Wasteland 2 - Gameplay Video

So, inExile was left to it's own device to produce magic and what they are creating looks like a graphic overhaul of a turn-based strategy game of the mid 90's? Krater did the same, in real time, and there was no red carpet and mariachi band announcing it...
Jul 14, 2012
Better than I was expecting. It looks amazing. Great ambiance.
Dec 22, 2010
It was real time…

?? Did you watch the video? The combat is clearly turn-based.

"So, inExile was left to it's own device to produce magic and what they are creating looks like a graphic overhaul of a turn-based strategy game of the mid 90's? Krater did the same, in real time, and there was no red carpet and mariachi band announcing it… "

Trolls incoming!
Sep 16, 2011
Looks good, I especially like the flavor text for all the stuff in the world.

Some of the creature names are weird, hopefully place holders since this is an early build. Supafly and megamaggot? Sounds like either a humor attempt or a placeholder for the real names to come later. Some humor is good but I hope its not cheesy.

Love they are using the same skills\problem solving skills as the first game.

Only concerns are the camera and not sure how I feel about the graphics, never really been a huge of 3d graphics, not that it looks bad though. I just always prefered the hand drawn art of 2d graphics but I realize in this age that may not be the way to go.

Anyway, excited to see more.
Feb 24, 2010
No it was not.
Listen better at the narrative.
Some sites ban people for quoting the previous message. So I did not quote the previous message.

My comment was meant to explain why Krater was received poorly. It (Krater) was real time.
Mar 29, 2011
The UI is way too big for my tastes - and I assume the early version code is responsible for the sluggish performance.

One thing I'd note is that, in addition to being customizable, higher resolutions would make the UI smaller by default. This was recorded at 720 (probably for technical reasons and to make recording easier), but I'm guessing most of us have at least 1080p (i.e. - 1920 by 1080 or, mostly the same, 1920 by 1200). That, by itself, should make a reasonable difference.
Sep 16, 2011
Trolls incoming!

Nope. People can feel unimpressed by the video, even if very early gameplay.

I am not sure this game resolves turn based and tactics issues. Flanking? For what?
Good points though: at this moment, certain very easy tasks seem to be kept very easy. It is the nature of turn based games to inflate very easy tasks'difficulty (like shooting an elephant right in front of you, five meters away) in order to make up for the staticness of the combat.

Some odd things: discovery of the world based on perception. Illustrating texts showing up according to the character's perception. Can turn easily devastating. Can you imagine replaying again the game just to try the few objects that escape the perception testing of the characters?

Mar 29, 2011
Nope. People can feel unimpressed by the video, even if very early gameplay.

I am not sure this game resolves turn based and tactics issues. Flanking? For what?
Good points though: at this moment, certain very easy tasks seem to be kept very easy. It is the nature of turn based games to inflate very easy tasks'difficulty (like shooting an elephant right in front of you, five meters away) in order to make up for the staticness of the combat.

Some odd things: discovery of the world based on perception. Illustrating texts showing up according to the character's perception. Can turn easily devastating. Can you imagine replaying again the game just to try the few objects that escape the perception testing of the characters?


I agree with you that there are legitimate reasons to be unimpressed with an early game video. I think that shows a lot of cynicism/pessimism, but that, in itself, is neither irrational nor trolling.

This, however, is trolling: "So, inExile was left to it's own device to produce magic and what they are creating looks like a graphic overhaul of a turn-based strategy game of the mid 90's? Krater did the same, in real time, and there was no red carpet and mariachi band announcing it… "

Krater? Really? What's even the point of comparison? That they both are broadly post-apocalyptic? Also, mid-90's? Man, I must remember a different mid-90's then everyone else….
Sep 16, 2011
Trolls incoming!

Why trolling? Are there any rules in this forum that we must acclaim every old school game as the work of genius? If there is, my apologies. Otherwise, the radio transmissions sound cool, and (maybe) if they turn those text boxes into voice acting the game will look cool on the whole. By now it seems pretty dull and clearly not an RPG, but strategy with dialogue (like Jagged Alliance). I know it's just a preview, but I was expecting more from some game which has been hyped up since the artwork showing a bearded guy with a cowboy hat was divulged... For me stapling the names Brian Fargo and Chris Avellone to something isn't enough.
Jul 14, 2012
Krater? Really? What's even the point of comparison? That they both are broadly post-apocalyptic? Also, mid-90's? Man, I must remember a different mid-90's then everyone else….

Yes, because they are both post-apocalyptic, both of them look like graphic overhauls of mid/ late 90s games and they are both advertised as RPGs, though none looks like an RPG. Krater is more of a skirmish game, this one isn't finished, but it is clearly pointing to turn-based strategy.
Jul 14, 2012
"Why trolling? Are there any rules in this forum that we must acclaim every old school game as the work of genius? If there is, my apologies."

Straw man. I was calling you out on ridiculous comparisons to Krater and to mid-90's graphics.

" By now it seems pretty dull and clearly not an RPG, but strategy with dialogue (like Jagged Alliance)."

Not sure how you came to that conclusion. It seemed generally in-line with how I'd expect Fallout or Wasteland 1 to handle a similar situation. I mean, I'm not saying it's impossible, but I think you have to do an awful lot of assuming and reaching here, especially to call this a Jagged Alliance style game.

"Yes, because they are both post-apocalyptic, both of them look like graphic overhauls of mid/ late 90s games and they are both advertised as RPGs, though none looks like an RPG. Krater is more of a skirmish game, this one isn't finished, but it is clearly pointing to turn-based strategy. "

Again, the mid-90's comparison seems absurd. I mean.. do you remember what games looked like in the mid-90's? If I really wanted to compare the graphics of Krater and WL2, I'd argue that, even at this early stage, Krater is found wanting.

In any case, Krater was pretty obviously going for Diablo-clone status right away. This is an RPG, at least as far as we all understand the term. You'd have to assume a lot in order to be convinced it's a straight strategy game.
Sep 16, 2011
Why trolling? Are there any rules in this forum that we must acclaim every old school game as the work of genius? If there is, my apologies. Otherwise, the radio transmissions sound cool, and (maybe) if they turn those text boxes into voice acting the game will look cool on the whole. By now it seems pretty dull and clearly not an RPG, but strategy with dialogue (like Jagged Alliance). I know it's just a preview, but I was expecting more from some game which has been hyped up since the artwork showing a bearded guy with a cowboy hat was divulged… For me stapling the names Brian Fargo and Chris Avellone to something isn't enough.

Of course I don't know your view on the whole RPG or tactics genre, but from what I have seen in this video I am pretty flashed and think that about everything is as good as it can be - and above my expectations actually.
Turning the text boxes into sound makes it cost a lot of more money and decreases a lot of the flexibility. Therefore for most of the dialogues and especially the flavor texts I welcome the switch to texts as stated in my previous comments. But having texts or voice overs does not make any difference in terms of "is this a good rpg". Some enjoy voice overs (I do mostly) but it limits the freedom a lot technically.
I am not sure why you don't see an RPG here. Maybe because they presented more of the strategy part than the RPG part? Maybe because you enjoy hack and slashing enemies in real time by walking by and don't want to "waste" time with combat? As far as I can judge even the most time in P&P D&D games is "wasted" on combat.
I really don't know what you were looking for. Another Mass Effect or Dragon Age 2?

Edit: To say something about Krater: yeah, it is post apocalyptic but that's it. As killias 2 said it's diablo Clone. And if Diablo is to be called an RPG at all, well, there are also tons of discussions about that alone.
In this regards I would even say that Jagged Alliance 2 is more of an RPG than Krater. Krater lacked of characters you could actually identify with. As it also had a horrible combat system the only good thing about Krater was it's music imho.
Jun 2, 2012
This is where the Fallout franchise should have headed instead of that FPS nonsense.
Apr 11, 2012
Turning the text boxes into sound makes it cost a lot of more money and decreases a lot of the flexibility. Therefore for most of the dialogues and especially the flavor texts I welcome the switch to texts as stated in my previous comments. But having texts or voice overs does not make any difference in terms of "is this a good rpg". Some enjoy voice overs (I do mostly) but it limits the freedom a lot technically.

Yes, I the cost thing is a problem. But I can't have role playing without voice anymore. Just doesn't cut it for me. The same with too much tactical combat. I know that most people (in this forum at least) have no problem with strategy and tactical combat in an RPG, but that's not my personal taste

I am not sure why you don't see an RPG here. Maybe because they presented more of the strategy part than the RPG part? Maybe because you enjoy hack and slashing enemies in real time by walking by and don't want to "waste" time with combat? As far as I can judge even the most time in P&P D&D games is "wasted" on combat.
I really don't know what you were looking for. Another Mass Effect or Dragon Age 2?

They presented a lot of strategy, yes, the interaction with NPCs part did not seem to be that much important (maybe it will be in the final version, but here it isn't. And yes again, I do not like the combats to be tactical, I like them quick and dirty. Not as in Diablo, but as in any Fallout 3, FONV, Mass Effect... I wasn't expecting another Mass Effect (I would like it to be more like that, but I knew it wasn't). I was expecting it to be more of a modern version of the early Fallouts, but with all the bells and whistles that by that time they couldn't have. After this video, I don't know...
Jul 14, 2012
But I can't have role playing without voice anymore. Just doesn't cut it for me. The same with too much tactical combat. I know that most people (in this forum at least) have no problem with strategy and tactical combat in an RPG, but that's not my personal taste

They presented a lot of strategy, yes, the interaction with NPCs part did not seem to be that much important (maybe it will be in the final version, but here it isn't. And yes again, I do not like the combats to be tactical, I like them quick and dirty. Not as in Diablo, but as in any Fallout 3, FONV, Mass Effect… I wasn't expecting another Mass Effect (I would like it to be more like that, but I knew it wasn't). I was expecting it to be more of a modern version of the early Fallouts, but with all the bells and whistles that by that time they couldn't have. After this video, I don't know…

Yeah, I guess than this game is not for you. But I think the point is that this game is bringing back the "old" gameplay and not just the franchise and that was what they said. But you seem to wish for the opposite: Have a modern game with the old franchise.
This game is not for you. On the bright side for you, there are tons of games out there which you will like - which we don't because they are too "streamlined" or "dumbed down" for us. That's not meant as an offense. But you seem to be more of a Console gamer enjoying to be entertained from the couch. A lot of the gamers on RPG watch seem to be the opposite, liking to get "invested" into games, as I do as well - and this is why we are so hyped about a game bringing back what has gone missing during the last 10 years or so.
Jun 2, 2012
Not sure how you came to that conclusion. It seemed generally in-line with how I'd expect Fallout or Wasteland 1 to handle a similar situation. I mean, I'm not saying it's impossible, but I think you have to do an awful lot of assuming and reaching here, especially to call this a Jagged Alliance style game.

Well, what I saw there was too much strategy, too little interaction. Hence the comparison with Jagged Alliance. Fallout had tactital combat, but nevertheless it was a role playing game - and not just because it had RPG rules, skills and all that jazz. It was an RPG, with tactical combat.

Again, the mid-90's comparison seems absurd. I mean.. do you remember what games looked like in the mid-90's? If I really wanted to compare the graphics of Krater and WL2, I'd argue that, even at this early stage, Krater is found wanting.

You skipped over the part I wrote about looking like a graphic overhaul of a mid 90s game. But then I corrected that, mid 90s would be unfair, more like late 90s. Graphic overhaul, not really like 90s graphics.

In any case, Krater was pretty obviously going for Diablo-clone status right away. This is an RPG, at least as far as we all understand the term. You'd have to assume a lot in order to be convinced it's a straight strategy game.

I agree that Krater went for the skirmish thing... But I can't clearly see an RPG there, except for what is being said about the game. What is shown, looks like turn-based strategy. That's what I saw, maybe I'm prejudiced about it because I do not like tactical combat.
Jul 14, 2012
You're welcome to post on the backer forums if you have a problem with the game's direction. And I don't doubt you'll be virtually squashed by the vast majority of people who feel the opposite and adore the design decisions. Myself being one of them.

A developer will never please 100% of everyone. Those that wish to do so just sell out to EA and "streamline" their games to sell more copies.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Looks good, I especially like the flavor text for all the stuff in the world.

Some of the creature names are weird, hopefully place holders since this is an early build. Supafly and megamaggot? Sounds like either a humor attempt or a placeholder for the real names to come later. Some humor is good but I hope its not cheesy.

Love they are using the same skills\problem solving skills as the first game.

Only concerns are the camera and not sure how I feel about the graphics, never really been a huge of 3d graphics, not that it looks bad though. I just always prefered the hand drawn art of 2d graphics but I realize in this age that may not be the way to go.

Anyway, excited to see more.

Amen to that!
I miss the good old days of 2d and text based dialogue.
To me, 90% of the time voice overs kill the immersion.
Apr 11, 2012
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