Last Epoch - Loot Based Action RPG


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Last Epoch is on Kickstarter seeking US 210K and is described as a loot-based action RPG featuring time travel. There is a free demo of the game available to download.

What is Last Epoch?

Last Epoch is a loot-based Action RPG that combines time travel, deep character customization, crafting, and an engrossing item system that guarantees endless replayability.


  • Offline and online multiplayer action
  • Time travel and high fantasy world
  • 5 base classes that advance into 10 powerful mastery classes
  • A deep skill system with augment trees for each skill
  • Engrossing loot and crafting system
  • Massive end-game content and replayability, trading, PvP, Cycles(seasons), Ladders, and Achievements
  • Epic storytelling, memorable characters and environments, voice acting, journals, and hidden secrets

Last Epoch has a rich world and an engrossing story that is woven into every aspect of the game from environments to items and more. Throughout the story, you will travel to four distinct eras in time and see how each zone changes throughout the ages, each change bearing lore implications that will keep you invested in the setting.


Thanks Rhawka!
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand

So spent some time looking at this today and asked some questions. Here is what I've learned.

$15 buy to play (or free to play till level 20 then 15$ for rest of game)
Post launch supported by cosmetic items.

"The only form of real money microtransactions Last Epoch will ever have are cosmetic, our currency for such is even named Cosmetic Points (CP) to emphasize this point. We will continually add in new exciting armor skins, skill effects, companion pets, and whatever else we dream up that can make your character visually more awesome and unique. No experience speed items, stat boost items, character boosts, or any other source of player power will be purchasable with real money. We do not believe in pay-to-win models."

They have a demo you can download now. Plays like a diablo/exile cross (not a bad thing)

They are available on Discord often throughout the day and answer questions faster than forum posting.

Core of game is developed already (as seen by demo), so not a vaporware KS promise.

They have a fleshed out blog about how the marketplace will work. While I won't explain it here, if it does interest you, read both the blog, then the comments for justification. It might require some tweaking but the overall idea makes sense for what they are aiming to do.

And finally important for me... no mention of Scam of the Avatar or Garriot or his DecietForce.
Aug 13, 2013
I don't really see how it stands out from other arpg but it looked clean. I also question $$ will fiance the development they planned. Do companies really make millions from cosmetic transactions ?
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Why are all generic MMOs recently trying to fake singleplayer games?
Apr 12, 2009
Do companies really make millions from cosmetic transactions ?

Yup. There are people in GW2 who spend $200/month on cosmetics for example (some spend even more). Your game only need 1000 of those to make $2.4 millions per year.

Some people just have way too much money…or very large debts.

Why are all generic MMOs recently trying to fake singleplayer games?

Because a very vocal minority on the internet (and financial analysts) makes it sound like gamers only care about multiplayer. Hell, I've seen people saying that Pathfinder Kingmaker wasn't going to be a good game because it didn't allow co-op play recently.
Oct 13, 2007
I didn't see a single-player offline option. Is there one?
Oct 18, 2006
Because a very vocal minority on the internet (and financial analysts) makes it sound like gamers only care about multiplayer. Hell, I've seen people saying that Pathfinder Kingmaker wasn't going to be a good game because it didn't allow co-op play recently.
You don't have to be a minority nor analyst to know that biggest money earners in past decade are WoW, LoL and MapleStory. All three are MMOs.
But also in past decade there were thousands of attempts to copy their success and all failed. Why is that so, don't ask me, but seems that worldwide executives believe mediocrity can dethrone the trio of "kings", one whould think CEOs are smarter than that but reality says different.

Erm… Yea, those three MMOs… It's PC products. Products playable without wasting hardearned cash on mushrooms garbage. Even the last MMO hit that could join the top if they don't stall with updates and more content, PUBG, is originally a PC game.
PC gaming is dead according to Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. And, of course, according to numerous kickstarter projects that just have to list all possible platforms out there.
Apr 12, 2009
Yeah not for me, either.

I didn't see a single-player offline option. Is there one?

Yes, according to their kickstarter pitch - doesn't sound like the priority though:

We know that many people really want to either play offline or online and not having your preferred play mode available could make a game unplayable. We want you to be able to play the way you want and with the people you want. We are building Last Epoch with cooperative and competitive online multiplayer, offline single, and LAN support. Form a party of up to five players online to take down the biggest baddest monsters in the timeline or face the terrors alone. The online experience will be crafted to prevent cheating of all sorts.
Apr 13, 2012
Why are all generic MMOs recently trying to fake singleplayer games?
Joxer there called Games as a service.

Link -
In video gaming, games as a service (abbreviated GaaS) represents providing video games or game content on a continuing revenue model, similar to software as a service. Games as a service are ways to monetize video games either after their initial sale, or to support a free-to-play model.
It's the cancer of gaming but it earns publishers good revenue. This trend is happening to more games that promise you can play single-player, but have to log-on to a server.

So no off-line SP playing, and a ton of cosmetic & expansion DLC.:greedy:
Oct 1, 2010
I probably won't pass, but I will wait and see. I love loot games and I think Exile was online too, but I played SP.
Oct 18, 2006
I probably won't pass, but I will wait and see. I love loot games and I think Exile was online too, but I played SP.
It's not SP if you have to log on to a server on line to play.:p
Oct 1, 2010
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