. Her task is to try an halt the efforts of the terrorists, who seek to sabotage a future timeline that is mainly controlled by powerful corporations. In her efforts, she is equipped with a few high-tech gadgets, but primarily has to rely on cooperation with the local law enforcement officers plus a skilled hacker.

They're up to episode 3 on the SyFy channel.
Mar 22, 2012
I've watched all 10 episodes of Continuum and really enjoyed it. I didn't think it would work, but it does.
Aug 31, 2006
I've caught some random episode of Continuum last night on Fox Adria.
Sorry, but it didn't impress me enough to stick to it. Seriously.
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Apr 12, 2009
I don't like how Continuum is all about praising corporations. Corporate scumfuckery!

Is there really anything to Arrow other than the lead character running around shirtless?
Sep 28, 2009
No there isn't. We all watch it because we adore his muscles. :p
Apr 12, 2009
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