Winter and why....


April 2, 2011
I have always preferred winter over any other time of the year. Yes this is a bit of a Rant and sorry for that.

First, you can always put more clothing on but once you have taken off your underwear that's it.

Second, less people out and about.

Third and most important no dam FLIES .

We have many pets so our the sliding door to our deck is opened so they can go in and out as they please. This is great for them but lets flies into our nice home. I went and bought 3 fly swatters so they so I have them every place in the house I am at.

Sorry for the silly rant…
Apr 2, 2011
Personally, I prefer late Summer to all other seasons: grass so dry it crackles when you step on it, air flickering with heat, cicadas.

Winter is my least favorite season. I could live with low temperatures, but I hate snow even more than rain - if I didn't have to leave the house I could tolerate the stuff, just seeing it through the window, but it's cold, it's wet and it's pure horror to drive on.
Aug 31, 2006
Spring/Fall are tied, then comes Winter and finally Summer. I hate the heat and I hate people making noise outside :)

I do suspect, though, that when I finally move to a remote house in the country, I'll love Summer best of all, because as much as I loathe the heat, I love the green.

But, really, I think all seasons have their charm.
Winter is my least favorite season. I could live with low temperatures, but I hate snow even more than rain - if I didn't have to leave the house I could tolerate the stuff, just seeing it through the window, but it's cold, it's wet and it's pure horror to drive on.

I feel the exact same way. After 14 years of living in a region where it was very cold for at least half of the calender, I would never move back to such a climate.

Now I get to wear shorts and sandals for almost the entire year. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Aug 31, 2006
I enjoy all seasons here in Germany. Every season has its advantages and fun things you can do during it.
Oct 18, 2006
One thing I can say for certain is that I'd hate living in a place without significant seasonal changes. To me, that would feel all wrong - not to mention dull :)

Variety is the spice of life and all that.
I can subscribe to most of what the freezing celt says here. But my favourite season is the autumn. It gets darker day by day, and it's more wind and rain. So atm the future looks brightish.

Pibbur who supposes this says something about his general mood and outlook on life. And who is not sure if the last sentence is kosher (correct English). And who like the musketeer wants seasons.
I also want seasons, of course here with climate change and global warming and all those stuffs, you don't know what you'll get.

I should say I like the traditional seasons, with snow in winter and hot sunny weather in summer and so on. I think it was two years ago that the temperature here in Gothenburg was the same 15 of July and 15 of Decmeber. ( 14 Degrees Celsius ).

Another year it was +35 on 15 of July and - 25 on 15 of December. So that year it was a 60 Celsius degrees difference…. weather here is so unpredictable!!!
Oct 25, 2006
I agree with Dart in that each season has something to enjoy. I do have to say though I slightly prefer spring and autumn. First off, they are the seasons of colors (spring flowers, autumn leaves, etc). Secondly they are seasons of change. Whereas around here summer is mostly sunny and hot, winter is windy and cold. Spring and fall are much more fickle and ephemeral.
Sep 15, 2014
I feel the exact same way. After 14 years of living in a region where it was very cold for at least half of the calender, I would never move back to such a climate.

Now I get to wear shorts and sandals for almost the entire year. :)

Bahhh move back to the North. Ned Stark is waiting for you. Christmas has to suck in Florida compared to Michigan :)

I will even get a little more specific. I love mid September to Oct. 31. Great weather, change of trees, Halloween, college football and my birthday is during this time. The funny thing it is between two times I do not like at all, August and November.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
I suppose it depends what winters are like where you live. Living in Minnesota I hate winters as they can be pretty brutal. Sometimes it's so cold that it just hurts when you go outside.

Also I hate layering on clothes. Give me shorts and a t-shirt year around please.

Also in my line of work I often have to clean my tools outside. Cleaning metal tools in -30 degree windchills with your hand occasionally freezing to them while you clean is NOT fun.
One thing I can say for certain is that I'd hate living in a place without significant seasonal changes. To me, that would feel all wrong - not to mention dull :)

I sort of agree. When I was 17 I spent one year as an exchange student in New Mexico and it really got on my nerves at one point that every day was the same boring old clear skies and sunshine.
Now, I'm not a big fan of low temps or rain at all but after a few months in New Mexico, I was really longing for a typical German fall day with gusts of wind, clouds racing across the sky etc.

I currently live in the far SW part of Germany and my favorite season by far is spring. It is beautiful around here when nature comes to life and then there's the asparagus season and strawberries... ah those are the days in late April, May.
Next up definitely summer though it can get quite hot around here (~40C) and this year's summer has almost been a little "too good" ;) .
Fall and winter are my least favorite. I actually like to spend lots of time outside running, biking etc. and it's nice when the days are longer because I don't like running or biking in the dark at all due to the risk of accidents and injuries.
The good thing about living this far south in Germany is that fall and winter are relatively mild and short. But I wish they were lots shorter still ;) .
So all in all I like the variety but it's always an excruciating long wait between late fall and early spring.
Oct 18, 2006
I don't care what season it is, but I like my temperatures between 60-80F, preferably with a nice breeze as we get closer to the high end. I guess that makes me a late spring/early summer and late summer/early fall guy in the Midwest.
Oct 18, 2006
Where I am in New York we go from a low of around -20 degrees in the winter to a high of around 105 degrees in the summer. Thats a huge swing lol. I much much much much much prefer summer over winter, mostly because I love women in tube tops and sun dresses ;) My favorite is probably early fall though, wearing a sweatshirt and sitting around a campfire
Oct 21, 2006
The Hudson Valley, NY
I enjoy all sorts of climates, and I'm flexible on temperature, but I do like sunlight. I love bright alpine environments, and when I lived under the sun in rural Africa I felt fantastic. The exception there was crowded, impoverished African cities in the heat. Horrible.
Nov 8, 2014
I love ALL the seasons for different reasons ... but would also rank them:
- Spring/Fall
- Summer
- Winter

I love being outside, enjoying the outdoor activities with my wife and kids, activities and so on. Because of where I live, most stuff happens in summer and fall, with some stuff in the spring.

As a distance runner, I *only* run outside .. stubborn, perhaps, but that is my choice. I also run early in the morning (~4AM) As a result of living in upstate NY, that means that >6 months of the year I am running in sub-freezing temperatures, and for three months the average morning temperature is actually sub-zero. The nature of bundling up against -20F temperatures at least 5-10 times per winter is just annoying ... :)

But not annoying enough for me to NOT do it ... or to move. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Hate the summer, especially the goddamn sun all the time here in Croatia. And the damn tourists that seem fascinated by it. Otherwise we're very hospitable people down here. :p
Jun 5, 2015
I also run early in the morning (~4AM) As a result of living in upstate NY, that means that >6 months of the year I am running in sub-freezing temperatures, and for three months the average morning temperature is actually sub-zero.

And there was me thinking you were one of the saner members of this site. :p
Nov 8, 2014
The nature of bundling up against -20F temperatures at least 5-10 times per winter is just annoying … :)

But not annoying enough for me to NOT do it … or to move. ;)

Yeah thats tough. My wife and I run at least 3-4 miles a day, outdoors, 3 days a week, but in the fall/winter its really tough to do. I dont mind the cold so much as the darkness (although it absolutely does suck, dont get me wrong lol). By the time I get out of work, its pitch dark. And there is no way in hell I could could get up early in the morning before work to run :). Its probably dark at that time also, anyways
Oct 21, 2006
The Hudson Valley, NY
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