RPGWatch - Skullforge: The Hunt Q&A


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October 1, 2010
Skullforge: The Hunt is a new kickstarter from OMC Games. The game is asking for a modest fee of $20,000, but funding has been slow.

Here is a brief description for readers who missed the previous news-bits.

Skullforge: The Hunt is a single player action RPG set in a medieval fantasy world. The combat will be fast, interesting, and most of all fun. Players will take the role of Desinarious "Desi" Cornerstone as she tracks down one of her enslavers. This game is made for those who like action RPGs with a good mix of fun storytelling, action, exploration, and the ability to make interesting choices along the way.

This game is what you get when you take the action of great games like Secret of Evermore, Secret of Mana, Soul Blazer and even modern RPGs like Kingdoms of Amalur and Darksiders with the survival aspects of the cult classic Alternate Reality. These games were our inspiration when laying down what Skullforge is and we know everyone who likes RPGs will be happy with the result.
In an effort to spread the word about the game I reached out to OMC Games James Garvin. Hopefully the following Q&A helps the game get more pledges.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
So no one is interested? The interview has been up for a day, and has no comments. What shame as the game has potential.:(
Oct 1, 2010
Hi Couch,

the interview is good and interesting.

My problem: The game references are not clicking for me. I simply don't know Secret of Evermore, Secret of Mana, Soul Blazer, Darksider and Alternate Reality.

... and I have played more than 300 CRPGs over the years.
Oct 18, 2006
Hi Couch,

the interview is good and interesting.

My problem: The game references are not clicking for me. I simply don't know Secret of Evermore, Secret of Mana, Soul Blazer, Darksider and Alternate Reality.

… and I have played more than 300 CRPGs over the years.
Some of the games listed were console games, and they were never released on the PC. The only way someone did play them on the PC was with an emulator.

I know a vast majority of our members just play CRPGs, but I grew up playing consoles, handhelds, and my PC over the years. I forget others haven't.:blush:
Oct 1, 2010
Is it the game that is trying to get greenlighted on Steam too?
I backed the game on Kickstarter, don't really expect much (Amalur and Darksiders are the role model? sheesh), let's say the less I know more chance I'll be pleasantly surprised on the release.
Apr 12, 2009
Hi Couch,

the interview is good and interesting.

My problem: The game references are not clicking for me. I simply don't know Secret of Evermore, Secret of Mana, Soul Blazer, Darksider and Alternate Reality.

… and I have played more than 300 CRPGs over the years.

You should try them. Great games from the old days. I'll admit, I'm eccentric when it comes to gaming as the Atari and Commodore days were great times in my life. Lots of fiddling around with BASIC and hours and hours spent playing different RPGs. It was a different time back then.

I'll admit that I didn't get into modern CRPGs until later on in life (my mom never bought a PC), but I think that people who enjoy RPGs should be able to enjoy them anywhere. Lots of stuff out there. Some of it good...some of it bad. I think that every game we play has some sort of value.
Apr 18, 2014
The game "Alternate Reality" sounds really interesting - I'll try this in my next holidays.
Oct 18, 2006
Not to be nitpicking (ok, I am), but why is this game still on the front page? It failed miserably (sadly) on KS. Is it still being developed?

Pibbur who doesn't mind it being there, but who, like his cat, is curious.
Not to be nitpicking (ok, I am), but why is this game still on the front page? It failed miserably (sadly) on KS. Is it still being developed?
It's on the front page becase it can't be moved unless we delete it. Also the developer is still making the game, and I posted about in the news this month.

So in-case you missed it here it is.;)

Link - http://www.rpgwatch.com/show/news?ref=0&id=694#27353

Hey everyone! Well as most of you have already surmised, unless there are some last minute angel investors we may not make our goal. That being said, we are still making this game! If you want to stay in the loop we'll be starting a mailing list and giving you guys the link. This will be an exclusive mailing list only for our Kickstarter backer fans (even if we don't get funded). We want to give you something for your faith and loyalty and keep you in the loop and release early content to you guys, making you part of the closed alpha and beta process so please stay tuned and subscribe to our mailing list when we post it. It will be a private post to backers only. So let's stay excited and get this game done using plan B, C or D. ;) So please stay tuned for the next update so you can get on the list and stay in the loop! Thanks so much for your support and loyalty throughout this process! I know it may seem a little disapointing to some people but don't worry! We'll make it happen. It just might take a bit longer now.
Oct 1, 2010
Ahhh, I did miss that post.

Pibbur who say thx to the resting in a chair (and eating pizza?) potao.

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