Spoony reviews Ultima 9: Ascension


Okay, now roll sanity.
October 26, 2006
Oct 26, 2006
So the obvious question is… why would he keep the game around if he hates it? Methinks he doth protest too much!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
He has, thus far, not complained about the game itself, just the story and its many many inconsistencies. Ultima 9 is a decent enough game, but a bad sequel
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
I never understood all the hate for U9, but then I was never a big fan of the series either.

That's the key. If it had been labeled something else (and set elsewhere), it would have be received as a mediocre game with a lot of bugs. Nothing more, nothing less.

But it was Ultima, and it was the LAST Ultima, and there was very little 'Ultima' about it. It also really ignored a lot of the prior history of the game world (granted each game had inconsistencies from previous ones, but U9 went way overboard).

It's like being really thirsty for a soda and buying a Coke, only to pop it open, take a swig and its Sprite. Sprite isn't a bad drink, but maybe its not your favorite and it definitely wasn't what you were expecting.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
It's like being really thirsty for a soda and buying a Coke, only to pop it open, take a swig and its Sprite. Sprite isn't a bad drink, but maybe its not your favorite and it definitely wasn't what you were expecting.

Well at least it wasn't Pepsi. ;)

I completely understand where you're coming from though. I've only played through U3 and parts of some of the other titles. I don't qualify as an Ultima fan, although I do think U7 was an amazing achievement for its time.

I do hope to finish U7 and U9 someday. I really like the atmosphere in Ascension, and my lack of familiarity with the canon lore makes it all the more interesting to me.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I started Ascension finally last year after chronologically going through the entire series after a number of years. I detailed some of my adventures from the mid-tail end of U8 and into the starting dungeon or so of Ascension in a couple of threads on the Watch.
After running into a bug where a quest didn't finish correctly, unfortunately my enthusiasm died somewhat and I haven't been back to it.
However, it's definitely on my list of games to get back into and persist with, as I love the series.
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Jul 12, 2009
A question out of curiosity. Is there anyone here who has finished the game?
Feb 19, 2011
No...Because I dropped a key item in a dungeon destroyed after finishing it.

Rage quit, my first and only one.
Jan 13, 2009
I started Ascension finally last year after chronologically going through the entire series after a number of years. I detailed some of my adventures from the mid-tail end of U8 and into the starting dungeon or so of Ascension in a couple of threads on the Watch.
After running into a bug where a quest didn't finish correctly, unfortunately my enthusiasm died somewhat and I haven't been back to it.
However, it's definitely on my list of games to get back into and persist with, as I love the series.

A question out of curiosity. Is there anyone here who has finished the game?

I played 3-7p2 (including the WoU spin offs) religiously. Couldn't get 8 to run at first and when I finally did, it didn't hold my interest. Same with 9 when it first came out.

I had a bought of unemployment in 2001-2002 and decided to go back and replay some old games. I tired Exult, but never got into it. I replayed U4 and I think I beat it in about 10 hours. I loaded up 1, knocked it out in 4 hours. Tried 2, but it didn't hold my attention. I had replayed a remake of 3 in college on a Mac, so I skipped it. I thought about giving 9 a try again, but never did. Same with 8.

Finally a few years ago, I came across Lazarus. After playing through that, I NEEDED more Ultima. I decided it was finally time play U9. No more hardware issues and with the unofficial patch and community dialogue patch, figured this was as good as it was going to get.

At first, I enjoyed it. Seeing Britannia in 3D was really cool. To this day, I do not think I have seen a sunset done as well. Quickly though I began to notice the complaints people had, the empty feeling of the world, the action orientedness of it. Still, it was enjoyable.

I'm not sure exactly at what point that changed, but I'd say it was around 2/3 the way through. It just was no longer enjoyable. It was tedious and it lacked all the things I liked about Ultima. Still, I fought my way through it. After playing Ultima's for 15 years, then looking back with skewed fondness for the last decade, I felt like I needed the closure that the end of the series would bring.

I was wrong. By the end, it was not just unenjoyable, I actually was getting angry at the end of my gaming sessions. Still I was waiting for that final payoff.

Then I got to the end, and it was just a huge let down. I can't even say exactly what about it was such a huge letdown, maybe it was just the buildup of all the let down (The way they redid Jehlom for instance really aggravated me. Every time I would go to a 'new' area, I'd expect something resembling the old Ultima and just end up disgusted), but it was deflating.

My wife said she noticed a very visible change in demeanor those last few days. She just avoided me. I've NEVER had a game get to me that way before (to be fair I usually just stop playing).

When it was over, I finally just reloaded BG1&2 and played them straight through over a couple weeks to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
He goes a bit over the top with the outrage. But he's right about all the inconsistencies. But I'd personally rather replay U9 than U8.
Oct 18, 2006
U8 and U2 are the only ones I have not finished. I think I'm going to hit U8 shortly. I may end up relying heavily on a walk-through just to get through, but I want to just do it and get it done.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
The hate ppl don't know or don't remember about U9 was actually about bugs. Among buyers, the game was called Ultima:Bugscension. No game before that one had so many annoying critters in it and instead of not doing the same thing to players, game designers/publishers became even worse later. Bugs, bugs and more bugs. Ironically instead of a stopper, Ascension was a starter of the trend.
Apr 12, 2009
Ironically instead of a stopper, Ascension was a starter of the trend.

I get your point. But computer games, particularly PC games, have had bugs, small and large, going all the way back at least to my beginnings, which was first a TRS-80 and second an IBM 8088.

As games got larger and more complex, the quantity of bugs has increased. But there were always bugs in every single computer game I've ever played. Even Infocom games had bugs.

At least with the internet getting fixes is a lot easier now.
Oct 18, 2006
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