RPGWatch Feature - CivCraft Interview


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
We interviewed Arik Helman from Larkon Studio about CivCraft, which is currently on Kickstarter, after we were bribed with the promise of receiveing a bunch of keys. We are suckers for things like that, so here is the result.

RPGWatch: You explained the Espionage pack in one of the updates. What about the stretch goal following that the Arch-Mage pack. Can you shed more light on that goal?

Arik: The Arch Mage pack adds a whole new mechanism to CivCraft's magic abilities. This package allows you to develop one of the three mage type, to the point that you can destroy entire armies.​

The Arch Mage pack introduces the Green Mage, who can summon monsters, heal soldiers in battle and create his own golem army out of rocks or iron.

Another class is the blue mage, who can shield entire cities against siege weapons, harness the power of gravity to stop armies at their tracks, or teleport himself between key locations.

The most destructive class is the Red Mage. This class is the least versatile but the most powerful one, as a red mage can light entire fields on fire, summon meteorites and destroy a battalion with a single spell.

An Arch mage is not easy to master, as you will need special minerals, buildings and spell books to level yourself or your heroes. However, a high level Arch Mage can be more dangerous than the army that follows him.
P.S. Once we get the keys, we will have a raffle.

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Good comprehensive review Arik and Myrthos. You guys put in a lot of features already. Good luck with next stretch goals.
Oct 18, 2006
I didn't support the KS financially but they have my best wishes to succeed. One day this is a game I would love to try (after it is released).
Oct 3, 2014
Still on the fence on this one
Aug 13, 2013
My main worry about the game is how very ambitious it is. It seems you need to integrate a lot of systems, you want a huge world, lots of quests, different uses for different areas, et. That sounds great, but I'd think you'd need an AAA budget to pull that off so that all systems are top quality.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
My main worry about the game is how very ambitious it is. It seems you need to integrate a lot of systems, you want a huge world, lots of quests, different uses for different areas, et. That sounds great, but I'd think you'd need an AAA budget to pull that off so that all systems are top quality.

I had a big response to Arik but it logged me out while i was typing and it cleared it.
Forgottenlor pretty much sums it up. Your vision is amazing but that is a huge uphill battle to implement smoothly.
Aug 13, 2013
I had a big response to Arik but it logged me out while i was typing and it cleared it.
Forgottenlor pretty much sums it up. Your vision is amazing but that is a huge uphill battle to implement smoothly.

Ok, so i will respond both of you together :).
CivCraft indeed was an ambitious project but CivCraft has been in development for the past 3 years and is now in the Pre-alpha state, so you can already switch between kingdom management and going on adventures.
So we will send our backers a playable version only few weeks after our campaign ends(October). and the game will be published on steam only in a few month form now.

We dont have an AAA game budget, and we are not creating an AAA graphics game yet, but our focus is on a gameplay and combining all those features from different genres smoothly into CivCraft. That what we were doing those 3 years, and i must say, done it. :)
Jul 28, 2015
I look forward to the demo. I'm cautiously optimistic ☺
Hoping for the best.
Aug 13, 2013
I don't understand complaints about ambitious projects. Yes, I realize it's possible for devs to shoot too high and come up short. But, to me, this is what Kickstarter is all about. Do you really want to support derivative, uninspired concepts? Looking forward to another decade of Diablo clones? Not me. Glad to see you guys aiming high, and I've already backed your game.

I was a bit on the fence about the magic stretch goal, but that sounds pretty cool. Hope you guys hit it.
Sep 16, 2010
We hope we hit it.
Anyway all goal what we will not hit, they will be implemented also, but just in later versions
Jul 28, 2015
I don't understand complaints about ambitious projects. Yes, I realize it's possible for devs to shoot too high and come up short. But, to me, this is what Kickstarter is all about. Do you really want to support derivative, uninspired concepts? Looking forward to another decade of Diablo clones? Not me. Glad to see you guys aiming high, and I've already backed your game.

I was a bit on the fence about the magic stretch goal, but that sounds pretty cool. Hope you guys hit it.

You don't understand?

Well let me name some games for you: Black & White, Spore, and Fable (which actually wasn't bad, but simply not what was promised) All these games promised tons of systems, and they had them, but they were all much shallower than was promised. I've heard the same thing about Dragon Commander (which I haven't played, so I can't judge for myself). That's why I'm skeptical.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Here are names

All delivered in spades. Mixed genre games that showed what they want to do is possible. Maybe Rts games are not your forte and if it doesnt have dice rolls and turn based combat you believe it will automatically suck?
Myself and some others are looking forward to a high fantasy game that doesnt resemble a total annilation clone or worse a Blizzard starcraft abomination

Congrats on making the stealth pack and there are lots of believers out there. There are strategy games sites as well to get attention for your game.
Oct 18, 2006
Well the Spellforce games are some of the best mixed genre games I have played over the last ten years. So I agree with what redman5427 said in his post above.

Also I have been interested in this game since I first posted this project on the front-page when I was still news-editor. So keep up the good work Arik Helman.
Oct 1, 2010
I backed this early, since I really like the premise. There were often times in (for example) the Elder Scrolls games where I thought: "Okay, so now I am wealthy, powerfull, strong etc. , but how could these things be translated to a satisfing in-game experience?". There comes a point when owning rare armor or a house doesn't really have an impact anymore. Commanding an army or fighting alongside with it seems pretty cool. I loved Mount & Blade in this regard although the RPG-part could have been more fleshed out more. I really hope this game can deliver on this aspect. To me, the statement that the RPG-part is the game's core focus, was a signal the devs have their 'priorities set straight', at least from my subjective point of view. So, let's see how this turns out! Really hope we can reach some Gfx-related stretchgoals!
Nov 6, 2010
the Netherlands
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