Fallout 3 - Screens @ PC Games.de

Last edited:
Mar 30, 2008
Looks more than a shooter than anything else, sad :(

Screens depicting combat as a "teaser" for the action-gamers among the RPG faction ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Looks more than a shooter than anything else, sad :(

Yes, it does :(

However, the same thing happened with Mass Effect which also were marketed as a shooter type of game. Then, evertone at Bioware, probably looked like this
O_O when the people who played FPS games bought Mass Effect, expecting it to be a shooter. And then flocked on the Mass Effect board at the Bioware forum to say things like *i can't understand why this or that happened*. Luckily, the members at the Bioware forums are very patient persons who then explained what these people were doing wrong.

I foresee the exact same thing happening here. Many people who play shooters will probably buy Fallout 3, expecting it to be a shooter-type of game. And then they won't understand why they don't hit anything or why combat isn't just as it is in most FPS (shooter) games.

It might look like a shooter from the outside, but by guess is that it be an old fashioned rpg - under the hood.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
It might look like a shooter from the outside, but by guess is that it be an old fashioned rpg - under the hood.

Not sure how you define "old fashioned RPG"

I mean, will Fallout 3 be as much an RPG as Oblivion is despite looking more like a shooter on the outside? I guess so.

But I'm not sure if that's a really convincing "it's an RPG" argument.

We don't really know yet, either way. One can only guess, positively or negatively.
Oct 19, 2006
Cool, I haven't seen any of these before.

As for looking like a shooter... there are 13 screenshots there, 6 of which are just landscape shots or just show the PC standing there. The other 7 screenshots are of combat or enemies. I've yet to see an RPG of any kind that doesn't show off a lot of screenshots of what its combat looks like.

I still haven't seen anything that indicates that Fallout 3 will play like a conventional FPS game or that it emphasizes combat more than Fallout 1 or 2 did.
Nov 26, 2007
Oblivion is not a rpg, is a adventure game, is too ?prefabricated?

I still trying to finish it, i always get pissed how all quest end to go to a stupid cavern that look exactly like the 1000+ caverns on all map to get the X item/npc/kill.

I know i know lot ppl got lot of fun with it, but i just hope, i really hope that all npcs on fallout 3 inspired you to get going with the quests and main story, because the feel that make oblivion is that you are doing stuff on the game just for do it and not because you are changing something on sand-box world.

I am not agains shooters that implement RPG elements, but those RPG elements have to be nice, because if this elements are not good, the game end to be a normal FPS, and if the FPS part is not well maded, the game end to be a mediocre stuff.

Oblivion is more like a MMO? just need real ppl on it :D

Sorry my english
Paul Bracq
Last edited:
Mar 30, 2008
I still haven't seen anything that indicates that Fallout 3 will play like a conventional FPS game or that it emphasizes combat more than Fallout 1 or 2 did.

I don't think anyone here has said it will play like a conventional FPS game.

I've seen it in action and no, it doesn't play like a conventional FPS game. From having seen both games, I think that - combat-wise - it plays a lot like Mass Effect. Really a lot.
Oct 19, 2006
I don't think anyone here has said it will play like a conventional FPS game.

I've seen it in action and no, it doesn't play like a conventional FPS game. From having seen both games, I think that - combat-wise - it plays a lot like Mass Effect. Really a lot.

Yes, I think so too - and that was why I compared Fallout 3 to Mass Effect. Even the marketingstragety is the same; by going after the shooter crowds with the combat they probably think they can draw the FPS crowds in to play this game.

Brother None, I'm sorry - I probably shouldn't have said a 'good old fashioned rpg'. I just meant that underneath the shiny glizty stuff and the way too much bloom and the on the surface looking like an FPS game, Fallout 3, will have (some of) the mechanics that makes an rpg: leveling, xp points, raising your charm skill etc. will give you different options, being able to hit better when you put points into small arms or big guns etc.

I guess it probably was wrong to call it an 'old fashioned rpg' because that might give the impression that I think of, oh say, Oblivion as an old fashioned RPG which I certainly do not. I don't even think it is decent Elder Scrolls game, but it certainly is a very enjoyable game - at least to me. I'm not blind to its flaws, though.

I don't mind Bethesda making Fallout 3; I just mind Bethesda making Fallout 3 like it were a continous sequel of Fallout 1+2 when they clearly want to make a different sort of game than the preveious Fallouts were. I would have been happier if they, Bethesda, just has made a game called 'Fallout - East Side Story' or something like that - as I've said on numerous occasions.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
i find it hard but i admit to being fond of the two shots with the dog in them. you'd think that the year of the dog was 2008 not 2007 with this action-rpg and fable 2 both utilizing them. everything else is action or plastic garbage to me though. thank god for stalker. the vault screen for example is laughable--the building structure shows wear but there's shiny seats, balloons and a brand spanking new looking jukebox?
May 26, 2007
standing under everyone
Fallout + wide appeal + console limitations = not my thing.

I have no doubt it will be received similarly to Oblivion and Bioshock, namely as a modern classic, and I guess only the name itself will prevent Bethesda from taking all the credit like Levine did with Bioshock.

It looks exactly like Oblivion with guns, and I've seen no evidence that the writers with Bethesda can create a mature setting on the same level of Fallout. I won't even get into gameplay mechanics, because they've proven time and again with the Elderscrolls series that they don't understand that aspect of making quality games.

But they do understand production values and marketing, and their games are never bad. It will be a success, though I'm not entirely convinced their audience is ready for what Fallout represents, and I suspect it might not quite reach the popularity of Oblivion. Unless, of course, they're turning it into a pop-culture thing, toning down the cynicism and pessimism of the top layer, and keeping only the violence of Fallout and adding the pretentiousness of Elderscrolls.
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