What games are you playing now?

I've tried to play some modules…but it had compatibility issues with different patches. And there a Lot of them, including community ones( not to be confused by ones made by communists:p). Is there any kind guide of anything on how to go through with this?

As I recall, one of the big problems with the toolkit is that they rewrote large chunks of the scripting system in some of the patches. I think there was one major revision and one or two smaller ones, and of course they broke any existing mods that were out there. I don't think there's any way around that. You'd think the more popular mods would have gotten an update, though.
Jul 3, 2011
Just started playing Interstellaria. Not quite sure what to think of it yet, but it seems interesting enough to keep playing for now.

It's like Terraria and FTL had a child.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
So I've finally gotten Jagged Alliance 2 to work on Win 7 64 bit. It's been a long struggle, with the help from GoG support being a big waste of time. I could find no info on how to install my original CD online (Win 7 wouldn't install it) so I bought the GoG version (800 Mbytes, yikes!). The UI still freezes occasionally, but not the quicksave function, so there's no loss in progress to restart the game, but it's very annoying still.

The painful and delaying installation and debugging process has left me with a BAD first impression of this game, but the game is growing on me.

The game is also quite brutal (this is on normal/experienced setting). Enemies appear to be much better shots than my mercs.
- Even mercs with marksmanship up around 80 miss much more often than the enemies,
- The enemies seem to have rifles and other weapons better than my mercs but they don't seem to drop them when they die, so I don't get upgraded,
- And there are many more enemies than my 6 man squad.

Plus there is a "timer" on this game. Rebel communities and mine output drops if you don't make sufficient "progress". Training militia, healing, repairing weapons, resting, and most importantly to me, exploring sectors doesn't count as progress. If I had known this in particular, I may not have started. :/

However, the turn-based combat is fantastic fun. Even with all the misses (long protected battles that use up a lot of my ammo, with maybe a 20% hit rate if I am lucky).

Edit: luring enemies to come around corners works nicely but still get unlucky when I poke around a corner to do the luring.

Now, I may be playing this wrong, so any tips would be appreciated.
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Fantastic game, but the combats just got too long for me! I just quit the game when I realised how long one of the combats I got involved in would take.
Oct 25, 2006
No gaming for me this week since I'm holed up in some horrible student accommodation in London while I do some research. I did get a quick visit to the British Museum, though, which is a fair trade.

I've been spending a lot of time with Elder Scrolls Online. It's probably the most playable MMO I've ever tried, but Secret World's still got it beat with NPCs, writing, general atmosphere, etc. TSO plays better, though, and did a fair job mapping some of the Elder Scrolls elements into a different format. I still think 5 spell/power slots is a bit stupid, though, and locks you into a few repetitive attack patterns rather than leaving you with a wide range of strategic options. Still, the MMO crowd will probably say that's good because random MMO player acronym spew.

It's a very pretty game and it's nice to explore a bit more of the world, but it's very much a theme park version of Tamriel, and is best thought of as out of continuity. Most of the quests are pretty generic RPG filler, with way too many being Serious Business that only you can solve (in about 15 minutes). And holy crap, someone there loves the idea of talking with ghosts. I swear at least a third of the quests involve casually talking to dead people and/or somehow travelling back in time. The world does actually change based on your actions, though, which is good.

We'll see if it can keep me playing long enough to see what it's like outside of Morrowind.
Jul 3, 2011
Well, Morrowind's worship and life all revolves around ancestors and family and houses. It makes sense that you would spend a lot of time with the dead in the Morrowind province. Hopefully, other provinces will focus on different types of quests.
Oct 18, 2006
Playing Aliens: Colonial Marines.

I just finished the 3rd mission, and I'm actually enjoying it to some degree despite the overall shittyness of the game.

I think I just like hearing the music and sound FX from the movies. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Got a character the bottom level of Dredmor the other day (took a while playing complete-ist in half hour bursts) and was promptly stomped by Lord Dredmor. Kinda pissed me off, so I'm on to other games. Still a fun rogue-like, and well worth the pocket lint I spent on it.

Started tinkering with Card Hunter last night. I try to run thru the Steam Explore queue every few days just to see if anything catches my eye. This looked kind of interesting and it got a decent review off the RPGWatch Steam Curation (hat tip to HiddenX) plus it's free, so I figured what the hell. Seems to have potential. We'll see.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Jumped into KotOR 2 last night on the Mac ... widescreen, proper high resolution options, great performance, and since I am early on everything is just awesome so far :)

I remember reviewing this when it came out and saying it was like three games - from excellent to uneven to a freakin' train wreck! haha - interesting to see with the added 'restoration' patch how it all comes together this time!
Oct 18, 2006
Playing Aliens: Colonial Marines.

I just finished the 3rd mission, and I'm actually enjoying it to some degree despite the overall shittyness of the game.

I think I just like hearing the music and sound FX from the movies. ;)
Cool :D. A friend gave me a copy of the game last Saturday because he had ordered one, received two and just paid the price for one. My thoughts: 'Oh, that game is supposed to be crap, but if it's for free ...'
Aug 31, 2006
Jumped into KotOR 2 last night on the Mac … widescreen, proper high resolution options, great performance, and since I am early on everything is just awesome so far :)

I remember reviewing this when it came out and saying it was like three games - from excellent to uneven to a freakin' train wreck! haha - interesting to see with the added 'restoration' patch how it all comes together this time!

With that new surprise patch that just came out, I was thinking of revisiting this one also. I really liked the first game, but I only got as far as Dantooine in this one (I think that was an area near the beginning of the game) before the super easy combat turned me off. It was so easy that it was just a waste of time and I grew bored with it quickly. I know the first was easy also, but I havent tried this one in awhile so it may seem kind of fresh again
Oct 21, 2006
The Hudson Valley, NY
So I am doing better with Jagged Alliance 2. Manged to clear Chitzena mine sector but not with out getting shot up a lot and a few reloads. No deaths. A few nice weapon upgrades though - my first rifle, a couple smgs, and a better body armor.

The second Chitzena temple sector I played much more conservatively, in the dark, sneaking, and staying behind buildings whenever possible. Also it was only 6 enemies with weaker weapons vs about 10 at the mine with some nasty SMGs, rifles, and shotguns. I only took 2 minor hits when popping of cover to lure and find enemies, vs the first area where I got shot to hell in daylight.

Now I know to always position my troops on the battlefield near high cover to stay hidden and draw the enemy around corners within close shooting range. Plus use the cover of night, and always keep stealthy.

This is all good. JA2 is a game that isn't a pushover and requires some learning. A bit of a change of pace wrt The Witcher 3. :)

EDIT: Also, after capturing each mine, I find the little cutscenes with Queen Deidranna and Elliot a treat. "Elliot, you idiot!" Very well done little voice acting funny bits.
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I tried playing some of Elder Scrolls Online last night for a while ... and honestly got boring with the awful load times and cookie-cutter MMO crap. I *know* it is supposed to get better, I just had no patience last night for it :)

Then I started Wolfenstein: The Old Blood ... so far it is pretty fun, if a bit overly linear. I like that they throw you right into it straight away with loads of enemies to deal with.
Oct 18, 2006
Hearing about people playing the Whispers of Oblivion, intro missions of SC2 Legacy of the Void, which you get early access to, if you pre-order the expansion, I started to think about getting ready for the final expansion to starcraft 2. So I started Starcraft 1 campaign once more, and I hope to be able to go through it, Brood War, and the two ones from SC2 until Legacy of the Void comes out.

Oh, and about the SC1 campaign? Yup, just as good as I remember it. Too bad it's a bit of a pain playing it on a 27' screen. And there's no hi-rez patch for it. But still oh-so-good.
Jul 31, 2007
Playing Oblivion: Shivering Isles at the mo. Changed to my archmage character after doing the main quest with a heavy armour, blade wielding conjurer - might go back to that PC to do Knights of the Nine.

It's ok. Haven't got past where I got up to last time I played SI many years ago yet so nothing completely new. I do kinda dislike feeling like I'm working for Sheogorath, doing his bidding etc. The character of the PC I'm playing would rather tell him to go F himself but we'll keep going to see where it all leads.

Apr 9, 2015
Playing Oblivion: Shivering Isles at the mo. Changed to my archmage character after doing the main quest with a heavy armour, blade wielding conjurer - might go back to that PC to do Knights of the Nine.

It's ok. Haven't got past where I got up to last time I played SI many years ago yet so nothing completely new. I do kinda dislike feeling like I'm working for Sheogorath, doing his bidding etc. The character of the PC I'm playing would rather tell him to go F himself but we'll keep going to see where it all leads.


I liked Shivering Isles for the atmosphere and the escape from the genero-fantasy of the main game, but really didn't care for the plot, especially the ending. Thankfully they seem to have abandoned that as canon for the most part. Now, if only we could get rid of some 14 year old's chaotic neutral character and get dapper Sheogorath back.
Jul 3, 2011
I'm really enjoying Serpent in the Staglands so far. I'm just about to level 6 and am now playing relatively confidently, the sheer size of the world shrinking in my mind as I get to know the area more.

Initially, it seems like too much hard work figuring out what's what and levels 1-2 can be quite tiresome in places as I murmur pained huh?s to myself while I try to work out how to kill the game's easiest monster. But once I got past that into levels 3-5 it starts to become great fun as upgrades to equipment and skills start to flow and I get used to how each monster-type functions.

One word of spoiler advice for new players, which really should be in the game - there are 2 wells in the first town. The one in the centre, the one you'll immediately fixate on, is a red-herring for the first, very important, part of adventuring. The well you actually want is a more out-of-the-way well between some big fields. This will open-up a gigantic dungeon crawl and about 1 and a half character levels - so it's immensely important. I would have missed it completely had I not browsed a forum thread about it.

Other than that and I haven't missed anything nor felt like I've missed anything. I don't know if the red-herring well ever comes into play (please don't tell me if so), but it would be great if the devs could sort it so that the correct well is more obvious via conversations, just a single line in the dialogue "not the well near the shop, but the other well" and jobs a goodun.

If you like Drakensang then you really should be trying this game if you haven't already is my current stance.
Nov 1, 2014
Took a break from Jagged Alliance 2 (yes the exploration and looting is slow and tedious) to something a bit more trivial (to play, that is).

I took the plunge, First MMO ever for me. Elder Scrolls Online. Well it was good enough to hook me for a couple of days. Not quite sure if it's worth my time though.


- HUGE world to explore, that's nicely designed. I seem to only have scratched the surface here if the whole of Tamriel is explorable as it seems on the map. Think 100x Skyrim or so (my guess)?
- Ummmm, anything else?

- Other players. Looting containers before you can get to them. Killing your targets, imagining they are helping. Swarming around quest NPCs, dungeons, totally ruining the immersion. Crowded around workstations, banks, merchants. Jumping around frantically. Walking aorund half naked. Messaging you "isn't this great?" Wacking you with their swords. Running or galloping right through you. Featuring obnoxious atmosphere killing names.
- Super-simplified character development. Only 3 stats, but tons of skills and skill levels, and morphs. Most of them are not class restricted, but 3 lines are. 1 is race restricted.
- Really trite and shallow story and quests, and NPC dialogs. Yes, oblivion gates again. I find myself clicking through the obvious NPC dialogs as fast as possible. It makes the Witcher 3 look brilliant.
- Incredibly limited inventory and bank. Making it impossible to keep all the crafting ingredients you find as well as save good loot to sell. Lots of back and forth. Portals help, but not much. Very expensive to buy more inventory and bank space. A thousand gold for 10 more slots, Then 2000 for 10 more. Most quests only give you about 100 gold. Most ingredients sell for nothing or 1 gold if you are lucky.
- Super fast enemy respawns. Bandits appear out of nowhere the minute you turn your back on their camp.
- Combat is pretty generic. Playing as a sorcerer. Have a control spell, a shield spell, and a damage spell. Plus spamming ranged staff attacks. Double tap to dodge when needed. Works, but nothing special. Have never needed to drink potions or eat food yet. :/

All those negatives, yet I played it for 2 days. WTF? It is Elder Scrolls. It is decent exploration of new areas (Summerset Isles for me)… I'm turning into a casual…
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I just finished my high chaos playthrough of Dishonored. It was waaaay easier than low chaos, of course, but also mindless fun. If you love seeing people being eaten by hordes of rats, that is :p.

Now I started a high chaos round of DLC, namely the Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches. This time around I'm not disoriented by Daud's tweaked rune abilities, though.
I miss my rats already though I'm trying to make up for the lack of rats by using assassins …

Talking of Daud. Did anybody else love that guy? I like him a lot more than Corvo; it might be because Daud is voiced and Corvo isn't, it might be because I like the touch of tragedy surrounding Daud, perhaps I just like his hair better ^^.
I also had a thing for Overseer Martin so I reloaded to
knock him out before he could suicide
during my HC game.

Thrasher said:
Took a break from Jagged Alliance 2 (yes the exploration and looting is slow and tedious) to something a bit more trivial (to play, that is).
I loved JA2 for the characters, their quirks and interaction with each other. Can't remmeber much about the rest of the game (like game mechanics, for example), but I still know my favorite NPCs, and why I liked them.
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Aug 31, 2006
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