Skyrim - Dragonborn DLC - Quick Look @ Giant Bomb


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Dude says he's been playing Skyrim non-stop for over a year, but he can't recall what equipment he's got on. When he checks, he can't recall why he's using it instead of something else. Then he speculates it might be because it's light armor, asks the other guy if it is, then speculates he might have light armor perks.

Even the people who work for game sites are casual gamers.
Apr 13, 2010
Even the people who work for game sites are casual gamers.

Do you know how many games the guy is playing per week? Maybe he have to keep up with 10 games.
Oct 13, 2007
Do you know how many games the guy is playing per week? Maybe he have to keep up with 10 games.

Really? 10 games a week? And how many hours each? 4 x 10 is a 40 hour work week, right? What do you base that on? And even if it's true, whose fault is that? Would we accept a literary reviewer who did nothing but skim novels, because he/she was too busy to read them carefully?
Apr 13, 2010
Wish they'd release it for pc already. Really hope they aren't waiting until they figure out the ps3 version.
And PS, Azarhal, isn't it valid to expect industry pundits to know at least as much about the games they are pontificating about as the average consumer does?
Apr 13, 2010
Really? 10 games a week? And how many hours each? 4 x 10 is a 40 hour work week, right? What do you base that on? And even if it's true, whose fault is that? Would we accept a literary reviewer who did nothing but skim novels, because he/she was too busy to read them carefully?

10 was a random number, could be less or more. I based it on my current 6 games per week "schedule" (self imposed) and I'm not a game reviewer. Also, his work week is probably more about writing preview/review/blogs, reviewing others work (Brad and Vinny are editors) and doing meetings. I suspect most of the gaming happen on his off-work hours.

And PS, Azarhal, isn't it valid to expect industry pundits to know at least as much about the games they are pontificating about as the average consumer does?

Go try to keep up with playing over 4 games in a single week while spending 2-3 hours in each. With my 6 games, I have trouble remembering the keyboard layout for each and the rules. It's too memory intensive. I don't expect superhuman abilities out from people personally.
Oct 13, 2007
Wish they'd release it for pc already. Really hope they aren't waiting until they figure out the ps3 version.

It will come out when the moon is red and the great dragon is awoken.:)

Seriously who knows anymore as Bethesda's strategy is to keep silent about everything except the next xbox dlc coming out next instead.

We know how it goes rumors say what it is and Bethesda announces it for the xbox and no other platform till later. Typical really.
Oct 1, 2010
So, Azarhal, somebody who works for a car magazine, for instance, could be excused for not knowing as much about the cars he/she is writing articles about as the people reading the articles, because he/she is having to keep up with so many different models? Think about it. People being paid for expertize they do not have is a ridiculous proposition. As for you and your four games a week, I doubt I was playing 10 games a YEAR back in the days when I was gaming compulsively. I don't even know how you could find four games a week, every week, to play unless you're playing every game on every platform from every developer. If you're being paid to do that then I'd suggest your employer is in serious need of specialty talent with a narrower focus, so they can write about a hobby many of their readers aka customers take very seriously without coming across like incompetent morons who don't know what they are talking about.
Apr 13, 2010
Maybe more than being a casual player, he is a casual reviewer.

Usually, when reviewing a game, notes are taken, written down, play styles are experimented... Routines are installed in order to prevent inaccurate impression and to be able to resume a game testing as fast as possible without losing time trying to connect.

It means that a non casual reviewer would know what kind of character he is playing with in this type of games, here, that he chose to play with a light armoured character.
Mar 29, 2011
As for you and your four games a week, I doubt I was playing 10 games a YEAR back in the days when I was gaming compulsively. I don't even know how you could find four games a week, every week, to play unless you're playing every game on every platform from every developer.

I'm playing games as an hobby. PC exclusively. In the last week I played: LoTRO, GW2, SWTOR, GW1, The Witcher 2 EE, Grand Thief Auto IV. All the MMOs are on a "schedule" (or I try at least). I just re-installed Witcher 2 EE (it's replacing another game I finished) and I got GTAIV from this winter sales (removed Skyrim, I told myself that I will wait for the Ultimate edition to finish it). I have Dark Souls and Crusader King 2 installed as well, but I haven't touched them in a while. I also have a game that get released on January 24th (kickstarted) and 1 beta from another kickstarted game I sometimes looks at (new patches). All in all, I played over 20 games in 2012 (about half being replay).

I don't consider myself an incompetent morons when I don't remember why my dude is wearing a specific armor in my Skyrim session after 2 weeks of not playing it because I was doing through Dishonored intensively (+ the MMOs).

Although, I do admit that I'm probably trying to play too many games at once...
Oct 13, 2007
Azarhal, I apologize if that "incompetent moron" comment seemed like it was directed at you. I was mixing and matching a lot of stuff in my ranting, and was still directing that tidbit at the reviewer in question. As far as how you play games, some of the games you listed are many years old. I had thought you were talking about playing four new releases every week. Now that you describe it, your style with playing games is not that much different from mine, except I tend to binge-play on one game for a week or so at a time until I start getting bored (again) with it, and move on to something else. I probably spend 10x the time playing old games from my collection as I do new ones. And I don't play MMOs much anymore.
Apr 13, 2010
Four new releases per week would be hard I agree. Although, I'm sure some crazy people do it.

My backlog is big enough to allow me to play lots of games for the first time, but mostly old ones. On new release I tend to focus on a single game + MMO(s). GTA is going to jump in two weeks though (for my first delivered Kickstarter game!).
Oct 13, 2007
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