What games are you playing now?

Playing Murdered: Soul Suspect.

It's pretty interesting take on the adventure genre, but honestly, not done well.
Since you start it you're aware it's not a PC game but Square Enix another "let's milk PC gamers too" dud.

One would expect at least a polished product, but it's not. Sadly it has a fair share of bugs, I've got one gamestopper where I had to revert to a checkpoint (yea, again the no save system idiocy on PC) and here's a pic with a misplaced car (and there are more objects with half in the walls all over the game):


After 4 hours I've collected almost half of achievements so I'll probably finish it tomorrow and write some more details in "just finished" thread.
Apr 12, 2009
I'm playing:

Star Citizen: Arena Commander

Played it for a couple of hours now.

Absolutely beautiful. Sure, it's only got a few ships and two maps at this point, but it's most definitely the prettiest space game of all time already. The amount of detail that went into making this thing is obscene, really. I'm having a great time just looking at things, which I can't remember having had for years. The damage modeling, the flight model (once you understand how it works), and the amount of detail on the ships are ALL true next gen. Just like they promised, actually. This is a pre-alpha that only represents a tiny portion of the game - and I'm already sold.

The Witcher

Just started.

This will be my ~6th time or so trying to get through it. I could never get past chapter two, but this time I'm going to give it extra effort. I want my decisions to carry over - and after the recent W3 trailer, I just can't deal with not having played it all before starting it up. I wanted to play W2 first and got to Flotsam, and I still love that game, so it was a tough call to stop and go W1 first.


Just started.

Excellent X-Com game, if a bit dry and sterile. I don't know how much I'll be playing this one. I think the new X-Com (Enemy Within) is great - but it's too short and sort of gimmicky, almost like a board game.

Elite Dangerous

Played for a few hours.

It's pretty nice, slick and polished - but it's also pretty dull. Sure, it's still a ways off - but you can do a lot more stuff than you can in Star Citizen at this point. But none of it is really that much fun. I have a feeling I'll get tired of it relatively fast, unless they implement some interesting gameplay, beyond barebones trading and fighting. That said, the sound design is AMAZING.


Played it for ~10 hours (not including my time with beta).

Had written this off completely, but decided to give it one more shot, and it's actually pretty fun and the post-beta optimization made a big difference. I could have sworn I wouldn't touch it, and it was only after reading one positive impression piece after the other that I thought "what the hell". I think the key to my enjoyment was accepting that it's NOT the kind of MMO I really want to play, but a very good MMO in its own right. It's very, very WoW-ish, but the combat system feels fantastic - and the visuals are already growing on me, which I'd never thought. Also, I've tried three classes so far - Stalker, Engineer and Spellslinger - and they've all felt and played great. That's very rare for me, as I'm usually the kind of guy who knows exactly what to play, and it's rarely a hard choice. I'll probably go Stalker, because I'm a stealth fanatic - but the two others are great fun. Class system is also very flexible and interesting - with lots of neat toys. Essentially, everything but the style and core design is great - which is obviously a subjective call.

Watch Dogs

Played for ~10 hours.

I never expected much from this game, which is a very good thing - because I'd probably have disliked it if I did. Once you accept it's just another GTA clone, you can start to appreciate the good things about it. I think the stealth gameplay is very well done for an open world type of game, and it sometimes reminds me of a simpler Deus Ex - which can never be a bad thing. The visuals are very strong - especially at night, and I think the textures are some of the most detailed I've ever seen. The story is utterly standard stuff, but there's a LOT of sidestuff to do. One of the better aspects of the game is the amount of upgrades you get, though many of them are not that significant. But the sheer amount of ways to progress sort of makes the game work in the end.


Played it ~10 hours.

Best pure shooter in a looong time. I'm NOT a pure shooter fan, and I've sadly been distracted by other games, but I was really into it. It has a surprisingly engaging storyline - that's a very strange mixture of over-the-top and serious drama, with a decent amount of humor. But it just works - and the gunplay is fantastic and precise. The engine is a strange beast, though, and I'd say this latest id Tech is a wasted opportunity. Obviously, the megatextures didn't pay off at all - and the install footprint is ridiculous for a game that looks only OK - and nothing more. We're talking 40 GB for a game that looks like it should take up 10 GB at the most. But if you're looking for a highly entertaining but brainless shooter, this is definitely the one to try. It also has a LOT of stuff you can find and read, and a decent amount of upgrades which makes it a tiny bit RPGish. But the characters and the level design is the high point. When I first saw the trailer for the game, I expected a typical suit-designed shooter with a bad 60s setting. I was wrong, the game doesn't feel at ALL like a 60s setting, it feels like WW2 gone extra bad, which is the point.

Hehe, that's four games starting with "W" :)
it's good to see Dart inspired!

Commit to the Witcher, trust me on this - chapter IV is worth the price of admission all on it's own. You gotta experience it. The funny thing is, it doesnt really have anything to do with the main quest. It's sort of an outside chapter, a break from your main quest log and trip into the mythology of the land, and a prime example of what went wrong with Witcher II

I however, am stuck in my old comfortable shoes rut. The Sims Medieval is my current pool of stagnation. I have the origin version on one pc with my old civilization going, and my new one on my netbook.

There's not even real combat in this game, it's like a big dollhouse, it's horrible. But I enjoy customising everything, developing this little society. Non-violent questing and going for pure story is a completely different style of game than I've ever played, it's just so - mellow
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
it's good to see Dart inspired!

Commit to the Witcher, trust me on this - chapter IV is worth the price of admission all on it's own. You gotta experience it. The funny thing is, it doesnt really have anything to do with the main quest. It's sort of an outside chapter, a break from your main quest log and trip into the mythology of the land, and a prime example of what went wrong with Witcher II

I'll do my best :)

Since I adored The Witcher 2 - I expect to enjoy the story and characters of the first game, if not much else.

I'm one of those weird people who found the combat in W2 fantastic and challenging, and I really don't like the combat in the first game at all - but I'll get past it.

My main concern is the tedious inventory and fetch quest design - and feeling obligated to search every house for whatever little thing may come in handy.

I'll see if I can resist the OCD urge ;)
The characters and quests are what I liked so much more about the original. I feel that part 2 was more focused on "political intruige" type of stuff, which i could give a fuck less about. Fighting humans just isnt as fun

Yes, the combat in 2 was arguably better, but there were very few memorable sidequest and monster encounters. The first game, Geralt is primarily a monster slayer, not an assassin. The game had quests featuring things like werewolves, restless spirits, mythological beings, etc. The succubus quest being really the only memorable creature feature that i could remember in part deux, really.

I think they screwed up alchemy in 2 as well

If you dont like chapter 4, I'll eat my hat
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Replaying Paper Sorcerer because it's just so damn fun. This time I'm using more of a melee group, making it, so far, quite a different experience than the first play through. If you like older games like M&M, Wizardry, I'd recommend this one.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Replaying Paper Sorcerer because it's just so damn fun. This time I'm using more of a melee group, making it, so far, quite a different experience than the first play through. If you like older games like M&M, Wizardry, I'd recommend this one.

Yep, great game. I've been playing it the last few days, and I'm really enjoying it. I wish the levels were larger, but that's my only complaint.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
This will be my ~6th time or so trying to get through it. I could never get past chapter two, but this time I'm going to give it extra effort. I want my decisions to carry over - and after the recent W3 trailer, I just can't deal with not having played it all before starting it up. I wanted to play W2 first and got to Flotsam, and I still love that game, so it was a tough call to stop and go W1 first.

I have the same problem except I've gotten to chapter 4 3 times now then end up quitting. Really want to finish it this time though and then play the second game.

I'm also playing watch dogs. Sound like I'm liking it a bit more than you but I've never played a Gta game. Really like the stealth missions except for the instant mission fails if I get detected, leave the mission area or kill them instead of knocking them out.

I actually enjoy the hacking invasions also. Which I could choose friend to invade though instead of random.

Pretty fun game overall, IMO.
I know why i've been feeling kind of "off" lately - i havent killed any zombies in weeks!

Fired up the Walking Dead, which is an awesome game (on late chapter 3)
and have State of Decay installing

Im feeling inspired, change is good
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Lol! She's so well dressed. Midriff exposed. But T4 is still a bit slow. She can clear T3 riffs quickly and Malthael is even not too bad.

If anyone needs some help or wants to farm some rifts, let me know.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Giving DA2 a last attempt (5th attempt) since watch dogs nuked my saved game.Want to have a save to import and DA 2 is the last content I need to finish.

Want to finish DA2 then play the witcher 1&2 in anticipation for 3. Work and a few games released before then may have something to say about that though.
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