Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Updates# 6 & 7


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Warhorse Studios has two updates today for Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Update #6 - "Questions, more questions, thousands of questions and some answers"

When we were readying our Kickstarter campaign we were wary of announcing stretch goals and stuff like that. We didn’t want to be in a situation where we announced £2,000,000 stretch goal and in the end did not manage to raise more than £200,000. We wanted to wait until the project was on solid footing before announcing more about our ambitions.

We didn’t anticipate needing to raise our target goal in less than two days. We’re humbled and deeply thankful to our supporters. However, we are simply overwhelmed at the moment! Consider the following: the Kickstarter ‘Comments’ forum has almost 9,000 posts in five days, we got almost 1,500 private messages (mostly questions), our Inboxes are overflowing with hundreds extra emails, and of course there are questions on our Facebook page and on Twitter. All our designers are working around the clock to answer all the queries, but they are still lagging behind. We’re doing our best, but as this is our first crowdfunding effort, we’re learning as we go along. So, to hopefully get a bit caught up and answer the most pressing issues, we’ve created this update and summarized the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

There is also FAQ section down on the project description (Home) page of Kickstarter and this update repeats some of the material there, however, we think it may get more attention here.

To our supporters: if there are things the FAQ, doesn’t address, please continue to keep the inquiries coming!! We WILL get back to you. Thank you everyone!
Update #7 - "Video Update #1: Our World"

This is the first of the series of video updates we want to bring to you, delivering more information about the core features of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Man, the history that they are bringing into the game is quite simply awesome.
Oct 3, 2007
Impressive stuff. This rpg is a breath of fresh air for sure. Cool how they did a scenic tour of those old castles. Talk about atmosphere.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
The game looks great indeed! I can't belive, i've managed to miss this kickstarter jewel… I've always wanted to see openworld real medevil rpg without fantasy elements, and heck this is it! :)

I'm definitely ordering the knight package. :)

edit: By the way I also read one of the older updates where devs explained how long the road has been for this project. Like how traditional publishers have always turned them down despite showing intrest at first. It just shows how out of touch to reality most big publishers are nowdays. This game has tons of potential and devs behind it have tons of experience. How can't big publishers see the potential? This could easily become one of the biggest releases for 2015.
Oct 19, 2006
This is gonna be great (especially if they put out usable mod tools).

But I hope either, after they finish this trilogy (one long ass game is what it really sounds like), or someone uses the potential mod tools to make a total conversion Vikings version.
Oct 19, 2006
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