
Keeper of the Watch
Staff Member
Since we've had the same poll on the front page for nearly 2 years now and the dominance of the dark style is now well and truly established (sorry not sorry, light side :sneaky:), it's high time for a new poll. So let's pool our poll (heh) ideas here and I'll pick one for a new poll.

Since the site poll currently only shows on the front page and in the polls forum, it probably makes sense for it to be at least broadly related to RPGWatch or a more general question, as opposed to something specific, limited to only a certain game (unless it's quite popular).

Also, we want to avoid repeats of polls already done, so check the past polls list that your idea isn't a repeat of what's already been asked not too long ago.
Something nerdy like favourite creature type? Dragons, Undead, Vermin etc.
I have a few ideas, that I'll put in separate posts. Two are general questions related to gaming, and one is directly related to the website so I'll start with that last one. It was actually a suggestion made by someone else, though it was diluted a larger post.

Is it important for you to have a completely ad-free RPGWatch website when/if enough donations allow it?
  • No, it's safer to only remove ads for contributors and keep them for everyone else
  • I don't really care either way
  • Yes, and I'm willing to make a small effort with the donations in the hope we reach that goal
  • Yes, but I won't change my donation habits
(multiple selections possible)

Are you concerned about the use of generative AI when making games?
  • Yes, it will decrease the quality of games
  • Yes, it will impact people's jobs and shift the industry
  • I don't have any opinion for or against it
  • No, it won't change anything
  • No, it will increase the quality of games
  • No, it will improve people's jobs

EDIT: There's already a related discussion that sprouted as an unwanted offspring in this thread. ;)
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My suggestion: Should we have stupid and politically loaded polls in a site about videogames, or should we make polls that unite more than divide?

Some options for answers could be:

- What do you mean, I love imposing how what I think is the only right way to think, and making sure everyone knows.
- Bring it on, the whole world and all the media are already stupid and politically loaded, why make our cute little hobby any different?
- Yes.
From what I understood, everything political, which is prone to controversy, was contained in member-only threads to satisfy some general rule about what can be public on a website. I'm not sure if it was only a wish to appear clean or if it was an actual rule (like a law), but it seemed to make a lot of sense either way.
Unless it's something specific to Dutch laws, I've never heard of any laws that prohibited public debate of political issues. Not in non-authoritarian countries, anyway. I vaguely recall reading somewhere that Myrthos hid the politics forum from the public so that people wouldn't sign up for those discussions, but I might be misremembering.

Personally, I'll take the chance of someone signing up for those discussions as we're so lean on new registrations that we really can't be overly picky at this point. So I've made the P, R & C forum public now.
Unless it's something specific to Dutch laws, I've never heard of any laws that prohibited public debate of political issues. Not in non-authoritarian countries, anyway. I vaguely recall reading somewhere that Myrthos hid the politics forum from the public so that people wouldn't sign up for those discussions, but I might be misremembering.

Personally, I'll take the chance of someone signing up for those discussions as we're so lean on new registrations that we really can't be overly picky at this point. So I've made the P, R & C forum public now.
The point was to not clog up the front newspage. So I believe Arhu suggested hiding it on the forums too as that was simplest solution.
There was a point when entering RPGWatch newspage was just Political discussion in the box

I like polls, there should be a daily poll. Or, at least a weekly poll or a monthly poll - but not polls that never change.
The point was to not clog up the front newspage. So I believe Arhu suggested hiding it on the forums too as that was simplest solution.
There was a point when entering RPGWatch newspage was just Political discussion in the box
The front page "Forum Watch" list is completely independent of whether the Politics forum is visible to unregistered users, though. So assuming that Myrthos excluded showing threads from the Politics forum in the Forum Watch list, they still won't show there now even though I made the forum public. Which would be a sensible compromise if the Politics forum was still very active, but at this point it's not really necessary...

@Redglyph is Belgian I believe. Belgium is a weird idiosyncratic country so - who knows ? :D
I meant Myrthos, since he was the owner of the site...
The front page "Forum Watch" list is completely independent of whether the Politics forum is visible to unregistered users, though. So assuming that Myrthos excluded showing threads from the Politics forum in the Forum Watch list, they still won't show there now even though I made the forum public. Which would be a sensible compromise if the Politics forum was still very active, but at this point it's not really necessary...
Ah ok, I thought they were tied together.
I meant Myrthos, since he was the owner of the site...
Ah, my bad. Belgium is still a weird country. I know - I'm Belgian too :D
Ah, my bad. Belgium is still a weird country. I know - I'm Belgian too :D
I won't contradict you, there. ;)

Maybe I was just misremembering or I misunderstood at the time. I think it was in a discussion with Eye, and something about those subforums being considered toxic enough to require an account to read them. It doesn't matter any more.
Which RPG you would like to see remastered?

What game length do you prefer for RPGs?

  • >10 hours
  • 10 to 30 hours
  • 30 hours to 50 hours
  • 50 hours to 100 hours
  • 100+ hours
Do you prefer playing a set protagonist or rolling your own character?

In party based RPGs, do you prefer premade companions or custom companions (mercenaries)?

  • Premade companion with full fledged story and dialogues
  • Premade companions with limited input (e.g. pawns from Dragon's Dogama or companions in Solasta)
  • Rolling custom companion (silent but with freedom to build them the way you want)
What difficulty do you play on?
  • Default
  • Lower than default
  • Higher than default
During character creation, do you make suboptimal choices for the sake of roleplaying?
  • Yes
  • No (Rollplay, baby!)
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