The Wertzone - Wheel of Time RPG?


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
The Wertzone ponders on their site if the next kickstarter for Obsidian might be based on The wheel of Time. I for one would be happy if it turns out true.

About three years ago Obsidian signed a development deal with Red Eagle, the rights-holding company which controls the rights for Wheel of Time video games. This deal was to make a single-player RPG set in the Wheel of Time universe and world. Obsidian seemed excited by what they could do with the game, and fan response was positive, especially when it was revealed that Obsidian's best-known writer, Chris Avellone (the creative force behind Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, Neverwinter Nights II: Mask of the Betrayer and Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues, several of the greatest RPGs ever made), would be working on the project.

However, nothing has happened with the idea since. Red Eagle was in charge of securing the funding for the game, and failed to do so. Electronic Arts signed a speculative distribution agreement for the game, but chose not to fund and formally publish it. With Triple-A RPG budgets heading towards $100 million (Skyrim, for example, cost $80 million and the Mass Effect trilogy not far off that per game), Red Eagle proved unable to come up with the cash themselves.

Last year, both Red Eagle and Obsidian launched Kickstarters. Red Eagle launched one to make a Wheel of Time casual strategy game for tablets and smartphones, Banner of the Rising Sun. They asked for $450,000 and raised $3,000, a hugely disappointing failure. Obsidian launched one to make an isometric, 'old-skool' RPG with impressive graphics but a much tighter focus on story and character. They asked for $1.1 million and instead raised over $4.1 million, an absolutely massive success.

With both Red Eagle and Obsidian willing to use Kickstarter to achieve their goals, it makes sense that they might consider joining forces to do the same for a Wheel of Time game. The viability of this depends on the deal with EA. If this has expired, there's nothing stopping them doing this. However, if EA retain the distribution rights the project will likely not be viable: Kickstarter is for games that otherwise wouldn't get off the ground, and the involvement of a massive company like EA would be toxic for any such campaign. Provided there are no obstacles, the combination of Obsidian's Kickstarter and game-making experience and Red Eagle's Wheel of Time licence could be highly appealing.

Obsidian will announce what their next project is in the spring, so we have a few months to find out if this is the direction they are going to go in.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Let's hope not. While I have no doubt Obsidian would make a fantastic RPG out of Wheel of Time, I question Red Eagle's involment. Their last 2 attempts at a WoT game failed miserably, and I would imagine it's no wonder any movie or TV project hasn't taken off the ground either. I would also think with the previous work they did with those guys, Obsidian have learned their lesson and would not do it again.
Jan 12, 2009
I was hoping for something like Fallout New Vegas 2 or Alpha Protocol 2, but Obsidian don't have the IPs (Bethsoft and SEGA). Never heard of Wheel Of Time, so IDK.
Aug 10, 2013
Yeah, the last WoT games were travesties. No thank you.
Oct 3, 2007
Is that the game where it takes 150 hours of play to get through the first chapter?
Mar 22, 2012
You know, I've been trying to get into the first WoT book, but I just can't make it out of the first couple of chapters… Reminds me of a SyFy Channel fantasy movie.

Blasphemy! WoT is some of the best Fantasy novels I've read, and I've read alot. But maybe they are kind of slow in the beginning, don't remember actually. (No offense intended, you can like whatever books you want of course.)

On topic, Obsidian making a WoT game wouldn't be my favourite choice, mainly because I would prefer another setting than Fantasy. I would much prefer it if the IP they've secured were something like Warhammer 40k (highly unlikely) or other Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk/Dystopian...
Dec 20, 2010
There was more than one game of WoT? I only know the 1st person shooter, which I found quite atmospheric - what were the others?
Aug 30, 2006
On topic, Obsidian making a WoT game wouldn't be my favourite choice, mainly because I would prefer another setting than Fantasy.
What if it were set back in the Time of Legends?
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I'm usually against games based on books, only because I keep thinking a big chunk of development money goes towards just the rights, and usually you can't change the lore, so you end up being characters that maaaaybe get to see the book characters as cameos if lucky.
Sep 23, 2008
Add another vote from me for a non fantasy setting. I mean they got that base covered with PoE and its probable sequel, it would be best for them (and us! well me at least ;) ) if they branched out and added some variety to their offerings, imo.

I would not mind seeing a game in the setting generally speaking. Its a decent one and I had a fair bit of fun with the books up to #5 iirc.
(I would be far more interested in a setting like Errikson's Malazan books if we are talking about high fantasy settings myself tbh though… /offtopic)
Oct 18, 2006
Would it be smart business decision to make Alpha Protocol 2 though? I found it a really enjoyable game, but the mainstream audience and reviewers had quite a different opinion (Idiots all of course, like all the people who doesn't share my opinion. You can have whatever opinions you like as long as they're the same as mine.)
Dec 20, 2010
Would it be smart business decision to make Alpha Protocol 2 though? I found it a really enjoyable game, but the mainstream audience and reviewers had quite a different opinion (Idiots all of course, like all the people who doesn't share my opinion. You can have whatever opinions you like as long as they're the same as mine.)

I think some problems with Alpha Protocol was that it was hard for a lot of people how to play it. It looked like a shooter but were in fact a rather classical rpg, that, and the rather wonky camera gave it a bad start.

I remember trying to play it fluently, more similar to eg DX:HR and getting upset about the clunky controls and movement. I first enjoyed it when I retraced my steps and played it a bit more tactical.

If they did a AP2, my opinion is that they should opt for more of a DX approach to part of the camera and movements.

Wont happen, but were entitled to dream :)

Oct 29, 2009
WGS84 Latitud:59.85 Longitud:17.65
yes, AP was good. Only problem was it being a multi-platform meant console players complained it wasn't a shooter (basically having the target in the middle and missing because the roll missed kind of thing).
Sep 23, 2008
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