Wasteland 2 - Gameplay Video

Lookin´ good.
Not sure about few things like the camera or what´s up with the guard´s narrow vision cone, but I´ll reserve judgment for now.
Player inserted keywords ftw.
Apr 4, 2008
However, I'm still not seeing a game that's overly tactical or combat-focused for the genre.

Yeah, I agree. Especially given the main point of the video was to show off combat & skill mechanics.
Jun 23, 2011
This looks better than I imagined. I wish I had pledged. Absolutely cannot wait to play it. From the video:


TB combat
Heavily skills based
Scary ambient music like Fallout (Isn't it the same composer?)
Very atmospheric
Minimal voice acting (HURRAY!!!!)
Font of the text is that of the original Wasteland-- that was a nice touch
Heavy on the descriptive text

Cons (not many):
Movable camera-- I get the feeling I'll need to adjust it a lot as the party moves. Kind of wish they hadn't caved on this and stuck with a fixed camera

Concerned about length. IIRC it has been said the game may not be that long. Or am I getting it confused with Project Eternity?

OMG I can't wait. If all the upcoming Kickstarter CRPGs live to their hype, this is a great time for this genre: Chaos Chronicles, Project Eternity, Wasteland 2. The best part is it captures the feel of the original WL except with better graphics. It's pretty clear Brian Fargo isn't doing to WL what he did with his Bard's Tale release.
Jul 18, 2007
Nearly everything in the video looks perfect to me, considering it's a work-in-progress. Very glad that I backed the project - this is exactly the direction I was hoping for. Thumbs up for text dialogues (no voice), typing keywords, the skill system, hexes, tactics, descriptive flavor text and the ambient music. I'm glad I opted for the soundtrack pledge level.

Also, I think they've stated the UI will be customizable to any size you want, for those who don't like the big UI.
Aug 19, 2011
That camera reminds me a lot of the one in NWN2.

Anyway, it looks good, though I still don't know enough about the world and its characters to be thrilled. However, I think I'm actually getting it for free due to my PE pledge, so there's no doubt about whether or not I'll give it a go.
Oct 18, 2006
Overall, Wasteland 2's combat seems about as close to a merger of WL1 and FO 1 and 2 as anyone could reasonably expect (with the possible exception of those looking for more of a Bard's Tale style system). I'm not sure what you're expecting. Something like Fallout 3?

In any case, you're also arguing that there is more of a focus on combat than role-playing. But how could you possibly reach that conclusion after watching a few minutes of footage? Again, I just don't see how you feel confident enough about this to actually complain about it and follow up your complaints with further thoughts. How much time was spent fighting in that video? A couple minutes? Maybe 3? Out of a 17 minute video?

Now matter how I see it, this line of complaint is made up of assumptions and a strong imagination. The combat system is almost identical to Fallout's but with party management more like WL1. The ratio of combat:non-combat is hugely in the latter's favor. In fact, I just checked myself, and they spend as much time in dialogue as they do in combat. On top of all of this, I'm still not sure what you think we should be expecting to see.

Again, as I said, it was based on what I saw, and it was not not much, but added to the fact that I know that most people who are backing kickstarters don't really want role playing, but "old school role playing", which isn't quite role playing ( as we, pen & paper RPGers might understand it) but tactical strategy gaming with some dialogue, skills and equipment managing. I might have been wrongly directed by that assumption. Might have been...
Jul 14, 2012
I think I might know where you are coming from, is it the dialogue system that you find lacking? I.e. Using keywords instead of sentences/phrases? They did state in the prelude to the video that it's purpose was to show off the HUD, combat and skill use mechanisms. They didn't really show any dialogue stuff beyond "Tell me about Snake Vargas".

Yeah, that's true. I suppose we'll have to wait to see what it will be like in the end.
Jul 14, 2012
Looks nice. Hexes are sexy.
Sep 16, 2010
I must say I'm rather impressed, especially since this was not one of the upcoming rpg games that seemed all that promising to me. Wonderful atmospheric graphics, great top down perspective, combat looks good and traditional, extended dialogues, the overall feel of the game seems extremely polished and well done. My minor niggles - hopefully they don't think there have to be f-bombs or cursing every few lines for the sake of it being "adult", that could get annoying fast. I thought having the main text window on the right hand side was odd, instead of it being centered. I also thought the interface elements were too large and obtrusive, covering up those delicious world graphics too much. But apparently those elements will be able to be moved and re-sized, which would solve the issue.

The biggest issue is it looked like the game is not truly open, but more an "on rails" game. It could be a wrong impression from this initial video though, but it seemed like the game was go to A, now go to B, now go to C, etc. That said, it is a legitimate approach, and would not be a reason for me to not buy this. You can't have everything. Overall, this video has upped the excitement level for this game from mildly interested to heavily interested.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
From someone who is not a big fan of post-apoc and guns, I still thought the video was pretty cool. There was enough exploration and treasure hunting to at least pique my interest. I can see why this game is getting some excitement around here.

I did wonder why there was an AK-97 at a science facility though.
Oct 18, 2006
I don't know, I think the swearing fit what these guys are doing. Spend any time with the military and swearing is normal, I think it has something to do with the type of job and stresses involved.
Apr 17, 2007
Looks great, much better than I would have expected!
Oct 18, 2006
I loved this demo. LOVED IT. Way better than my highest expectations.

I also love that there are people who don't like it. The fact that somebody thinks that ME and FO3 are the epitome of CRPGs, and doesn't like the looks of this game, makes me thrilled. Brian Fargo was asked point blank what he would be doing to make the game appealling to those who enjoy more modern games, and his response was simple: nothing. And that's as it should be. Modern gamers have multiple giant publishers, with multi-million dollar blockbuster franchises, all spending countless resources to churn out very pretty but simplified games for the masses. The reason I pledged way more than any sane person should to a video game, is because I want to re-create that same feeling I had playing the first Wasteland and the Gold Box games and Ultima IV & V on my Commodore 128 during high school. Just watching 15 minutes of this video got me way more pumped for a video game than I have been for a long time.

Just to counterbalance my gushing with some objective analysis, I do, however, feel a little ambivalence towards the dialogue system. It's kind of silly, because keyword dialogue has been around forever and used most recently in Elder Scrolls, but I think it bugs me a little because it seems such a giant step backwards from Fallout. Then again, the Fallout system looks like it required a large amount of design resources to do things like model NPC reaction in a meaningful way. So I can understand how the limited time and resources available on this project probably made a keyword system have the most bang-for-the-buck in terms of maximizing the volume of dialog in the game. Hopefully it's something that just feels natural after playing it for a while. But it did stick out in this demo.

Overall, this looks awesome.
Mar 10, 2009
Cool, they have a schnauzer on the design team! Theyre pretty hard workers, and cheap - most of the time they just work for cookies.

The video got me more hot and bothered than most - looks awesome. I'd feel bad for not backing it if they hadnt literally tripled their goal. Which is great, spend the cash to keep the game looking good as well for all us (reasonable) graphics junkies. The level of detail that I'm seeing is just right, and I'm a big time zoomer & rotater so I'm tickled they decided to incorporate that

Cant wait to play it, keep up teh good work Chewie
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Some of the creature names are weird, hopefully place holders since this is an early build. Supafly and megamaggot? Sounds like either a humor attempt or a placeholder for the real names to come later. Some humor is good but I hope its not cheesy.
I can't tell if you played the original Wasteland or not, but there was a lot more off-the-cuff goofiness than in, say, Fallout. I wouldn't hold my breath for those creature names to get changed :)
Aug 9, 2012
Some sites ban people for quoting the previous message. So I did not quote the previous message.

My comment was meant to explain why Krater was received poorly. It (Krater) was real time.

Sorry for the missunderstanding.
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
But I can't have role playing without voice anymore. Just doesn't cut it for me. The same with too much tactical combat. I know that most people (in this forum at least) have no problem with strategy and tactical combat in an RPG, but that's not my personal taste

Seriously, what the fuck?!?! Are you for real?
Sep 30, 2008
Seriously, what the fuck?!?! Are you for real?

Yes he is, everyone is entitled to his own opinion, right.
What he wants is a modern take on RPG's.
i dont like it, you dont, but still it is his opinion.
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
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