Cyberpunk 2077 - Teaser Trailer


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
A new teaser trailer has been made available for Cyberpunk 2077. At the end of the video there is also a short message that an announcement for something else CD Red is working on (The Witcher 3?) will be made on the 5th of February.

More information.
Aug 30, 2006

Not again. Another article on sexism in games. There a dime a dozen nowadays. I like his closing comments though.
Comments for this story are now closed. Unfortunately my prediction was right and this topic was never going to generate a reasonable debate. My apologies to anyone who wanted to have a civil discussion on the topic.
What did he expect? It's a bait article for hits not social commentary.
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Oct 1, 2010
it really bumped my feeble hopes for that game.
Aug 7, 2008
Not again. Another article on sexism in games. There a dime a dozen nowadays. I like his closing comments though.

I think somebody didn't realize that the Lady cyborg just killed lots of people after her morning coffee. She's probably an assassin bot disguised as a sexbot knowing my Cyberpunk tropes.

She's actually heavily clothed in this case too...
Oct 13, 2007
Teaser is very good. Looks beautiful. But of course, from CD Project Red such quality work i expected.
You guys already also seen the hidden messages in the teaser.
Which is cool, in a way. But it would be much easier just to announce it out in a open.
Hidden messages? Really?
Anyway. Since Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty faraway from its release , I am much more interested in their soon to come game(which is probably The Witcher 3).
Waiting for February 5'th :)
Oct 4, 2011
Planet Earth
I think somebody didn't realize that the Lady cyborg just killed lots of people after her morning coffee. She's probably an assassin bot disguised as a sexbot knowing my Cyberpunk tropes.

She's actually heavily clothed in this case too…

And also if you're going to go with a full cybernetic body replacement... why wouldn't you go with an improbably good looking one whether you were a man or a woman? If there's one place where the fiction effectively sidesteps the question of realistic portrayal of both male and female appearances, it's a cyberpunk setting.
Nov 20, 2006
I think somebody didn't realize that the Lady cyborg just killed lots of people after her morning coffee. She's probably an assassin bot disguised as a sexbot knowing my Cyberpunk tropes.

She's actually heavily clothed in this case too…

Yep reminds me off all the cheesy cyberpunk movies from the 80's and early 90's. You can still watch them on cable sometimes.
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Oct 1, 2010

Soo….. goooooood!!!

Oct 26, 2006
I just learned (on another RPG new website) the the police squad in the trailer is called the MAX-TAC with the common name of Psycho Squad.

Can I join?
Oct 13, 2007
I guess I'm the only one who thought the trailer was boring? Slow bullets flying through the air, yawn. It just wasn't good to me. I could just be in an overly critical mood though, don't know. But I didn't like it.
Terrible, just terrible. What does it even mean? Is it a game? A bad movie? Just show visual effects and that's all fine. Pathetic.
Dec 2, 2011
Terrible, just terrible. What does it even mean? Is it a game? A bad movie? Just show visual effects and that's all fine. Pathetic.

You have to know the Cyberpunk setting to understand what is going on in the trailer. We already know it's a game too.

Explanation (found on the official forum):
For those who haven't played the tabletop game: Night City's Psychosquad (MAX-TAC) is a special police unit that responds to situations involving cyborgs that go crazy (cyberpsychosis). They often "recruit" from the pool of cyborgs that go crazy, by reprogramming them to serve in the Psychosquad and save people to pay for their former crimes. That's what you're seeing in the trailer. It's playback of how a female MAX-TAC officer became part of the squad.
Oct 13, 2007
First of all CD project are possibly my favorite developer around at the moment and I have no doubt this game will be utterly amazing.

Now I've said that I can also say that the trailer is in my opinion awful. The quality of the CG is absolutely outstanding, but everything else about it is just a bit embarrassing to watch. I just think the games industry as a whole seems to confuse the terms 'mature' with the term 'horny-16-year-old-males'. I know many will disagree though :)

Oh also I hate the music - the lyrics made me cringe throughout
Oct 25, 2006
I just think the games industry as a whole seems to confuse the terms 'mature' with the term 'horny-16-year-old-males'. I know many will disagree though :)

For once, the gaming industry isn't to blame for this.

The trailer is simply referencing its source material, namely the PnP Cyberpunk 2020 campaign . One of the setting theme is oversexualizaton, i.e. sex is a common product. The setting is all about decadence anyhow, don't be surprised if the next trailer show a drug overdose. In the PnP, most of the classes are about having a job (cop, media guy, hacker, etc), not fighting dudes anyway. Hopefully, CDRed keep it that way.

And like I said earlier, she should have had less clothing to really match the Cyberpunk trope of what she is: a sex doll.


I just find an official post on the Afterlife forum about the game setup. Should give a good idea of what the game will be about...
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Oct 13, 2007
Rampant Coyote does a nice analysis of this on his blog - pointing out how it relates closely with the original PnP Cyberpunk game.

I generally agree with his assessment. I think it's a great trailer for showing the tone and feel of what they are going for in the game - and you can see the strong influence of the original Cyberpunk setting throughout. That includes the sexiness, which Cyberpunk was never shy about. It's a common cyberpunk topic to explore (the game and the books that inspired it) - so they are being true to the roots here.

My only nitpick is I would have liked or more electronic / futuristic song. More synths at least...
Aug 19, 2011
I was a big fan of the RPG back in the early 90's.

To me, the video was basically, "Here's our current vision for what Cyberpunk is supposed to be." To me, they nailed it. The setting and the style seemed note-perfect - they "get it."

I hope there's much more to the game than shooting up cyborgs, of course. In the PnP games, while there was plenty of gunplay, it was DANGEROUS and more of a last resort kind of thing. I'd be thrilled if CDPR's version is similar - where stealth, manipulation, sleuthing, and running-like-hell are as significant (or more) as gunplay.
Oct 9, 2007
I read on Nexus that this is a hint of an open world Witcher?

Do you like our latest creation? We certainly hope so! :) You may remember that we sometimes send you guys secret messages like this. It's a great way for us to speak right to you instead of burying ourselves in corporate mumbo jumbo, so let's begin!

First of all—have you noticed all the details in our teaser (Yes, it's a teaser. We'll make a proper trailer in the future)? If you know the Cyberpunk setting, there are some things you can spot, like implants—look for the weapon hands and the real skin — corporate emblems that should look familiar, and more. Happy hunting!

You're probably curious about the release. It's currently scheduled a way off in 20(14,15,16?) but in truth the delivery date is more like "when it's done". We will release Cyberpunk to you when we're convinced it is nothing but pure, refined, unadulterated awesome. We want it to be the most kick ass futuristic RPG ever— OK, maybe this sounds pretty bully, but it is our actual goal! You judge if we deliver it!

Oh—And you may wonder why we announced our game so early before the release. The reason is that we're still building our Dev team, so if you are a talented dude or dudette, willing to work in a really different company (gamers rule & boring corporate stuff drools) on a single ambitious project, send us your application right now!

So, you want to know what kind of game Cyberpunk 2077 will be? The short description is that it will be a story-heavy, nonlinear, open world RPG based on the well known Cyberpunk pen&paper system and setting. Building open world games is something we are mastering right now, and we believe (misspelled in trailer, heh) that properly joining nonlinear gameplay with an excellent story telling will bring a totally new quality. Hmm.. we'll tell some more about it soon!

And that's not all that's new, we are about to reveal our other project, which is much closer to being completed and yes, it will also be a fully open-world game with an intense story. You can probably guess the game we're talking about - on the 5th of February it will all be clear.

So stay tuned as we will have quite a lot to show and tell you soon!
We are waiting for you on our newly created forum called afterlife—what other name could we have chosen for it? :)
CD Project Red Team
Jun 4, 2008
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