The TV Series discussion thread

I thought they actually quite well nailed Hearst in Deadwood, about as much as you could simply by researching the man and his convoluted history. So much power, a will to succeed hardly matched, and yet so isolated in many ways.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I thought they actually quite well nailed Hearst in Deadwood, about as much as you could simply by researching the man and his convoluted history. So much power, a will to succeed hardly matched, and yet so isolated in many ways.

He was a real psychopath. Entitled and with a god-complex, and financial power to do anything. A real dangerous fucker. It was interesting how he made Swearengen and Tolliver seem like little children in how abusive he was.
Jul 31, 2007
Yeah, and as tough as both Tolliver and Swearengen were, in both their own respective ways, Hearst was several levels above them both. Even when they combined their efforts, he thwarted them with ease. As he should have, they were very small fish in his pond.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I was pissed off when Deadwood got cut short. People loved it over here, and I thought it really was good stuff. When it had violence, it was real, upsetting violence, and the episode Suffer the Little Children has always stayed with me.
Nov 8, 2014
Is that the Deadwood episode with Kirsten Bell? If so, it's a really good hour, and gave a true idea of how western judgement was measured out. You really didn't have major issues with repeat offenders! =p
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Yeah, and as tough as both Tolliver and Swearengen were, in both their own respective ways, Hearst was several levels above them both. Even when they combined their efforts, he thwarted them with ease. As he should have, they were very small fish in his pond.

Not always. He was more than a little thwarted when Dan got the best of the Captain.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Not always. He was more than a little thwarted when Dan got the best of the Captain.

Yeah, I found interesting the remark that the next underling of Hearts's makes, about how Hearst asked the Captain to prolong the fight as much as possible. If that was really true, and if the Captain got killed just because he and Hearst tried toying with Dan, and didn't take it as serious as they should've.
Jul 31, 2007
The Captain wasn't Hearst, and had his own foibles. Usually when Hearst did fail, it was because of a trusted ally letting him down, another similarity from the real life tale of him, I suppose. Those underlings can always be a risky business.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Is this the official Deadwood thread now? ;)

It's the "whatever people are currently watching and want to talk about" thread. You'll notice the thread isn't called the "The briefly mention TV Series thread".

Yeah, I also don't understand the need to police threads. Personally I'd just let threads go where they want to go, as long as people want to contribute. If someone wants to take the thread in a different direction, they can do so. And the majority votes by participating in that new direction. Or it never picks up steam in that new direction and that's also fine.

If we police threads we then need to have clear rules as to when rules are broken. So then what are we going to do, have a rigid rule of max 5 posts per subject? That doesn't sound like the chill place I'd like to visit.

If the thread goes into a direction/subject I don't care about, I just ignore those posts. Simple as that, and scroll to ones I want to contribute to.
Jul 31, 2007
All threads are policed in one way or the other. For this thread it needs to be about TV series If the discussion is turning into something unrelated to TV series or the connection to TV series becomes too far fetched it is going to be policed.
Although I personally had my fill of Deadwood trivia, it is about a TV show, so if you want to continue you are free to do so.
Aug 30, 2006
All threads are policed in one way or the other.

Yeah, of course there is a base level of policing to not allow anything to devolve into anything. I meant policing outside of the basic "stay on topic".

But of course, that's just my opinion. If a majority or the owners of the forum decide to enforce other rules, I'm all for different opinions.
Jul 31, 2007
Thanks to some intrepid soul uploading the first What If? episode to you-tube, I got to check it out. Now, I'm a huge fan of the What If? comic books from the seventies and eighties, and also of the Peggy Carter character, including the short lived series that aired a couple of years ago. This first episode was pretty good, far better than the Vision/Maximoff, Falcon, or other recent shows that I've seen. Yeah it's a bloody cartoon, yet that doesn't mean you cannot have excellent writing with a good story. It gives me some hope.

And if you enjoy spy thrills and haven't seen the Agent Carter show, check it out. It's really good.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Wow, the butthurt is strong here today. :)

Here's a tip for our more sensitive members: When someone includes a winking emoticon with their statement, they're probably not being entirely serious.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'll stack up the Agent Carter show against any other Marvel product, present or past. It blows most of them away, as long as you understand it's not really a superhero product, it's a thriller/espionage offering. For me, the only other Marvel show that honestly gives Carter competition is perhaps the first series of Daredevil.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Wow, the butthurt is strong here today. :)

Here's a tip for our more sensitive members: When someone includes a winking emoticon with their statement, they're probably not being entirely serious.
I was also wondering if they missed the wink. That's probably because you made a similar teasing here not too long ago.
See how quickly one can get pegged ;)
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Wow, the butthurt is strong here today. :)

Here's a tip for our more sensitive members: When someone includes a winking emoticon with their statement, they're probably not being entirely serious.

I was also wondering if they missed the wink. That's probably because you made a similar teasing here not too long ago.
See how quickly one can get pegged ;)

That's the reason why my ears pricked up. If you do something often enough, it tends to stick out.

Plus, the asynchronous way that forums work and no way to convey intent properly/sufficiently, you never know in what mindset anyone that is reading/writing is in.
Jul 31, 2007
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