Skyrim - Thieves Guild #5 @ Twenty Sided

Whole Skyrim doesn’t make sense with bandits contributing around 90% of world population and all of them being literate, hell, playing games doesn’t make sense at all if you are so bent on picking them apart and comparing to real life.
Aug 18, 2009
Whole Skyrim doesn’t make sense with bandits contributing around 90% of world population and all of them being literate, hell, playing games doesn’t make sense at all if you are so bent on picking them apart and comparing to real life.

Your damn right !
One of the reasons that morrowind is a whole lot better. Too bad i cant play it since the release identification letter contains no text and i cant seem to find the problem (video or mod related ?) (using overhaul 2.0).
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Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
i have little patience for serial complainers who look for attention by producing a 5 part series on something they hate. thx for the info.
Jun 30, 2011
Lots of butthurt in this thread.

I don't care that much for Shamus' writing in particular but it's not like these observations are off or wrong. Why the negativity?

It's OK to point out crappy stuff in Skyrim. In fact, one can still like the game!
Aug 16, 2008

Why the negativity?

It's OK to point out crappy stuff in Skyrim. In fact, one can still like the game!

Recommend you pose your "negativity" query to Shameless Shamus.

As to pointing out what you call "crappy stuff", that's one thing. (BTW, one could easily do that with numerous games, articles, and comments. Shameless, you list'n Dude? Or how 'bout "crappy stuff" for apt description?). Thing is, making a career from bloated nitpicking doesn't normally win a lot of friends outside the nitpicking circle.

Bottom line, Sham's five part 'critique' is a wee bit over the top.

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You complainers seem to have mistaken this piece of excellent nitpicking for some sort of review of the game. It's obviously not intended as such.

Agreed, it is bloated and over the top. But it's also spot on more often than not and quite entertaining.

And perhaps Shamus Young is making a veiled pitch to game companies; maybe the real message between the lines is that he could do a much better job himself. I don't mind. And Bethesda could probably do worse than hiring him as a writer for the next game in the series.

As insanely expensive as it is to make a game like Skyrim, or a "blockbuster" action movie for that matter, I'm amazed that companies settle for less than excellent writing before pouring money into other aspects of production. After all, words are cheap.
Oct 19, 2011
It's almost like a really long attempt at trolling.

You should try to get your view of reality adjusted: "Writing something that I don't like" is NOT the definition of trolling.

Anyway, I also don't get the problem: Shamus found many problems in the logic of the thieves guild questline and pointed them out. So what? Don't kill the messenger. I really liked Skyrim and spent around 180 hours playing it - and I can still agree with many of the points he raises.
Oct 22, 2010
Berlin, Germany
He could have written this about any game. I guess he used skyrim to generate hits.

Why use real world logic in a fantasy world?

Maybe they age really slowly in skyrim and 25 yrs wouldn't seem so long for a plan and that would also explain why the thieves guild members seem so young but still know about karliah. Maybe gallus was paranoid and that's why he wrote his journal in falmer. Maybe people in skyrim are naive and impulsive and that's why they believed karliah and the journal right away. Maybe people in skyrim just aren't that smart in skyrim, they do repeat themselves over and over again. They will marry a complete stranger because they did a favor for them.

It's just as easy to rationalize and use your imagination to fill plot holes as it is to tear it apart. Obviously negativity generates hits so shame us took the easy route.
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