RPGWatch - Official Game of the Decade Voting

Another question would be if you are to vote for a game at it's release state or a patched state.

For me, it is ‘release + 1 or 2 patches’. I like to play games I am excited about right away, so it used to be purely ‘as released’ ... though if major patches came through before I finished I would be forgiving.

But once about a month passes, and certainly 3 months, the game ‘Is what it is’. It is nice to get patches like that, but for me it is essentially like the VtM: Bloodlines community patches. Sure it is cool, but not really part of the game.

Which leads to the other thing for me - things like mods, community content, and so on ... simply do not exist as part of the ‘main game’. No way should they be considered in ‘scoring’ a game - sure you can give points for the ABILITY to mod, but not the impact of a mod on the game.
Oct 18, 2006
Can I vote for Skyrim twice?

I have many thoughts about this.

1) CRPGnut voted for it 10 times, so sure.

2) If you mean in separate PMs, then sure, bizorker has voted for his list three times, so two will be no skin of my back.

3) If we're talking alts then… well… let's just say that people who are choosing to vote via this method either as well as or instead of using their regular account are more likely to damage their cause than improve it as I still haven't decided if I'm going to be weighting votes by user-site interactivity yet ;)

And yes, I've already had one brand new account make a vote that looks exactly like how obvious site-regular XYZ would've voted even though they, inexplicably, haven't voted yet :D

4) Of all the games to want to vote twice for :D :

Nov 1, 2014
Aug 13, 2013
Not until you finish your own game. :p
Burn but in all serious I forget she was even working on a game. It's been so long.:biggrin:
Oct 1, 2010
Burn but in all serious I forget she was even working on a game. It's been so long.:biggrin:

Everything goes on hold, when one is instead tasked with raising future gamer minions! =) I'm confident good things will to those who wait :thumbsup:
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Well the normal routine for numbered lists is:

etc to

Or some variation thereof. The exact number is irrelevant, it's assumed the person is giving an even grade of decline when they are providing numbered lists without any clarification otherwise.
That's what I meant. I don't think there's a "normal routine" that everyone is aware of. I don't see a reason why it would be linear.
Imho it would have been better to annouce the routines before.
May 6, 2013
That's what I meant. I don't think there's a "normal routine" that everyone is aware of. I don't see a reason why it would be linear.
Imho it would have been better to annouce the routines before.

I'm afraid it's impossible for anyone to second guess what you might or might not be thinking, but, yes, numbered lists without further clarification are usually counted evenly, that's not even weird or something anyone else would second-guess about.

It is also extreme minutiae.

And yes, people are aware of what routines they are choosing when they vote, because they are voting exactly how they want to vote, not how they imagine Morrandir is thinking they are voting.

Which begs the question, why are you determined to find a reason to debase the legitimacy of the vote before it's even begun and before anyone even knows if numbering will even make any difference to the vote-count method anyway?

You previously posted that "if XYZ is going to be how it's counted then I'll probably change my vote" [paraphrase], which is possibly the reason why you're so intent in trying to establish the vote-count methodology: Because you seem to have imagined /assumed so much prior to voting, when the instructions were plain and evident to begin with:

Imagine your own personal Games of the Decade list and PM it to lackblogger.

If you're list changes dependent on the rules then I guess I can see why this instruction is so hard for you to come to terms with as this instruction is followed by the phrase "there are no rules".

So I don't think it's an issue with everyone else's end, I think the issue you have is one only you can solve for yourself, internally.

Can you find a way to not care about rules and just write a list of games that you particularly liked over the last decade? Can you manage that without having the need to specifically min/max each specific choice?
Nov 1, 2014
Which begs the question, why are you determined to find a reason to debase the legitimacy of the vote
I am not determined to find a reason to debase the legitimacy of the vote.

before it's even begun
Hmm? Why hasn't the vote begun? As far as I can see everyones already voting.

You previously posted that "if XYZ is going to be how it's counted then I'll probably change my vote" [paraphrase], which is possibly the reason why you're so intent in trying to establish the vote-count methodology: Because you seem to have imagined /assumed so much prior to voting, when the instructions were plain and evident to begin with:
The instrucions (or the explanations) were a little more than the sentence you quoted.

Can you find a way to not care about rules
Unfortunately no, I can't. :D I'm a numbers and algorithms guy, so that comes naturally and it's not possible to just stop it. But I can promise not to talk about it anymore. ;)

and just write a list of games that you particularly liked over the last decade?
I already did.

Can you manage that without having the need to specifically min/max each specific choice?
It's not my intention to forcefully maximize the chances of "my games" winning. I just want to give my voice in a correct way in that sense that it is perceived correctly.

But we got way too far into this. As posted before, I don't think it's a big deal. And as stated further up I'll keep my mouth shut about it.

Thanks again for your effort.
May 6, 2013
Not until you finish your own game. :p

Wow :) It'll be awhile, but I am working on it quite a bit lately, hope to post something in a not too distant future.

Maybe my goal should be to have nut like my game more than Skyrim? it would be even better than downvoting :D
Oct 25, 2006
A note about typos:

I've had several people vote for Wasteland 3.

I'm taking it upon myself to self-edit this to Wasteland 2. Hope no-one minds.
Nov 1, 2014
Nah, keep the W and the 3, they clearly meant Witcher 3. Yup. I'm pretty sure about that. 100%. No doubt.

May 18, 2012
That is definitely a possibility I thought about as well. Hmm, maybe I should message them back :uneasy:
Nov 1, 2014
Kingfinder: Pathmaker.
Dude, focus. It's Pathking: Findermaker.

Can't wait to play Pathfinder: Rights of the Wraiths, which is a story about ghostly creatures trying to find their place in Golarion's society.
Last edited:
May 6, 2013
Can't wait to play Pathfinder: Rights of the Wraiths, which is a story about ghostly creatures trying to find their place in Golarion's society.

I'd... I'd probably play the Hell out of that, to be honest. I mean, White Wolf did a game centered around the incorporeal undead, so why not tweak it a bit, place it in Golarion and bam: Pathfinder: Rights of Wraiths.
Jun 5, 2015
High, high up in the mountains of the southwestern
I'd… I'd probably play the Hell out of that, to be honest. I mean, White Wolf did a game centered around the incorporeal undead, so why not tweak it a bit, place it in Golarion and bam: Pathfinder: Rights of Wraiths.
Have you play Wraith the Oblivion? I only played Changelin the Dreaming once during a convention and it was cool, But Wraith looks awesome.

White Wolf made the best RPG...
Jul 27, 2018
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