Mass Effect 3 - Panel Video @ Comic Com


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Tazzmission from the BSN's ME3 forums have found this video of the panel discussion at Comic Com between ME3 fans and ME3 developers at Youtube. The 53 minute video covers multiplayer, their plans for possible future DLCs, the ME3 ending, the Extended Cut and much much more.
In other news, the Bioware blog has an interview with David Mergele, software developer at Bioware. He talks about what he is doing in his job at day to day basis:
A quote then on what he does at work:
What does an average day look like for you?
Get myself coffee and possibly some breakfast. Take a quick glance at my inbox for critical emails, and send responses. Stand-up meeting with the team. Review new emails in-depth. Coffee again! Backlog and feature planning and/or discussions about improvements for the team. Lunch/gaming break. Bug triage. Bug fixing or feature development. Go home.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
I like how there's a sense of positivity about Mass Effect again now... thank christ.

Also LOL at that day at work.. .(can I have that job please?). ;P
Sep 15, 2011
New Zealand
Most of my work days are very similar, except the coffee. I use coca cola or cola zero instead.
Oct 18, 2006
I like how there's a sense of positivity about Mass Effect again now… thank christ.

I think the hate has just simmered but it's still there. Just waiting for a spark to ignite it again. Come on DA3 we need more fuel for the fire.
Oct 1, 2010
It always gets to me how trivial and normal game developers and software developers workday are. I know there's a lot og young boys out there who still think it is like playing games all day when you work as game or software developer. That's why I usually think it is interesting to convety that it is normal job, just like any other job....

As for hate for DA3, or for ME3, let's not forget that there are people who still hasn't forgiven Bioware for say BG1 or BG2....a small, but very vocal minority as I see it. I liked DA2 as it was more mature game, in terms of content, and i strayed from the usual big bad ancient evil etc. plot. I'll probably like ME3 as well...
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
As for hate for DA3, or for ME3, let's not forget that there are people who still hasn't forgiven Bioware for say BG1 or BG2….a small, but very vocal minority as I see it. I liked DA2 as it was more mature game, in terms of content, and i strayed from the usual big bad ancient evil etc. plot. I'll probably like ME3 as well…

I enjoy most of there games also despite there many shortcomings. :evilgrin: There magic touch though is gone. Gone are the days I get excited about new Bioware games. It's more like meh we will see.

The term vocal minority needs to die and never get resurrected. The phrase gamer entitlement also. Both are overused and always used negatively when certain parts of the fanbase are pissed off.

Sorry for the small off-topic rant now back to your usual programming.:)
Oct 1, 2010
I liked DA2 as it was more mature game, in terms of content,

More mature compared to what? The Muppets? All the themes are aimed solidly at teens, from the zombie mother quests to the awkward "romances" to the full-emo companions. Even Gaider's moved from novels to comics. The only thing "more mature" was Flemeth's boob job, and the watermelon gore.
Feb 28, 2011
What is wrong with comics or rather drawn or animated manuscript. I've just finished reading Meziere and Christin's Linda and Valentin (or Linda and Valerian in French) comic books. They are, however, more like graphic novels, they deal with the same material as parts of the ME games do. And they are great both in their drawings and in their stories...

If you have lost a loved one, the whole famility quest and the whole quest to restore your family's is mature content. Isabella might at a first glance be aimed at teenage boys, but when you see behind her facade, it dawns on you that she's a vulnerable soul.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
As for hate for DA3, or for ME3, let's not forget that there are people who still hasn't forgiven Bioware for say BG1 or BG2….a small, but very vocal minority as I see it. I liked DA2 as it was more mature game, in terms of content, and i strayed from the usual big bad ancient evil etc. plot. I'll probably like ME3 as well…

So you think DA2 is more mature than BG series. How so?

DA2 didn't have a plot. I don't even think they knew what the hell they wanted to deliver apart from the fact everyone in Kirkwall went nuts and did stupid things which could be easily avoided.

Just because BG series story was concerned big bad ancient evil as you call it, doesn't mean the story is less mature.
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