Zodiac Legion - Combat Demo Available


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
The combat demo for Zodiac Legion is now available on Steam.

The combat demo of Zodiac Legion is out

Dear players,

I uploaded a demo of some of our dungeon missions to Steam.
There is no tutorial yet, so you need to refer to the manual if you want to know the game rules (which I recommend!).
It is located in the Steam ZodiacLegionFolder/docs/Zodiac Legion Demo Manual.pdf
The Steam folder should be somewhere like:
D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Zodiac Legion
You can also find the online version here.

The current version is quite rough, especially when it comes to pacing and balance.
There is no geoscape yet, except for party selection. But that would give you an idea of the way combat and dungeon crawling work in the game.

We would also thank all the players who applied for our alpha test. We got more applications than keys, so we had to suspend the process for the time being.
But the preview build and demo build are identical at this stage, so if you could not apply in time, or would like to try the game while I request a few more keys, you can try the demo build.

Alexandre and the Zodiac Legion team
Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Combat is surprisingly playable. Nothing extraordinary, but also not bad either. Exploration is addictive. Pixel art is everywhere and the camera can be zoomed in! Attack animations are nice.
Lots of improvement still incoming obviously. Watching this in the future!
Last edited:
Mar 21, 2013
I missed the thread. Thank you!There are still a lot of things that we plan to add to combat:
making archery damage decrease with range, and adding cover/obstruction penalties to archers, adding fatigue damage, and a lot of abilities.
The opponents will also get a bit more durable, and I will make them pay more attention to staying in formation (as it provides a signficiant bonus to attack and defense).

But I still need to sort out most of the UI issues first!
Apr 20, 2015
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