Star Citizen Info Thread

I don't like the art style so much. It reminds me too much of the IRL "street racing" scene, with small cars with big spoilers, painted in lots of bright colors and stuff.

ED looks waaaay better.
Aug 12, 2010
!? I don't see any colors at all on those ships?
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I guess I should post an update, though azarhal seems to have covered most of it :)

They Keynote address of CitCon 2017 was pretty cool, if you want to see something neat:

Still patiently awaiting 3.0….

They've promised some SQ42 stuff for the Holiday live stream - which should be interesting.
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I'm following Hewhomustnotbenamed's thread on Qt3. A year ago I wouldn't have thought I could agree with anything Smart gets emotional about, but this time I agree with him: SC will never come out as a product close to the promised one. Maybe they'll release a barebone "minimum viable product" and try to improve it. I'm not convinced SC as envisioned is technically possible within the next few years.
Aug 30, 2006
I think that very much depends on what people mean by "promised one".

The game is already beyond what was originally part of the feature-set in the campaign - in several ways.

In technical terms, they've come a long way - and have clear and detailed plans for how to implement every major feature they've talked about. However, they've also been very open about how some of those features are goals - and absolutely not something they know for certain can be done exactly as they want. It will take a lot of work and a lot of tweaking - which is happening in the open.

A lot of what people think of as "promises" is really just their imagination based on the vision and the goal of Star Citizen, where everyone seems to have their own idea of what that's supposed to be. CR has talked about many, many features that he wants in the game - eventually - but there's no set-in-stone game that's been clearly defined as the first release version.

It's clear to everyone with any kind of experience that the game will never - and could never - be absolutely everything they ever talked about wanting in the game.

So, if that's what people expect - they're going to be very disappointed.

The question, for my part, is if the game will be a fantastic space sim or not.

Personally, I'm all but certain it will be - though I would be a fool to not leave room for failure.

As for Derek Smart, he's been verified and established as a clear-cut liar over and over and over, so I would advise caution where his "information" about Star Citizen is concerned.

Unless, of course, you WANT it to fail - then he's a great guy to listen to about it ;)
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I think that very much depends on what people mean by "promised one".

The game is already beyond what was originally part of the feature-set in the campaign - in several ways.
That's the problematic part. If they are beyond that, why don't they show it? Why don't they show actual gameplay and not only pre-scripted tech-demos?

The main point of criticism is that after 5 years and 150M$+, they're still not even close to alpha. They can't show a solid gameplay loop. So what did they spend all the money on? What they're showing is extremely thin.

I have no money in this. I really don't care, but I'm enjoying the show.
Aug 30, 2006
That's the problematic part. If they are beyond that, why don't they show it? Why don't they show actual gameplay and not only pre-scripted tech-demos?

There's a very big difference between what you've seen and what they've shown, obviously.

They go out of their way not to script their demonstrations - which is obvious, because sometimes the game crashes in full public view.

There's a lot of videos out there showing stuff like planets (not part of the original campaign) - procedurally generated cities with bespoke changes (not part of the original campaign) - advanced first person mission based content - and so on.

Also, plenty with "actual gameplay".

The main point of criticism is that after 5 years and 150M$+, they're still not even close to alpha. They can't show a solid gameplay loop. So what did they spend all the money on? What they're showing is extremely thin.

I have no money in this. I really don't care, but I'm enjoying the show.

The game has only been in full development for around 3 years. The first years were spent trying to establish the scope and development team. They're still hiring - because the budget keeps expanding.

Something like 90% of the backers voted to keep funding the game, by the way.

They've already shown several videos with a complete gameplay loop.

Clearly, your "I don't really care" translates to "I don't know the first thing about this".

The most ambitious game of all time isn't close to release after 3 years in proper development?

That's a shock ;)
The main point of criticism is that after 5 years and 150M$+, they're still not even close to alpha. They can't show a solid gameplay loop. So what did they spend all the money on? What they're showing is extremely thin.

Why do you need videos when you can play a full gameplay loop in Crusader right now on the PU? It's not 3.0, but you can do missions, get credits, spend those credits and even get labelled a criminal for criminal activities.

It's not the final gameplay loop, but it is the base that will be expanded on.

Also, it's not 5 years, it's 4 years. The crowdfunding ended later November 2012, they did no development in December, the company was 8 persons big at the time. They were 60 employees by the end of 2013 (that's not even enough to make a AA game in 3 years these days). They were not even 200 employees by the end of 2015 (150), that's the min for a AAA game in under 3 years when you have a working structure (they started with 0). Now they are ~325, that's smaller than the amount of people who worked on Horizon Zero Down, a 40 hours long single player AAA "open world game" that took 5 years to make.
Oct 13, 2007
I think these Star Citizen conferences are unwatchable, as I find Roberts incredibly irritating, and doubly so with his whooping acolytes having nerdgasms over every tidbit. I hope the damn thing does eventually come out and is great, but I'm pretty tired of their schtick, at this point.

11 days till release...
Nov 8, 2014
Aaaaaaand, I've got access :)

Here's a nice little demonstration of a realistic day/night cycle based on the location of bodies and planetary rotation:

Can't wait to get off from work and try this buggy mess. Here's hoping we can get it stable for Live sooner rather than later.
I guess I should post an update, though azarhal seems to have covered most of it :)

They Keynote address of CitCon 2017 was pretty cool, if you want to see something neat:

Still patiently awaiting 3.0….

They've promised some SQ42 stuff for the Holiday live stream - which should be interesting.

Not enough "landmark" buildings and structures on that planet. They all look the same. Procedural generation is great unless you just procedurally generate a lot of crap.
May 2, 2017
Squadron 42 gameplay Teaser:

There will be more tomorrow on the 21st holiday live Stream (and going by what I'm reading on reddit, monthly updates on SQ42 starting January 25th).
Oct 13, 2007
Gameplay? As in selecting one of 2 dialogue options twice in cutscenes. LOL!

I guess you don't know what the word teaser means.
Oct 13, 2007
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