What games are you playing now?

Now in Chapter 13 of Dead Space 3. 62% finished, and it's starting to drag on a bit.

I can appreciate that they gave us a much longer game this time, but I just wish it was better.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Freedom Force vs Third Reich. Hmmm I really loved this game when it came out, but i dont know, it's still a very charming game and all, but the missions really bores me (i'm about halfway through). Might try one of the many mods for it instead.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Made it to Act II in Inquisitor. Talked to everyone in town, gathered some quests, killed a few new enemies outside the city walls and I'm now ready to do some real exploring outside of the city.

For some reason though, I've only been spending 30 minutes to an hour a day gaming recently. Not that I'm bored by the games, but I find myself wanting to do other things, like incessantly browse the internet and watch NBA TV all day :).

Hopefully I can find that spark again and start playing a little longer each day. I'd definitely like to see more of Inquisitor as it really is a great game.
Dark Souls

and multy:Assassins Creed 3,Chivalry,War of the Roses
Feb 25, 2013
NBA? Are you really THAT bored? :)

NBA TV is like crack for NBA fans. Nonstop basketball all day. Once I turn it on I find that I end up doing nothing else but watching it all day. So if I have any hope of gaming, I'll have to put down the remote and not turn that channel on :).
playing Impire, so far liking it but keep falling asleep before i get too into it. I dont know if thats the game's fault, or due to the fact i'm starting playing at around 9pm with a glass of red wine. It's been pretty fun so far i guess, one has to play this game without expecting a dk knockoff first and foremost, it has to be taken for what it is: a real time dungeon-themed strategy game. It isnt a dungeon sim, it isnt a dungeon builder. You will not freely construct the underground lair of your dreams in Impire. It's a dungeon-themed rts, with one hero unit that has rpg-style traits and ability progression.
If you play it with that in mind, it's a fairly fun game - that said, im only on the 3rd level (including the first tutorial level) so i cant form too firm an opinion yet.

It definitely has some annoyances: one chest will contain nothing of consequence, the next a powerful enough enemy to wipe out your entire army, with no prior warning. Although there is an entrance to your dungeon, heroes can spawn pretty much anywhere by dropping ladders from above. This throws a curve ball at any kind of trap layout you may plan on using.

The graphics are really good though, I'm enjoying the animations on the rooms, creatures, and heroes, they are excellent
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Playing story driven P&C adventure Richard and Alice.Alice and Richard are in prison,weird sort of prison with TV,computer,shower and sofa in cells.Richard is there for deserting army,Alice is for murder,Alice tells Richard her story and most of gameplay is in Alice's flashbacks.I would really recommend this game.
There is review on RPSwhere I found out about game and made me want to buy it.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
Super metroid Snes. I installed an snes emulator in our pc.

There's snes game that I've been thinking about lately and would actually like to play, Alien 3.

really a good game, almost thinking of going to Ebay to see if I can get that and either an original SNES system, or one of those newer clone systems
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
There's snes game that I've been thinking about lately and would actually like to play, Alien 3.

really a good game, almost thinking of going to Ebay to see if I can get that and either an original SNES system, or one of those newer clone systems

Yikes... are you sure that's not just nostalgia rearing it's ugly head? ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Playing Driftmoon on the PC, Real Racing 3 on iPhone and Fate of the Pharaoh on Android. Loving Driftmoon - I had started but not finished before, making more progress now.
Oct 18, 2006
Really enjoying Undercroft on my ipad, very Eye of the Beholder.
Feb 2, 2007
The Secret World, before that Guild Wars 2, before that Skyrim, before that, Human Revolution, before that Fallout New Vegas, that pretty much covers the last two and half years, heh.
Dec 5, 2009
New York City
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