Horizon Zero Dawn - Release Date: August 7

A long string of boss battles appeals to me not at all, hence my very short attempt to enjoy Dark Souls.
Sep 16, 2010
A long string of boss battles appeals to me not at all, hence my very short attempt to enjoy Dark Souls.

HZD is about as far removed from dark souls as you can get. I didn’t finish the game but I played a large amount and only ran into a few boss fights. Though sometimes regular enemies would still take time and planning to defeat.
Apr 14, 2011
HZD is about as far removed from dark souls as you can get.
What other games is HZD closest to? Perhaps Tomb Raider or Far Cry?
May 6, 2013
What other games is HZD closest to? Perhaps Tomb Raider or Far Cry?

The last few Tomb Raider games are somehow similar, though HZD is seamless open world, while Tomb Raider is more confined, so to speak.

The Witcher 3 also plays similarly, although it's quite more heavy on the story side than HZD.

Shadow of Mordor is something that plays similarly too in a way, with different theme and such. Another one that plays similarly is Assassin's Creed Odyssey.

In a nutshell, it's an open world RPG with plenty of "points of interest" to visit on the map and complete. Most of them are optional, for the sake of gearing up and exploring, and if you're not inclined, you can mostly just follow the critical path.
I've enjoyed (the newer) Tomb Raider games, TW3 and AC Odyssey each for different reasons.
So it seems I can look forward to HZD.
May 6, 2013
Just to note, although all those games are about open world rpg exploration, the quirk of HZD is that you play as a hunter /archer so the game play is rather unique in that aspect. Enemies have weak points in their bodies that you need to hit while using an array of tools to aid you such as traps, tripwire, explosives and such. Makes for a fun and engaging gameplay.
Yeah just to agree with others, it has the open world features of the Witcher with a big map filled with points of interest. You can compare it to Tomb Raider as well, though maybe less so. There is a lot of story and exposition, nothing compared to TW3 but still more than a lot of other games.

The combat though is what really sets it apart. It’s really unique with every enemy having different body parts that can be destroyed for various effects and different interactions with elemental effects. You can often plan and stalk an enemy for awhile setting traps and escape routes, and you may need to do this fir certain foes. In many ways it does monster hunting way better than even TW3 did. Add to this the fact that your doing all of this with relatively primitive weapons that are intentionally a little clunky to use but which have dramatic and powerful effects.
Apr 14, 2011
Seems the price was increased in a few countries prior to it's release.

Link - https://www.pcgamer.com/horizon-zero-dawn-gets-a-price-increase-on-pc/

Before the price increase, the discrepancy between regional prices was significant, and VPN users could take advantage of it to get the game significantly cheaper than it would normally be in their country. The original price in Turkey, for instance, was the equivalent of £9, but now it's around £32. This could be one of the reasons that Sony has decided to jack up the price.
Aug 13, 2013
I've already preordered it (on GMG thanks to 16% price minus). While I'll start playing it as soon as it unlocks, probably won't be writing about it till I'm done unless there are some serious flaws with performance, menus or controls.

I'm sort of expecting a similar thing as with Death Stranding, an almost masterpiece unfair to judge based only on early impression.
All I can safely say is that, based on DS that is not RPG, Decima engine "loves" PC more than Unity.
Apr 12, 2009
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