15 Hours of Dead Island (pc)

Well, like Dhruin said, I guess it depends what kind of expectations you had. Mine were evidently much too high. :)

It seems to me you wanted something different, and I can appreciate that.

I'm not saying it's the best game ever or anything - but it's actually really fun if you're into that sort of thing.

But it's most definitely not the "serious" game that the original trailer suggested. But in my experience, the vast majority of trailers are hugely misleading - so I never really expected a serious game.

I read a few things about it in previews, and it seems to hold up to those promises as far as I can see.

But I am a little disappointed by the visuals and the technical state of the game. For some reason, I expected a visually impressive game - but it's only "ok" as far as I'm concerned.
But it's most definitely not the "serious" game that the original trailer suggested. But in my experience, the vast majority of trailers are hugely misleading - so I never really expected a serious game.

I think that's definitely part of it. It would appeal a lot more to me if it was more serious and especially more realistic. Of course I realize that "realistic" is an oxymoron when discussing a game that features reincarnated corpses trying to eat people. :)

Zombies aside, those realism issues destroy all plausibility to me, and I can't get immersed. Weapons break after just a few swings and then you fix them with money?? Death simply means watching a timer until you magically reapear with nothing to show except less cash?

Zombies respawning within minutes...in the exact same locations, and performing the exact same actions. Couldn't they have at least tried to randomize it a bit more? Then throw in level scaling on top of that.

I don't blame the game for those things though. I blame my own degree of analness. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Doesn't sound too appealing for me, although music is nice and trailer also. The only zombie game I'm looking forward to is Project Zomboid and Dead State current.
Sep 3, 2011
Too bad. I originally got "scared" when they started touting their multiplayer experience. Based on the comments so far, it sounds like I was justified.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
It literally took me 6 days to get this game to run…so this post is way late.

It's pretty damned fun once you get it working. Expectations are everything. I went into it hoping for Boiling Point with zombies and it gives that and more. Pretty much Boiling Point + Borderlands with zombies…and co-op (which I haven't tried).

I wish there was a demo (just "borrow" it and try it) because there's no way to tell really. You'll either love it or not. I love it. So far the flaws are so easily overlooked.

Oh, and if you bought this thinking it was an RPG and were disappointed yer kinda silly. Did you expect borderlands to be an rpg with characters you care about and a deep story? Surely not. This is an action/adventure/rpg....so you know...quests and loot & exploring. If you need more you won't find it here.
Oct 19, 2006
I had a marathon session last weekend. 40+ hours in three and a half-days. I just could not stop playing this dang game. It's got it's flaws and I think they should have concentrated on singleplayer instead of co-op, but still it's a lot of zombie crunching fun. A heck of a lot better than Left 4 Dead. Never liked that game.

Anyways, gotta cut this short, but don't expect a deep narrative or even a Fallout 3 style of game. It truly is a mix of Dead Rising, Borderlands and perhaps a dash of Left 4 Dead thrown.
Feb 3, 2007
Nice, thanks Skaven bro for your comments. I've got faith, but just too much of a backlog to in any good conscience buy a new game at full price. I just cant, it will curse my current gameplay which is WH40K: Soulstorm (love the Sisters) and Kohan II.

I dunno, a bit more gushing may eventually sway me. If all the cool kids are doing it, sometimes I cant resist. And that's why I have a huge backlog to begin with....
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
You might as well wait for the next patch (or two) anyway.

The save system is kinda borked. Where it puts you when you restart the game after quitting can be um...off. Needs the ability to save the game at will...or just fix the system it has.

You also cannot play in offline mode, you have to be connected to Steam. They've said this will be fixed but who knows. Right now even if you play in single player mode you will see people's Steam account names appear and ask if you want to join their games...which is rather annoying. All it does is make it so they don't see YOUR account name/game.

The weapon select/weapon inventory system is kinda whacked. I've mostly gotten used to it but it still needs to be tweaked. Just making it so the mousewheel changes thru all your carried weapons and not auto-equipping anything (ever)would be enough.

For me those are the only big flaws in the game (except for that whole took 6 days to get running thing). And I'm pretty sure those things will be patched.
Oct 19, 2006
I dunno, a bit more gushing may eventually sway me. If all the cool kids are doing it, sometimes I cant resist. And that's why I have a huge backlog to begin with….

I really can't gush over the game even though I couldn't stop playing the freaking thing. There are quite a few things wrong with it like Majnun said. For one, when you pick up alcohol it will sometimes switch out the weapon you are holding. Annoying little things like that that I can overlook because I've been dying to play a sandbox style zombpocalypse.

One thing I can say without a hint of regret is that the melee combat is freaking awesome. You can slice, bludgeon, explode, burn, electrify or stomp your way around the game. The weapons are nice and different even within the same catagories. Like my girl loves her some sharp weapons, but not all sharp weapons do exactly the same thing. For example an axe (or even a scythe) is more likely to chop off an arm than a knife or even a machete. There is one weapon I do not enjoy and that are guns. They are boring and hit exactly where you aim every time if you aim using ironsights. I can headshot my way past a horde or human opponents. Not human like in co-op, but human like not zombie :) If anyone wants a shooter then play L4Dead, but this is all about melee and throwing.

There are a ton of things wrong, but it doesn't matter to me. I just love going around surviving this hell on Earth with my chick who is so bad ass she walks around the sewers and in the jungle in high heels.

Around hour 20 I was starting to get a little bored with the game, but then I encountered the middle of town. That place was awesome. It threw everything at me and the kitchen sink. When I survived that place my adrenaline was pumping and I felt like I actually accomplished something. I go back there anytime I start getting a little bored again. Even the jungle is no comparison to the middle of town.

The main plot sucks big time, but I enjoy some of the sidequests. A lot of them are your usual "bring me blah blah blah", but a few of them are unique like when I had to drive around town to turn off some of the fire hydrants or putting up posters for this guy at the church.

Since you got a backlog I'd say wait until the price drops. I'm having a blast in this game, but I know it's not for everyone.

Edit: When you do get the game make sure you search everywhere in the jungle. There is an easter egg there that was great. A nice hat tip to a classic horror series.
Last edited:
Feb 3, 2007
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