Star Citizen Info Thread

Well for me I just backed the Kickstarter over ten years ago because it was Chris Robert pitching a modern FreeLancer. Here we are a decade later and no release.
Oct 1, 2010
Those who spent money on it, could you explain why?
I was in a sim phase, the game seemed to have been progressing well, and I liked the concept of being able to seamlessly go from walking around to jumping in a ship, leaving the planet, fighting or doing something purposeful, and landing to complete the loop.

It sounded neat since sims are generally limited to the cockpit experience.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Those who spent money on it, could you explain why?
For me the greatest appeal was the sort of seamless grandeur of the setting. Taking off from the surface of a planet, heading through atmosphere, getting to space and just getting out and looking at the planet below is in itself pretty spectacular. I did that in a free flight and it was pretty easy after that to buy into the rest. I think that part is still unlike any game available.

edit: yeah pretty much what Redglyph said.
Jun 5, 2023
What a strange question. I suppose you knew way back then how it was going to turn out?
There were a couple of clear warning signs in the pledges that made me think they didn't know what they were doing.

First one was lifetime insurance, which they eventually removed. I imagined all these players who could just kamikaze their ship into you over and over and it would never cost them anything. PVP would be broken from the start.

But, if that wasn't enough, you could also buy and start with end-game ships. Some of these ships literally cost thousands of dollars and they also thought they'd slap some FOMO on there and make them limited to a few thousand units.

I didn't know way back then that it wouldn't ever come out but I didn't think you could make a good MMO with broken starting conditions like that so I never pledged.

Still looking forward to playing it after I see the release reviews! :p
Jul 10, 2007
Sure. I fell victim to the name involved, since I'd great memories of playing the Wing Commander days at launch, among other games he'd be involved with. Of course, I'd high hopes in October of 2012 (at least that's when I think the kick starter launched, I could be wrong) which have all since crashed and burned. After supporting over seven hundred projects, I guess I was bound to get burned a time or three. This ranks highly among those.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
There were a couple of clear warning signs in the pledges that made me think they didn't know what they were doing.

First one was lifetime insurance, which they eventually removed. I imagined all these players who could just kamikaze their ship into you over and over and it would never cost them anything. PVP would be broken from the start.

But, if that wasn't enough, you could also buy and start with end-game ships. Some of these ships literally cost thousands of dollars and they also thought they'd slap some FOMO on there and make them limited to a few thousand units.
Ah ok. I thought those things that came later.
I didn't know way back then that it wouldn't ever come out but I didn't think you could make a good MMO with broken starting conditions like that so I never pledged.
You didn't? For some reason I thought you were one of the backers here. Well at least you dodged a bullet. I remember thinking it looked really cool, but I'm not a big fan of the genre so I didn't back it either.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I kept a close eye on it for years and had a friend who was a backer so I got to see him "play" it way back when all that was in the game was a garage for your ships you could walk around in.

Last I heard they did a patch to add persistent entity streaming and broke the game again. The idea was apparently whatever anyone dropped would be there forever. I thought that sounded like a stupid idea since what's stopping me buying a billion medkits and dropping them all on the floor to lag everyone up. But maybe that's the point of adding all these cool but impractical ideas that can only delay release while they try to get it working.

I'm not really paying any attention to the game now. Maybe if there's a press release I'll see the headline. Free fly events seem pretty common. There's a CitizenCON coming up.
Jul 10, 2007
As far as humans are concerned, the game has had 4.76 million backers. CCU Game reports that the game has received $59 million in funding this year, with $19.1 million from May alone (the biggest month so far).

Checking the daily backers, it appears Cloud Imperium receives as low as $50,000 (which it did on August 18) to as high as $186,000 (August 23). Backer numbers for today, August 25, have yet to be disclosed.

Year-wise, 2022 has been Star Citizen's most-funded year overall at $110 million. Presently, 2023 is the fourth-highest year for player backing behind 2022, 2021 ($86 million), and 2020 ($78 million).
Oct 1, 2010
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