Dungeons of Dredmor - Patches Incoming


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
One patch has been released for Dredmor on Steam and, reading the official blog, they are working on another after finding some glitches with the first:
EDIT: Today’s patch, while fixing the random crashes for some people, has added a new one for other people. We’re on it. Please keep sending us your broken save files too, especially if they were entirely produced *after* yesterday’s patch. — Gaslamp Games McManagement
Hi, everybody. We’re… a little overwhelmed, and also going about with large grins on our faces. Being #1 on Steam – even if we have been cruelly deposed (for now!) by the Curse of Cthulhu Saving the World – is quite the rush. We should ship games more often. Thank you all for your support and patronage; we’re looking forward to kicking it up to the next level.
We have fixed a few bugs that came out of the woodwork. The random crash bug is fixed, a save corruption bug is fixed (there may be more), the Infinite XP glitch is fixed, and the infinite-money-in-shop glitch has been resolved as well. We will be sending a patch off to Steam as soon as we have finished testing it a little more.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Just picked up my copy, which is downloading now. Watched a few gameplay vids, and the game looks quite fun and deeper than it's "casual" label on Steam might indicate.

And they're still #2 in sales on Steam. Congrats, guys.
Sep 16, 2010
Did the tutorial and started playing yesterday. It's definitely got the roguelike vibe, just packaged with an upgraded interface and some whacky humor. While I doubt its ultimately casual, it may be able to draw casual people in, as the basic gameplay is deceptively simple (as in all roguelikes, but here supported by a more accessible interface) and the humor and the way they present the game makes dying often look acceptable.
Oct 18, 2006
It is indeed fun. :p

Just lost my first vampiric, golem-casting, berserking melee, et al., flesh smithy, due to a buff wearing off. Ah, permadeath, how I've missed you and dreaded your return...good stuff.
Sep 16, 2010
I've played the game a fair amount now and I think it has a lot of potential, but as a roguelike veteran I don't think it's quite up there with the classics yet. My biggest issue with it so far is pacing. Roguelike games generally try to keep you moving fairly quickly through levels that steadily increase in difficulty and monster variety. But levels in Dredmore are huge, you spend forever wandering around the first level fighting the same 3-4 monsters. Even if you aren't obsessive about exploring each level (which you probably should be in a roguelike), you still have to spend way too long there before your capable of surviving in the next one, and then you spend just as long fighting a different batch of 3-4 monsters (who really aren't all that different). I think the game would benefit a lot from reducing the size of levels but making more of them, as well as adding more variety.

But the game is new and if your a roguelike fan it's definitely worth the $5. I look forward to seeing what becomes of it.
Apr 14, 2011
As another roguelike player.

I must disagree. The complexity of the game is not that far off from the classics.
And there is really lot to do on each level. And many ways to approach everything.

As for variety of monsters.

I am always in favor.
Mar 15, 2010
I'm having a great time as well. After getting hooked on 100 Rogues on my ipad, this game I feel is superb. I really love the idea of random skills in the beginning to see what you turn up with. First time, I was talking around with a fedora which made me laugh out loud!
Apr 24, 2007
As another roguelike player.

I must disagree. The complexity of the game is not that far off from the classics.
And there is really lot to do on each level. And many ways to approach everything.

As for variety of monsters.

I am always in favor.

I wasn't complaining about complexity.The complexity of game mechanics is fine. The crafting, all the little sub skills, all the items you find, all of these are fun and up there with other roguelikes. It also has things that other roguelikes could copy, like finding different room types such as an old black smith full of crafting materials.

It's just the pacing that needs work. There are cool things to find on every level, but after a few runs you've found them all and they aren't that excitng any more and you just spend too long on each one. Monster variety would help, and so would more monster special abilties. Monsters are one area that the game has very low complexity on from what I've seen in the first few levels, there aren't that many and they all just run up and hit you. But I think the game really just needs to keep you moving from level to level faster. Even the epic marathon 20+ hour roguelikes like Tome and Adom don't have you spend more then usually about 10 minutes on an individual level, often less.
Apr 14, 2011
from zero interested to strangely compelled to buy, i guess 5 bones cant hurt to support a small indie w/ their heart in the right place. Looks like a good lunchtime game
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
been $4.50 0n steam for a few days. its interesting me too - fortunately my credit card isn't working here on vacation.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Just lost my most powerful character to a desktop crash. He'd been alive for several hours (which means he made it all the way down to dungeon level 4) so that's kind of frustrating. Guess I'm watching for the patch before I play again.
Apr 14, 2011
since i am new to this type of game, can you save? I read that people need to restart due to crashes and all .... ?
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
since i am new to this type of game, can you save? I read that people need to restart due to crashes and all …. ?

Unlike most roguelikes, here you have an option to disable permadeath.
Oct 18, 2006
I just got one of those crashes when traveling back down to level 2. I think I'll wait for the patch to play permadeath. Normal mode let's me save and continue without any hassles. As long as I save frequently I can at least load close to where I was before.
Feb 3, 2007
I just got one of those crashes when traveling back down to level 2. I think I'll wait for the patch to play permadeath. Normal mode let's me save and continue without any hassles. As long as I save frequently I can at least load close to where I was before.

Ah that is good news !
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
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