Top 10 CRPGs of all time

If you do the cut and paste (which is what I usually do), you have to manually type the name in. I usually don't bother and I've never seen anyone get offended by that.

I checked your last 25 posts and couldn't find any that doesn't quote the name at least for the first quote. Are you a liar or what? :) Well I don't care you was a liar or not, or that it was a deliberate significant act or not, or that it was a non conscious act... Now you know the good (and obvious) behavior rule, let hope that now you'll not forget it. It's not for me just for you! :)
Oct 14, 2007
I see that your way of dealing with things you can't refute is to simply ignore it and declare "I won't read your crap!" Man, those splinters you shove into your eyes must be painful.
Nope, that's not the point, it's when people don't respect basic behavior rules that I don't care read a post. I haven"t read any of your last posts for this reason, if you want any answer, just calm down. :biggrin:
Oct 14, 2007
Nope, that's not the point, it's when people don't respect basic behavior rules that I don't care read a post. I haven"t read any of your last posts for this reason, if you want any answer, just calm down.

I am sorry to say this Dasale but I never quote someone's name when I post something just under their latest post. I think it is obvious it is quoting the latest post. I am not the only one to do like this. I think it is quite childish of you to react that strongly about it, and I do not see why it is necesarry, it could also be very easy to forget it.
Oct 25, 2006
The Elder Scrolls: Arena and Daggerfalll - I remember one of these games had a bug halfway through the game that made it impossible to complete (in addition the King made a ghoul sound :)), so I was delayed it half a year. I don't like the current Bethesda though.
That's original that you quote those two and not Morrowind. But why not, just your choice.

About a bug at half of main quest, it's funny because in Morrowind I also felt into a similar bug blocking the main quest and still here after all patch applied. I continue play until I realized that my character was uber god and most NPC was complaining that I do nothing about the main quest, then I checked forums and found the bug mention and a way to fix it manually which I did but the follow up of the main quest was then just easy walking. I also started Morrowind 3 times without to continue play very far, until I caught its fun. But despite those problems and the ugly graphics I finally appreciate this game, but not enough to have it in my top ten. A quite good game anyway. For the Elder Scrolls series, from my point of view, it's an overrated series... But that's just a feeling from Morrowind and Oblivion hypes, as I haven't played the two other. :)
Oct 14, 2007
....I do not see why it is necesarry, it could also be very easy to forget it.
Last post or not, it's much more clear for someone reading your post and not reading this like a chat. Plus, someone could have post another post between the time you answer the last post and the time you post your answer.

Anyway, blatantninja post a series of answer, at least 3, and in all, take care to quote the name, and forgot it for just one answer... well that is typical non conscious behavior. :) More importantly blatantninja post was not at all an answer to a last post, from far.

Yes, remind to someone else a good behavior rule isn't good behavior, and yes you could see that as childish, but your defense of a such bad case, it's... well I could say quite childish. :)
Oct 14, 2007
I can see this thread has pretty much been completely ruined. :-/
LOL I plaid culprit in part but keep some hope it's not ruined yet.

Some time ago I read it fully from first post to last post, and two times. Well there have been some pages of hot discussions with few losing self control and that didn't ruined the thread. When you read it, it's quite easy to identify such posts between those that focus the trhead topic so you can skip them quite fast, and few time in past that's some pages to skip.
Oct 14, 2007
That's original that you quote those two and not Morrowind. But why not, just your choice.

About a bug at half of main quest, it's funny because in Morrowind I also felt into a similar bug blocking the main quest and still here after all patch applied. I continue play until I realized that my character was uber god and most NPC was complaining that I do nothing about the main quest, then I checked forums and found the bug mention and a way to fix it manually which I did but the follow up of the main quest was then just easy walking. I also started Morrowind 3 times without to continue play very far, until I caught its fun. But despite those problems and the ugly graphics I finally appreciate this game, but not enough to have it in my top ten. A quite good game anyway. For the Elder Scrolls series, from my point of view, it's an overrated series... But that's just a feeling from Morrowind and Oblivion hypes, as I haven't played the two other. :)
I never liked Morrowind because of the "lack of" main narrative and the fantasy setting, so in that sense I enjoyed the classical fantasy setting of Elder Scrolls more. Also, Bethesda has always been known for it's bugs. :)
Mar 30, 2008
I checked your last 25 posts and couldn't find any that doesn't quote the name at least for the first quote. Are you a liar or what? :) Well I don't care you was a liar or not, or that it was a deliberate significant act or not, or that it was a non conscious act... Now you know the good (and obvious) behavior rule, let hope that now you'll not forget it. It's not for me just for you! :)

It's usually when I decide to quote various parts of a posts and/or divide it up
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
I think the moods of each BG game fit perfectly. The first game was bright and cheerful which reflected the characters innocence. After the ordeal of everything you went through in Baldurs Gate 1 its only natural and true to life that the characters and themes would be much darker in a sequel which is all about torture, responsability and sacrifice.

I think that's a good way to look at it. It's definitely reflected in the portrait pictures of the NPC's from 1 to 2 (particularly Imoen, heck, I disliked her BGII portrait so much that I replaced it with the BG1 one!)
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
In no particular order:
* Might and Magic VI and VII - very enjoyable memories from these. I recently also completed V and graphics never bothered me.
* Fallout 1 and 2 - First one is my all-time favourite game.
* Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - A joy to play and never got boring.
* Final Fantasy VII - Extremely tedious, almost like playing WoW ;), but I had to complete it.
* Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 - The first rated higher for it's story.
* The Elder Scrolls: Arena and Daggerfall - I remember one of these games had a bug halfway through the game that made it impossible to complete (in addition the King made a ghoul sound :)), so I was delayed it half a year. I don't like the current Bethesda though.

I don't quote because I share (or not) this top favorite lists but to extract it out of some submerging debating a little out of topic. :biggrin: Let hope order and discipline will come back here! ;)

Small parenthesis: blatantninja that's fine, I doubt I hurt you but if I did I apologize. :)
Oct 14, 2007
Damit did I succeed to kill this thread? That's quite unfair, it's not the first hot exchange in this thread, it doesn't worth this death.

Well I'll throw my new current top ten:
  1. Gothic 2 + NOTR - Story density, nice world living, player choices, very good exploration, amazing sword fighting with a lot of depth.
  2. Fallout 1 - Adult story telling, depth, plenty interesting choices, nice turn based fight system, magically appealing since the first seconds of play.
  3. Ultima Underworld - Best merge of story, dialogs, exploration, puzzling and fights. Not the best story line but very good dialogs, they mix very well hints, general information, NPC relationship. Excellent puzzling design you don't see anymore in modern CRPG. Real 3D design of the area, no modern CRPG has yet done as well, only the recent Drakensang is going close. Nice original controls but for fights, fights still with a nice depth once you get more used to their weird and approximative controls.
  4. The Witcher - Best story writing, original management of player choices with real consequence in long term, best world living with Gothic 2 NOTR and Ultima 7, an adult story telling full of nice or weird humor, miraculously uncensored content like funny male chauvinist quotes, non serious teenish erotic content and even some weird funny pedophile stupid smiles. Quite fun action fighting if you don't stick to the more basic approach and try diversify your fighting by mixing swording with movements and magic runes.
  5. King's Bounty: The Legend - A tactical RPG and that's the tactical elements that are the core of an amazing gameplay with a lot of depth. A fresh non realistic approach from the scale to very cute graphics. The RPG elements just setup a nice and very pleasant mood. But objectively they are a bit too much symbolic, too generic, with too many humor referencing modern context.
    ... Myst, Pathway into Darkness, Civilization 1 for Mac, Doom and now King's Bounty The Legend. All those has been more than games, they fascinated me. King's Bounty The Legend isn't top 1 in this list because the RPG elements even if they setup a nice mood, they lack a bit of depth and I need more time to put it that high in my list.
  6. Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer - Build on the rude base of roguelike games but with many very original design counterbalancing the lack of save backup. Deep gameplay but much more user friendly than in the genre tradition. Add to that cute graphics, funny characters and much more story stuff and you get a very original roguelike, rude but very fun gameplay.
  7. Dungeon Master 1 - I played it not so far ago and get amazed by the gameplay quality. An amazing example are the fights, no realism but extreme concentration on gameplay design, this result in a very fun fight action with a lot of depth. Add to that a nice mood, very good exploration and an amazing puzzling quality very diversified and very well merged to the exploration, and you get an amazing game like you don't see much more in more moderns CRPG.
  8. NWN2 Mask of the Betrayer - Epic game, better puzzling than most modern RPG but far to match older games like Dungeon Master. It has deep party NPC and even if they aren't the more attaching companions they are interesting anyway, a great story with a strong epic feeling, and it is much more subtle on the moral point of view than are usually most CRPG.
  9. Badur's Gate 1 - I replayed it recently and get amazed to have forgot how fun it was except an ugly final. For sure BG2 go further and overall BG1 is only solid contents lacking of deep originality but with very few weakness, everything has a solid quality, from fights to main story and NPC companions. But in comparison with BG2, BG1 achieved more freedom, much more attaching companions, better Fantasy mood, better main story and the last but not the least, no weird boring romance to manage. :biggrin:
  10. Citadel: Adventure of the Crystal Keep - I replayed it recently and it's been a chock to realize it was even better than what I allowed me think of a totally unknown game. It's just a little dungeon game but it has an unmatched mystery mood, plenty original and deep puzzling even if few are probably too dfficult. It's also impressive how many modern features this 1989 game had, from deep mouse interface design to personalized graphics. Few big flaws in the gameplay design, deliberate or not, but don't exploit them and you get a rude but great dungeon RPG with an excellent mystery mood.

I won't add the long list of possibly great CRPG I haven't yet try or that I played too few to get a good idea of their fun. But I'll add a short list for honorific mentions:
* Drakensang - Not the perfect CRPG design but plenty quality including an excellent companions design, most often a very good fighting, a very interesting class system. In my heart it clearly worth to be in my top ten, but too many obvious weakness and not so clear yet why I enjoyed it so much, too fresh play, need more time.
* Divine Divinity - If I keep only the core of this game, ie a large part after the beginning and before the last third of the game, this game would be probably in my top 5.
* Realmz: Sword Lands Trilogy - In fact a scenario trilogy for the now free game Realmz (but its scenario aren't yet free even if the price is now very low). I haven't played yet the full trilogy because when I played it the third wasn't released. I remember a lot of good stuff of this play, very good for the first scenario of the trilogy, amazing for the second. Among qualities I remember, a very good writing, nice puzzling and tactical fights design, extreme attention to details, incredible depth and alternatives particularely for such game close to sandbox but with strong story. Alas for such an unknown game and almost a user made addon (but not freeware), I need a more fresh replay to be more sure that my remembering isn't too wrong.
* NWN1: Dreamcatcher Series - The rembering I have of it is a bit old and it's not clear if a part of this remembering wasn't also coming from the amazement of this coming from almost a single guy.
* BG2 SoA and ToB - It's weird how I get a very good but not fully positive remembering about SoA and much better about ToB just because of fights design, unballanced in SoA and quite better tuned and designed in ToB. But I don't know anymore how much I like any of them and need replay them.
* NWN2 OC - My feeling was very very positive about this game when I played it and still is but not enough now because details about it strangely vanished quite a lot and I get a mixed feeling from having read too many negative comments about it.
Oct 14, 2007
Dasale - good list with good brief descriptions -> I have played them all except:

Citadel: Adventure of the Crystal Keep &
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer

I will take a look at these.
Oct 18, 2006
Shiren the Wanderer is for the DS ... and quite wonderful.
Oct 18, 2006
In no particular order.

Ultima VI: The False Prophet
I can't remember how often I played this game. Origin simply got it right with this title. The story was fantastic: epic and personal without stepping into clichès. The world was large enough to feel real, but with enough unique places to never become boring. Also, the characters were excellent. The game has only one flaw, though you can avoid it. Using the Orb of the Moons too early could spoil your experience. I rarely use the Orb when I play nowadays.

Ultima VII: The Black Gate

Fantastic title. Excellent writing. This game was dark and mature before maturity became hip. Combat was useless. Most of the time you pressed "c" and watched the slaughter. Fortunately, the characters and the exploration made up for it.
I loved the sidequests that involved just two people in love, or the drug addiction of some kid.

Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds
Much better than the first part, IMO. Again, great plot and characters. I also loved how different the worlds you visited were. The castle as a "hub", with its ongoing murder mystery quest, was also great fun.

Deus Ex
Except for the AI, this game is pretty much perfect. I love it how you can still find new things when you play it, be it locations or tactics.

Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
I think the Infinity Engine was a great RPG engine, and BG2 was the best game that used it. Lovely characters and plot, lots of stuff to do, wonderful sidequests. Also, the best romances I have ever seen in a roleplaying game.

Planescape: Torment
More an adventure title than an RPG. Unique scenario with excellent plot and writing. this game left me in awe a couple of times.

The engine is what Ultima 9 should have been. Wonderful 3D world with a lot to explore, NPC shedules, exciting combat. Gothic 2 did some things better, but atmosphere-wise, the first part wins. I really felt like part of the community.

Neverwinter Nights 2
I love it for its epicness, especially once you get your own fortress. The story is very clichèd, though.

Fallout 1
This game does everything right except for the companion system. Touching, funny, sick, awesome. Excellent roleplay mechanics. I like how short it is compared to Fallout 2. For me, when a game has many paths and decisions, it has a higher replayability when it is shorter. I feel more tempted to start a game again when I feel that I am going to finish it.

Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday

Underestimated Gold Box game. Fallout is often cited as the perfect pen&paper experience on the computer. Buck Rogers is the better one, IMO. Based on the D&D rules, you saved the solar system with a small party. What makes the game great is that apart from the standard RPG systems, it had a lot of multiple choice situations presented to you by the narrator. Also, the game had a unique scenario and a lot of things to do, including piloting your own spaceship.

Oblivion (with a few Gigabyte of Mods)
I can understand why, for some, Oblivion is the only game they need. With the right mods you can spend hundreds of hours without getting bored. By now, fans have modded Oblivion into a near perfect game.
Dec 24, 2008
London, UK
I'm not entirely sure what cRPG is, but these are my favourite games..

1. Betrayal at Krondor
1. World of Xeen
1. King's Bounty : The Legend
1. Lands of Lore 2
1. AD&D : The Temple of Darkmoon

2. Final Fantasy 12 (sorry)
3. NWN 2 : Storm of Zehir
4. Rise of Nations (more of an RTS)
5. Legend of Kyrandia 2 : The Hands of Fate
6. Might and Magic 6
Apr 23, 2009
Betrayal At Krondor - Fantastic story, pacing and setting. Just enough micro-management to be fun but not annoying. A great intro, here's enough story to get you going, head that way, be ready for your combat introduction.

Fallout 1/2 - Enough said.

Jagged Alliance 2 - Not quite an RPG but at it's heart what I like about RPGs micro-management of resources and strategic combat. Fun characters, great combat. A thankfully real setting.

Wasteland - Great setting and writing, every now and then I get the urge to remake this in some fashion but I never get very far.

Pool of Radiance (Gold Box) - One of the original CRPGs. I still like the setting of this story, how you were just a schmo looking for a paycheck, not a foretold hero.

Deus Ex - Like Fallout it allowed you to solve problems in multiple ways but lost some of that freedom the further you got into the game.

NWN - Apparently I'm the only one on the planet that liked the OC. SoU was too slow. HotU was good in parts, sucked in others.

Witcher - Great anti-hero story and unique character system.

Arcanum - Another unique setting, though a very muddled character system. Nice plot twists.

Kings Bounty - I'm mostly including it as it's the best of it's genre. Good humor, I just wish there was a little more depth to the character system and classes.

Not a top 10 but could someone explain to me why I enjoyed Summoner (the console port ) so much?

Return to Krondor - Not a fantastic game but it gets way more flak than it deserves, I think every one wanted BaK2 and was just angry when they got this.

Planescape - Not a bad game but overrated. Talk, talk, talk, bad combat mechanics and very little character development. I did enjoy the part where you have the revelation of your history though.

Baldur's Gate 2 - No matter how many times I try this game I just don't like it. A confused slow moving story, a boring character system and the horrible Infinity Engine combat mechanics. I beat BG1 once upon a time but don't remember liking it any better, just had more free time. Flame away guys but I thought it was just plain boring.

VtMB: I don't get this one, maybe I'm just not goth enough. Combat wasn't good enough to keep my interest and all I did was run around and talk to Vampires. Never got very far in my several attempts at liking this game.
Mar 2, 2009
Planescape - Not a bad game but overrated. Talk, talk, talk, bad combat mechanics and very little character development. I did enjoy the part where you have the revelation of your history though.

I very much enjoyed the "talking" part. This shines especially against the fact that we live in an "age of action" and action is too often the only gameplay element well developed nowadays.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Yeah, one should not forget how essential dialogue can be in roleplaying. If you take pen&paper seriously, it is often the dialogue where you really define your character. Planescape is amazing because its dialogues give you a lot of freedom. It is so great that on my first playthrough I managed to play myself pretty well. Not thinkable in most other games. Well, maybe the first two Fallouts.

Definitely not Gothic, where by default you play an arrogant ruffian.
Dec 24, 2008
London, UK
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