What happened to Couch ?

Well Mister Couch,

I really hope you are just taking a little break. If this is the case, please just give a post in here a like.

Plus just posted a very new band with only a 4 song ep out you need to check out.

Apr 2, 2011
I believe he did mention some health issues for himself before, so I hope it's not that.
Sep 16, 2010
Was kind of hopeful that someone like Fluent actually had Couch contact info and could check in on him. I guess that was sort of my reason for creating the thread.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
I exhausted my Google-fu looking around for him. No current hits for Kevin Lastname (in case it's a secret now)... CouchPotato or Couch Potato, etc. I looked at some of his past haunts and no recent posts. There are over 10 Linked-In profiles with his name. I know Couch had lived in New England and Chicago, but not sure where he was most recently.
Oct 18, 2006
He had posted that he moved recently - it was a gripe about his home and work - maybe in the trump thread - or somewhere in off topics - was a while ago - maybe 6 months - i can't remember; he also mentioned he had serious health issue in the same thread?

I exhausted my Google-fu looking around for him. No current hits for Kevin Lastname (in case it's a secret now)… CouchPotato or Couch Potato, etc. I looked at some of his past haunts and no recent posts. There are over 10 Linked-In profiles with his name. I know Couch had lived in New England and Chicago, but not sure where he was most recently.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
@forgottenlor;e hasn't posted since July 8th either...
Nov 1, 2014
Thanks for reminding us. Here's to hoping he's ok.

Bah, too many watchers I don't notice being away. I fear that some of them may feel bad about us noticing others, but not them. To be honest, I might feel that way (which is probably why I usually tell everyone when I'm leaving).

I heard that the secret with Germans is to ask, "do you know a little English?" because their English is better than they can admit to themselves. Some English is good enough for English speakers. My wife and I got by in Paris very well though I had to resort to my 9th grade French a few times.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
EDIT: Sorry for the off-topic post, particularly in this thread.

I find that very surprising, as most Austrians I know speak some English, and many of them speak very well.

Yes. I've been in Vienna a couple of times, never had any problems with making myself understood. Or understanding what people said to me. So yes, I'm surprised.

pibbur who wonders if a Norwegian accented english is easier than proper English? After all pure Norwegian is easier than English (admittedly only to a very small human minority).

PS. What I mean is that it may be not as scary for a non native English speaker to talk to another non native English speaker. I'm definitely more concerned about my language skills when trying to speak English in the UK than elseweyr in Europe. DS.
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Let’s keep this thread about Couch. I don’t want to start splitting this thread again.
A 3 week vacation? Huh, the lives of the wealthy, eh ;)

I have currently 3 weeks as well, but that's a special case for handicapped people - they are by law allowed to have more vacation time.

Let’s keep this thread about Couch. I don’t want to start splitting this thread again.

I agree that I'm still worried.

He is the third person in the internet I'm worried about.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Still no sign of Couch… getting very worried here.

EDIT: removed other lines as requested by a moderator.
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