PoE Two gamechanging bugs you should know about

Pillars of Eternity
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April 1, 2015
Long time lurker here. Thanx for all the info.

I just want to highlight two potentially gamechanging bugs in Pillars of Eternity. Because people really should know about these before they get too far into the game. I'm glad I did. They both affect PC and NPC stats in a way you might not notice them. And the chances you have them are pretty high.

They have been mentioned in another thread but desserve more attention I think (also there are workaround/fixes). These are the buggers:

1) http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73...llowing-stats-to-grow-beyond-intended-values/

The first bug happens when you save and load a game in an area where you picked up a follower. If said follower is having any bonus to stats from whatever (eg. a magic ring) these bonuses will become permanent and stack every time you save/load in that area. Eg. if you put a +50 enducance ring on Eder and save and load in Gilded Vale this bonus will become permanent, and it will stack as many times as you save/lad in this area. Eder can become pretty invincible from this. The same happens to all other followers with all other bonuses in the areas where they are picked up. This bug is probably the reason why some people find the game too easy, even on "Hard".

Temporary workaround/fix: http://www.reddit.com/r/projecteter...ficial_bugfix_easy_fix_for_attributesdefences

2) http://www.pcgamer.com/pillars-of-e...el=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0

The second bug strips away any passive bonuses when you double-click to equip inventory (which I do). Apparently you can fix it for the followers by dismissing and take them back in an inn/stronghold, but you can't fix it for the PC. Just beware that there might be another bug that causes followers to loose all inventory when you dismiss them. Happened to me at least. So Strip them off all inventory first.

As mentioned, you will likely not notice these bugs if you don't pay close attention to the stats. And chances are that they will change your experience with the game significantly.

Obsidian is aware of the bugs and they will be addressed in the coming patch (1.03).
Apr 1, 2015
Thanks, although it's already mentioned in another thread. We're all eagerly waiting for the patch (which will hopefully fix both problems retroactively so we don't have to start a new game).
Apr 12, 2009
You're welcome joxer.

I saw them in the other thread, but - as mentioned - I thought they deserved more attention, as they really are both sneaky, gamechanging and will affect many people without them knowing it. Which is why I'm pleased that Couchpotato just now took them to the news section :)
Apr 1, 2015
I'm actually more interested in the full buglist so I can compare it to the recent games like DA3 (which is, besides dreadful DX crashes on PC, very polished and only about 50different bugs slipped through unlike some other openworlds with more than 500 issues on the release).

Obsidian is "known" for buggy releases, but The Stick of Truth already was almost bugfree on the release, I hope Eternity is also not bug-o-rama.
Apr 12, 2009
I'm aware of Obsidians bug-legacy. Personally I think it's a bit unfair, because RPG like theirs with a lot of player freedom will be excpetionally prone to have bugs. I can't recall a complex RPG without many bugs i vanilla.

So my intention was not to criticise Obsidian, but only to help people awoid/work around the bugs.
Apr 1, 2015
I ment to say that the thing is pretty much unfair.
I've seen more bugs in releases other developers did. Some I didn't see, but there are news headlines all over internet. Recent example is AC:Unity. The game was unplayable on the release. And it's not the only Ubi's game plagued with bugs, yet noone will say Ubi tends to release bug-o-ramas.
Apr 12, 2009
I'm actually more interested in the full buglist so I can compare it to the recent games like DA3 (which is, besides dreadful DX crashes on PC, very polished and only about 50different bugs slipped through unlike some other openworlds with more than 500 issues on the release).

DAI had a lots of class abilities that didn't (don't? I don't think they are all fixed) work properly. It flew over most player's head though, just like many people finished PoE without seen a single bug…
Last edited:
Oct 13, 2007
None of the ability enhancing rings work in DA:I, and does anyone throw a twitter tantrum? No…

Bioware hides the fact that lots of bugs exist by hardly acknowledging them, and then fixing them with stealth fixes and not telling anyone. Yay for deceit and dishonesty!
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
It's not just Bioware, it seems like EA thing. As Maxis does the same thing too.
The first Sims 4 thorough patch fixed a few bugs without noting them all in the changelog and while I made the list of those "changes" back then so the community is aware of it, I didn't check later patches.

But I don't think stealth fixes are a bad thing or a deceit. It's just they forget to add points in the changelog. Besides most players don't want to read those changelogs at all, they're only interested if that one certain bug they know about is fixed or not and don't care for the rest.
Apr 12, 2009
There is already a thread about this in the News section. This one has been closed.
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