Age of Decadence - March Update


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Iron Tower Studio's has posted the March Update for Age of Decadence with some new screenshots, and talks about five new locations now available to explore.

Welcome to update #4. It’s a ‘major’ update for us (and a big chunk of content, bringing the number of available locations to 15 out of 22) and we’d like to introduce it properly to make sure that the players won’t miss the new locations (which is easy to do since the game is non-linear). Without further ado:

Aemolas’ village

This location is available only if you:

  • Helped a group of refugees get into Teron.
  • Talked to Aemolas after and were deemed trustworthy enough (positive Word of Honor reputation) to be asked to retrieve his stash.
The village is full of raiders, but there are quite a few options there, including a rare opportunity to put your scoped crossbow to good use or have some double- and triple-crossing fun.

The Library of Saross

Available only if you talked to Abukar the Mad and learned about his trip to the Library. It’s an important location because:

  • You finally get to use that sphere you found at the beginning of the game (IF you found it)
  • You learn more information, provided you can get into the hidden chamber and translate the message
  • You can unlock an optional and very creepy (but extremely rewarding) ending. Naturally, you don’t get that ending right away, but you unlock the path that can lead you to it. If you have the balls.
  • Unlock the Arch and Inferiae locations.
The Arch

There are two ways to unlock it: the above-mention Library or faithful service to Lord Meru. Since the latter isn’t available yet, look for the clues at the library. So, what makes this location special and why should you care?

  • You should. You really, really should. It’s that place where you wave Kansas good-bye.
  • You will finally be able to use both the eye and the glove. How exciting.
  • You will meet your old pal Esbenus. Unless you killed him, in which case you’ll miss out on a beautiful relationship.
  • You will make new friends. Powerful friends. From the other side.
  • You can unlock Inferiae in case you failed to do so at the Library.

It's a desert village sitting on top of a place of power. Points of interest:

  • You’ll meet the very first character who’s actually been inside the temple you’re seeking (thus confirming that it does exist, among other things).
  • Play your cards right and you’ll be thrown into the ‘underworld’, which unlocks a bumpy ride that will lead you all the way to the top (of one of Maadoran’s minarets). The Eye thing will come in handy there.
  • You can unlock another location that will lead you to the temple. For obvious reasons, this location isn’t included in this update.
  • You can learn how to use one of those fancy semi-sphere consoles.
  • You can learn more lore stuff and connect more dots.
The Monastery

You can unlock this location by becoming a repeat customer of the healer (heavy wounds only). Impressed by your badassery (or at least your ability to survive the most grievous of injuries), the healer will ask you to fetch an ancient elixir that will improve your self-esteem and cellular regeneration, whatever that is.
Points of interest:

  • Raiders
  • Ancient mysteries and sacred liquids
  • Chambers deep inside a mountain
  • Huge doors that can’t be opened by mortal hands
  • Moral choices (must have morals in the first place to qualify), otherwise just join the raiders and have yourself a lovely day, full of plundering and pillaging.
The next month’s update will add another location - Caer-Tor, the Imperial Guards’ headquarters, which will introduce Dux Paullus and unlock the path to yet another ending where the Guards becomes Templars – the guardians of the temple.

The remaining 6 end-game locations will be released when the game is out. We’re aiming to start the final beta test in June and expect it to run for 2-3 months. We’ll continue to update and improve the Early Access build on a monthly basis, adding more content (characters, dialogues, items, etc) and general improvements.
More information.
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Oct 1, 2010
Awesome, so this means an October release, latest? This is the game I am most looking forwards to. I've played the arena demo and the starting area demo a while ago but haven't played since so I can have a fresh, full run through. I have played D:OS a little just to check it out, but in general if I start a game I want it to be complete. I rarely finish games but I know for certain AoD is one I want to finish, and probably more than once.
Mar 7, 2014
I think Dajjer misread it as meaning new content instead of finishing content that had already been planned.

I'm really looking forward to this game.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
You are not happy that we are finishing the game?

That's just it. Are you finishing the game? The update said:

We’ll continue to update and improve the Early Access build on a monthly basis, adding more content (characters, dialogues, items, etc) and general improvements.

You explicitly stated "adding more content". Not fixing, grammar checking, correcting the font, localization stuff, but adding more content. . . .

I have been waiting for this game to come out for a long time, and I am quite happy to continue to wait when the developer states they are fixing bugs and straightening out balance issues. I have no problem with that type of wait, I am not impatient. But to still be adding stuff this late in the game doesn't smell right to me.

You may delay, but time will not. ~Benjamin Franklin
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Dajjer - I think they are adding content to the restricted content "early access" build. I don't think they are adding more content than was originally planned. Just adding the already planned content to the builds we have access to as it gets closer and closer to final.
Mar 7, 2014
But to still be adding stuff this late in the game doesn't smell right to me.
Let me explain using Maadoran (a large city in the game) as an example.

When we released it in Novemeber, it had more quests/situations/characters than Teron (the starting town), so *we* didn't feel that it was light on content. Unfortunately, quite a few people felt that due to its size, the city felt a bit empty.

So, instead of saying "sorry, you get what you get and you don't get upset", we went and added 4 more quests and quite a few traders and characters. When people say that they want more characters to talk to (there are over 100 characters you can talk to in the Early Access, btw), we take it as a compliment and add them where we can to expand the gameworld and add lore/atmosphere.

That's what the comment meant.
Oct 18, 2006
Well I interpreted adding new content as 'we're finishing up the game to make it a whole and complete product that our fans want.' Still have this on my radar! Looking forward to playing it!
Sep 8, 2009
Let me explain using Maadoran (a large city in the game) as an example.

When we released it in Novemeber, it had more quests/situations/characters than Teron (the starting town), so *we* didn't feel that it was light on content. Unfortunately, quite a few people felt that due to its size, the city felt a bit empty.

So, instead of saying "sorry, you get what you get and you don't get upset", we went and added 4 more quests and quite a few traders and characters. When people say that they want more characters to talk to (there are over 100 characters you can talk to in the Early Access, btw), we take it as a compliment and add them where we can to expand the gameworld and add lore/atmosphere.

That's what the comment meant.

Got it. Thanks for the explanation. I look forward to playing the game.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
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