Looks great.
And it's another reason for me to buy a new PC ... :movingon:
Today, we’re happy to share our year one roadmap will you all! These updates are aimed to provide players with a variety of content for the War Games game mode
such as new challenges, artifacts, classes, systems, maps and playable factions.

Here’s what you have to look forward to in the year after launch:
  • June Free Content Drop:
    New challenges and artifacts.
  • July Paid DLC:
    New playable faction, new faction-starting fleets, artifacts and faction emblem
  • August Free Content Drop:
    New challenges, new artifacts and new map & system.
  • October Paid DLC:
    New playable faction, new faction-starting fleets and faction emblem
  • Fourth Quarter Free Content Drop:
    New challenges, map and more new content.
Our free content drops will be available for all owners of
Homeworld 3, and feature new challenges, artifacts, maps, and systems! We will have more information on the contents of each drop closer to their release dates!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQHtZksZu6Y
We spoke to Homeworld fans from different parts of the world to talk about how Homeworld has influenced them. For many, Homeworld is more than just a game, it’s a movement that has forged many amazing paths forward.
Hear their real-life stories and get an exclusive look into the artwork of Paul Chadeisson that has been featured as the cover art for Homeworld 3 and more.
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Correct the fleet command from the first two games is listed as lost in space. Looks like a relative has taken the place of the fleet command in Homeworld 3. Thanks game Wiki.
They could've had the narrative context for why it's changed and also had a new solid voice.
It's not the same fleet. I think that should be enough context as to why the mothership might sound different. ;)

I can't comment about the voice quality, as it's been so long since I played the original that I don't quite remember what it sounded like.
It's not the same fleet. I think that should be enough context as to why the mothership might sound different. ;)

I can't comment about the voice quality, as it's been so long since I played the original that I don't quite remember what it sounded like.
I'm only speaking to the quality of the voice. It sounds way too low energy.
The original: (right at the start of the video, and at a bunch of moments in the actual gameplay portion)
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9E5wlDaUJ8

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngfMYhdGkZk&t=39s
I just thought of that album by Yes , "The Ladder" , which has the original title song ...
I looked over the reviews. I think I might be fine with the game.
Some are complaining about dumbed down mechanics (I rare have an issue with that in rts games). From the 15 min I played of it it seemedd to me more or less Homeworld.
Then there's some complaining about Denuvo
Then there's some complaining about the campaign. That's generally very much in the eye of the beholder. Maybe I'll enjoy it, maybe not. I do hear they went more towards character drama, so that does have a higher risk of hit or miss.

Graphically and audio-wise it looks great, and most are confirming that. I'll see when I get to it, in about months to maybe even years, since there's quite a few games coming out.
It's the EULA that catches my eye the most. I don't know if what people are saying is 100% accurate, but it's somewhat alarming if it is.

Admittedly, I don't pay much attention to EULAs, so I don't know what the norm is, but that seems like a lot of information.
I've also been looking over some reviews and the stuff people are complaining about sounds pretty alarming.
Some are things that HW2 apparently introduced, but HW3 kinda dropped and went back to what HW1 did.
Other things they're saying are even more streamlined and simplified than even in HW1.
It's very all over the place and very minute gameplay and mechanical complaints. There's really no use just going through them all, for myself at least.

I'll get to it when I do, and I'll try to enjoy it and see how I feel about it.
I have noticed that sometimes there's a very passionate vocal minority that cares about a lot of things deeply, and they tend to bring up everything.
So, it's no use doing that to myself. Even if it is worst than the previous games, I'm really not doing myself a favor by focusing on that. It's in my best interest to not obsess over stuff and just try to enjoy to it when I get to it.
Professional reviews are a mixed bad as well. 🤷‍♂️

It's what I expected given it's a different developer.